Fetch gallery photos and videos.
Permission requerid:
You can use PhotoKit Permission
import { PhotoKit } from 'react-native-jjkit'
var mediaQuery =
"image" // gif and photo
"video" // video
"video_gif" // video and gif
"video_photo" // video and photo
"all" // image and video
// default value null , empty,undefined (all albums)
var names = ["Pictures","Camera roll","WhatsApp","Whats App","whats app images"]
var names = ["Pictures"] // one Album
//limit : Constrains the maximum number of rows returned , default value -1
const limit = 100
// offset: the number of rows to skip , default value -1
const offet = 50
const query = {
query: mediaQuery,
names: names,
limit: limit ,
offset: offset,
android -> date added DESC
ios -> modification Date DESC
//fetches albums and medias
PhotoKit.fetch(query).then(res => {
console.log("albums: ",res.albums)
console.log("Images/Videos: ",res.media)
//only fetches albums
PhotoKit.fetchAlbums(mediaQuery).then(res => {
console.log("albums: ",res)
Preview: Use ImageListView or -> Image with a list like recyclerListView
key | description | type |
id | album id | Number |
name | album name | String |
count | the number of elements | Number |
uri | Path to the file, album cover | String |
mediaType | "video" - "image" - "gif" | String |
key | description | type |
albumId | the album id, identifier | Number |
albumName | the album name | String |
displayName | The display name of the file | String |
uri | Path to the file | String |
mediaType | "video" - "image" - "gif" | String |
date | android(Date added) ios(Modification Date) | Number |
duration | the playback duration of the data source in seconds | Number |
height | The height of the image/video in pixels. | Number |
width | The width of the image/video in pixels. | Number |
byte array encoded to base64 String
Warn: Maybe freeze with debug.
import { PhotoKit } from 'react-native-jjkit'
PhotoKit.requestRaw(media.uri).then(base64String => {
console.log("result : ",base64String)
import { PhotoKit } from 'react-native-jjkit'
let request = {
uri: media.uri,
width: 1280,
height: 1280,
quality : 0.8, //0.0 to 1 just jpeg
resizeMode: 'contain', //contain or cover
format : 'jpeg' // jpeg or png
.then(base64String => {
console.log("result : ",base64String)