You have the right to use internet, but do not communicate with others in the class.
Question 1 (2,5 pts): Write a command for modifiying html files of the current directory and its subfolder. You will change 3.0.0-beta5 string into 3.0.0-beta6 string in all these files.
Question 2 (2,5 pts): Create a command sum the number of lines of files in the current directory
Example output :
benwa@horizon ~/Documents/linagora/open-up/s01/e08 (git)-[master] % ./
Send the commands you wrote by mail to [email protected]. Specify your name.
- Question 1 (2 pts) : Create a read-only ext4 filesystem on top of a file (you can refer to s01_e07). Use devile /dev/loop0. Mount it in /mnt/ro
- Question 2 (2 pts) : Create a 128 MB filesystem based on tmpfs. Mount it in /mnt/tmpfs
- Question 3 (1 pts) : Show the mounted filesystems
Call the instructors for validation.
You will write a script to help me to classify some documents.
We will write here the ./ script
- Question 1 (1 pt) : write a script that creates the folders java and c_plus_plus in the current directory
- Question 2 (1 pt) : modify the script so that you can run it twice without errors
- Question 3 (5 pt) : Complete the script. It should move the files containing the word "java" insice the java folder. It should move the files with the world "c_plus_plus" into the c_plus_plus folder.
- Question 4 (3 pt) : Add a recursive option (-R flag). If present, your script should move files of subdirectoris containing the word "java" into ./java. Same thing for "c_plus_plus"
Send your script by mail to [email protected] . Specify your name.