🏗️Under construction.🏗️ If you'd like to help feel free to send a PR or join the Dicsord. More info on OpenAttribution.dev.
To have a fully functional SDK which can be used to track and attribute installs, events and revenue for iOS back to an OpenAttribution server.
- Library installable via Cocoapods (? is this the right approach?) or other dependency manager for mac/ios
- user input server endpoint ie
- event tracking with params
- documentation for how to use and next steps
You can get the latest version of OpenAttribution's (Android SDK from Maven Central)[https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/dev.openattribution/open-attribution-sdk]
dependencies {
// rest of your dependencies
import android.app.Application
import dev.openattribution.sdk.OpenAttribution
class MyApplication : Application() {
private lateinit var openAttribution: OpenAttribution
override fun onCreate() {
// Initialize the OpenAttribution SDK, replace with your domain
openAttribution = OpenAttribution.initialize(this, "https://demo.openattribution.dev")
- Basic app_open tracking and attributing
- Basic event tracking
- Basic revenue tracking
These are very loosely defined in: https://github.com/OpenAttribution/Open-Attribution/blob/main/apps/postback-api/config/dimensions.py
# In App key values
APP_EVENT_UID = "event_uid" # UUID4, unique per tracking call
APP_EVENT_ID = "event_id" # app_open, event_name
APP_EVENT_TIME = "event_time" # epoch timestamp in ms
APP_EVENT_REV = "revenue" # not sure if this is float or string
APP_OA_USER_ID = "oa_uid" # UUID4, unique per user