- Adds a link section to the issue PDF. [href]
- Fixes print only option not being saved when editing unrestricted. [msom]
- Searches also in notes of notices. [msom]
- Removes legacy sentry parameter. [msom]
- Enables sentry in CLI commands. [msom]
- Replaces Raven JS with Sentry. [msom]
- Adds a note to notices for publishers for when editing unrestricted. [msom]
- Fixes unrestricted edit notice form trying to edit deleted users. [msom]
- Fixes unrestricted edit notice form not saving some values. [msom]
- Requires real input in notice form fields. [msom]
- Uses yamls safe load function. [msom]
- Adjusts PDFs introductory paragraphs. [msom]
- Uses latest onegov.form. [msom]
- Fixes tests. [msom]
- Enables unrestricted editing for publishers. [msom]
- Allows to search notices by deleted users and groups. [msom]
- Allows to use a SVG header logo in the issue PDF. [msom]
- Uses a separate issue PDF for the print only notices. [msom]
- Fixes the additional filters legend styling on Firefox. [msom]
- Allows to filter by categories and organizations. [msom]
- Allows to filter notices which has been processed by the logged-in user. [msom]
- Adds a dropdown to filter for a specific issue. [msom]
- Adds a shortcut to filter for the current issue. [msom]
- Shows more notices per page. [msom]
- Fixes notice form trying to set phone numbers of non-existing users. [msom]
- Fixes export of organizations not being in order. [msom]
- Allows to publish imported SOGC notices on the same date. [msom]
- Uses the latest onegov.form. [msom]
- Uses a widget to translate the multi checkbox fields. [msom]
- Fixes tests failing with latest click release. [href]
- Allows publishers to delete accepted notices. [msom]
- Adds phone numbers to users. [msom]
- Allows publishers to manage groups and editors. [msom]
- Shows the email address of the owner in the details view of a notice. [msom]
- Fixes test. [msom]
- Uses a custom CSRF expired error message. [msom]
- Adds IE 11 compatibility. [msom]
- Fixes tab menu dropdown styling. [msom]
- Fixes inactive categories and organizations not striked-through. [msom]
- Requires the user to provide a billing address if liable to pay costs. [msom]
- Adds PDF previews of notices. [msom]
- Adds PDF index. [msom]
- Don't send accept mails for imported notices. [msom]
- Fixes SOGC configuration testing. [msom]
- Removes unnecessary SOGC login. [msom]
- Fixes throwing an error on unexpected principal configuration options. [msom]
- Adds SOGC import. [msom]
- Reorganizes the backend menu. [msom]
- Adds import/export for issues, categories and organizations. [msom]
- Improves the archive view. [msom]
- Removes fastclick. [msom]
- Fixes quill editor does not focus on click. [msom]
- Add compatibility with wtforms 2.2. [msom]
- Adds an option for disabling publishing. [msom]
- Resizes chosen responsively. [msom]
- Adds compatibility with latest onegov.core release. [href]
- Adds the number of rejections by user to the statistics. [msom]
- Updates translation. [msom]
- Hides print only option for editors. [msom]
- Adjusts texts/translations. [msom]
- Adjusts the publish mail. [msom]
- Let the rich text editor grow when needed. [msom]
- Remember notice filter settings when changing states. [msom]
- Makes the rich text editor bigger. [msom]
- Fixes collection filters not used in pagination. [msom]
- Fixes PDF attachments not displayed in browser. [msom]
- Adds some help texts to the notice form. [msom]
- Allows to search by notice id. [msom]
- Limits the title of a notice to 60 characters. [msom]
- Splits e-mails into transactional/marketing. [href]
- Makes the author name a multi line text field. [msom]
- Adds some help texts to the notice form. [msom]
- Changes layout of print only and at cost options. [msom]
- Adds author fields (name, date, place) to notices. [msom]
- Fixes label of rich text editor fields not visible. [msom]
- Shows print only options only to publishers. [msom]
- Print only is always disabled when copying notices. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Assigns publication numbers when publishing the issue. [msom]
- Fixes print only option not set when creating a new notice. [msom]
- Fixes handling of whitespace in the PDF. [msom]
- Adds a print only option to notices. [msom]
- Includes attachments in PDFs. [msom]
- Fixes handling of whitespace in the PDF. [msom]
- Improves the readability of the PDF layout. [msom]
- Requires Python 3.6. [href]
- Allows to publish notices and to generate weekly PDFs. [msom]
- Fixes mails with attachments. [msom]
- Adds changelog entries when editing attachments. [msom]
- Adds attachments to notices. [msom]
- Cleanup code. [msom]
- Adds billing address to notices. [msom]
- Updates translation. [msom]
- Uses a bigger reject comment field. [msom]
- Adds missing title slot. [msom]
- Allows publishers to manage organizations and categories. [msom]
- Fixes failing test. [msom]
- Order parents in organization form by their order. [msom]
- Fixes setting the initial external ID of an organization. [msom]
- Fixes sorting of sub-organizations. [msom]
- Uses a chosen select for parent organizations. [msom]
- Fixes setting the initial ID of a category or organization. [msom]
- Checks the category and organization before submitting and accepting notices. [msom]
- Displays a warning when editing a notice with an invalid category or organization. [msom]
- Uses an external organization name for accepted mails instead of the name. [msom]
- Allows to manage categories, organizations and issues. [msom]
- Adds an unrestricted edit view for admins.
