Support edge and node insertion and deletion, BFS, SCC, and DFS(for SCC)
Compile with main.cpp
or main2.cpp
to simulate different scenarios.
Corresponding sample output is in main_output.txt
g++ *.cpp -o main
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./main
./main > out2.txt
- Nodes in doubly-linked list
- For each node stores the outgoing neighbours, (left child right sibling)
- Additional info in each class
- unsigned Get_out_Degree() const - O(#degrees)
- unsigned Get_in_Degree() const - O(#degrees)
- unsigned Get_key() const - O(1)
- Rooted_Tree() - O(1)
- ~Rooted_Tree() - O(#nodes)
- void Print_By_Layer(std::ostream& stream) const - O(#nodes)
- void Preorder_Print(std::ostream& stream) const - No req.
- Dynamic_Graph() - O(1)
- ~Dynamic_Graph() - O(#nodes + #edges)
- Graph_Node* Insert_Node(unsigned node_key) - O(1)
- void Delete_Node(Graph_Node* node) - O(1)
- Graph_Edge* Insert_Edge(Graph_Node* from, Graph_Node* to) - O(1)
- void Delete_Edge(Graph_Edge* edge) - O(1)
- Rooted_Tree* SCC() const - O(#nodes + #edges)
- Rooted_Tree* BFS(Graph_Node* source) const - O(#nodes + #edges)