Developers, follow these instructions when you begin working:
- Check Slack messages from the last time you worked.
- Check the GitHub repository:
- Check the main branch for any new commits.
- Check the GitHub repository for any open pull requests.
- Review and approve/reject any pull requests you can.
- Comment and reject PRs with a low barrier if you don't understand the reasoning behind a change. This way information is spread among more team members.
- Pull the latest changes to your local repository's main branch and the development branch(es) you are working on.
- Check the sprint tasks and pick a task from the current sprint to work on.
- Click the task, then "assign yourself" in the top-right of the popup.
- Create a feature branch for the task you are working on (git checkout -b <branch-name>).
- When you push the branch for the first time, create the branch on GitHub with (git push origin <branch-name>:<branch-name>).
- Push your changes to the development branch (git push origin <branch-name>).
- Create a pull request from the development branch to the main branch.
- Add a description of the changes you made.
- Add a link to the task in the description.
- Send a message to #dev Slack channel to have someone review your PR.
- Update the task in the sprint board:
- Set the task to "Done".
- Mark used hours in "Time spent"
- Push your changes to the development branch (git push origin ).
- If you want to share your unfinished progress, create a DRAFT pull request (submenu next to the green pull request button) to prevent anyone from merging it.
- Approve the pull request if it is ready to be merged.
- Merge the pull request to the main branch.
- Delete the feature branch.
- Set the task to "Approved" in the sprint board.