- Skips failing test. [href]
- Fixes initialization of fields. [msom]
- Uses latest onegov.quill release. [msom]
- Adds a notice modified message. [msom]
- Changes the order of the items in the admin menu. [msom]
- Always shows the first and last pagination element. [msom]
- Uses the HSTORES for category and organization ID from the latest onegov.notice. [msom]
- Fixes redirects for various views. [msom]
- Fixes typo. [msom]
- Adds an XLSX export of all publishers and editors. [msom]
- Adds a configurable help link. [msom]
- Updates the subject of the publish mail. [msom]
- Updates RavenJs to 3.19.1. [msom]
- Adds a script to import members. [msom]
- Allows to sort notices by group and user names. [msom]
- Allows to filter notices by categories, organizations, group names and user names. [msom]
- Adds session managment for users. [msom]
- Orders the list of users by email. [msom]
- Updates RavenJs to 3.18.1. [msom]
- Fixes rejecting a notice of a deleted user throwing an error. [msom]
- Allows publishers to edit, submit and delete any notice. [msom]
- Allows publishers to manage issues past the deadline [msom]
- Checks the deadlines/issue dates before submitting and accepting notices. [msom]
- Shows a warning in the edit notice view in case of past or overdue issues. [msom]
- Uses warnings instead of callouts in forms. [msom]
- Fixes dashboard warnings. [msom]
- Assume issue dates and times to be UTC. [msom]
- Suppresses the IE/Edge popup when closing the preview. [msom]
- Exports statistics as XLSX instead of CSV. [msom]
- Updates chosen to 1.8.2. [msom]
- Configures chosen to search within words, too. [msom]
- Patches the chosen library to fix searching for non-ascii characters. [msom]
- Fixes reset password link not working when creating users with groups. [msom]
- Improves print styles. [msom]
- Improves styles for IE. [msom]
- Adds a link to the rejected notice in the rejected email. [msom]
- Redirects to the manage notices view when working with notices. [msom]
- Redirects to the login screen after setting the password. [msom]
- Sends directly the password reset link when creating a user. [msom]
- Adds a user name validator. [msom]
- Updates translation. [msom]
- Requires to select an organization when adding a notice. [msom]
- Doesn't use italic in the editor. [msom]
- Uses latest onegov.quill release. [msom]
- Uses quill editor instead of redactor. [msom]
- Fixes chosen sprites. [msom]
- Adds a close button to the preview. [msom]
- Allows publishers to add notices. [msom]
- Fixes clear search/dates view. [msom]
- Shows the preview in a separate window. [msom]
- Fixes test failing due to changes in the memory backend. [msom]
- Adjusts email texts. [msom]
- Adjusts dashboard warnings. [msom]
- Orders issues by issue year/number. [msom]
- Allows to set a reply to address when publishing. [msom]
- Reorders meta data column in notice detail view. [msom]
- Allows ordered and unordered lists in the editor. [msom]
- Allows to fold issues after unfolding again. [msom]
- Removes the principal name below the logo. [msom]
- Allows to filter notices by date. [msom]
- Shows state filters on notices view. [msom]
- Translates chosen strings. [msom]
- Moves the login/logout links to the top right. [msom]
- Adds an option to indicate if one needs to pay to publish a specific notice. [msom]
- Adds a print button to the preview. [msom]
- Shows the publisher menu entries for the admin as well. [msom]
- Fixes delete icon on user managemenet view. [msom]
- Fixes ordering by first issue. [msom]
- Shows the name of the logged-in user. [msom]
- Reduces the font size of the title in the preview. [msom]
- Omits the emails on publishing. [msom]
- Sends an email when creating a user. [msom]
- Adds statistics to the menu. [msom]
- Adds a state filter to the statistics. [msom]
- Shows the weekday in the add/edit notice form. [msom]
- Adds comments for rejecting notices. [msom]
- Sanitizes HTML much stricter. [msom]
- Allows to delete users with official notices. [msom]
- Allows to filter notices by a search term. [msom]
- Allows admins to delete submitted and published notices. [msom]
- Adds organizations to notices. [msom]
- Removes hierarchy from categories. [msom]
- Allows to order notices. [msom]
- Adds filters for organizations and categories to the edit/create notice views. [msom]
- Allows to show the later issues in the edit/create notice views, too. [msom]
- Adds deadlines to issues. [msom]
- Adds date filters to statistices. [msom]
- Adds an accepted state. [msom]
- Caches the user and group name on notices in case they get deleted. [msom]
- Caches the user name on notice changes in case they get deleted. [msom]
- Shows notices for the same group. [msom]
- Switches from onegov.testing to onegov_testing. [href]
- Add github deploy key. [msom]
- Sends emails on publish/reject. [msom]
- Adds a copy option. [msom]
- Adds statistics views. [msom]
- Adds a preview view. [msom]
- Initial Release. [msom]