The UI project aims to build a modern web user interface for most used OpenIG scenarios, making complex tasks easier to perform.
- Apache Maven (Pull all NodeJS dependencies from NPM)
- Grunt CLI (If you intend to execute grunt from the command line)
OpenIG UI uses Maven as a build orchestrator to download dependencies, and then delegate to grunt/npm for dedicated JavaScript build tasks.
>$ mvn clean install
Scanning for projects...
Building OpenIG User Interface 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Running "requirejs:compile" (requirejs) task
Done, without errors.
Total time: 27.323 s
Finished at: 2016-06-24T17:17:31+02:00
Final Memory: 18M/59M
This is as simple as:
>$ grunt web
Running "sync:source" (sync) task
Updating file target/www/config/process/CommonConfig.js
Updating file target/www/config/routes/CommonRoutesConfig.js
Updating file target/www/main.js
Running "sync:test" (sync) task
Copying src/test/js/config.js -> target/test/config.js
Copying src/test/js/run.js -> target/test/run.js
Creating target/test/tests
Copying src/test/js/tests/OpenIGValidatorsTests.js -> target/test/tests/OpenIGValidatorsTests.js
Copying src/test/js/tests/getLoggedUser.js -> target/test/tests/getLoggedUser.js
Copying src/test/resources/qunit.html -> target/test/qunit.html
Running "less:compile" (less) task
File target/www/css/structure.css created
File target/www/css/theme.css created
Running "serve" task
Server is running on port 9000...
Press CTRL+C at any time to terminate it.
As you may expect, just go to http://localhost:9000 to try the application.
You'll be prompted for credentials; please use test:test
and click "Login".