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147 lines (107 loc) · 7.17 KB

FL Aggregator


1. Install the app

syftbox app install OpenMined/fl_aggregator

2. Agree on who will aggregate and who will participate In this example, we'll have


  • Aggregator must decide and implement the model architecture, in this example it's implemented in
  • Aggregator will also provide a seed model weights which will be fine-tuned by each participant.

3. Setup the FL config

Based on the above, we create/edit fl_config.json to configure our federated learning flow
The Sample files could be found in apis/fl_aggregator/samples

    "project_name": "MNIST_FL",
    "aggregator": "[email protected]",
    "participants": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "rounds": 3,
    "model_arch": "",
    "model_weight": "",
    "epoch": 10,
    "learning_rate": 0.1

4. Kickstart FL

  1. To start the FL training, we must copy the following files to datasites/<aggregator_email>/api_data/fl_aggregator/launch directory:
  • fl_config.json

You could copy these files from the samples directory which is present in apis/fl_aggregator/samples/launch_config

  1. Copy the test dataset to private/fl_aggregator (this directory is present in the root folder of syftbox) The samples test dataset could be found in apis/fl_aggregator/samples/test_data

If this directory isn't available, either run the syftbox client with fl_aggregator app installed OR create it manually.


  • Visit the aggregator's dashboard to monitor the FL progress which is available at http://server_url/datasites/<aggregator_email>/fl/<project_name>/

The server_url depends on which the server the client is running on.

  • (for the public server)
  • localhost:5001 (when running locally)

Code Flow:

  • Aggregator will wait for all participants to apps_piplines/fl_client
    • Once available, aggreator will copy these seed files (fl_config.json, to each participants apps_piplines/fl_client
  • Once all clients have approved, the FL rounds kick start
    • Sending the model
    • Client training on that
    • Client saving the model at in aggregator's pipeline

FL Client


1. Install the app

syftbox app install OpenMined/fl_client

2. Load Private Data

Copy the datasets to the private/fl_client directory. (This directory is present in the root folder of syftbox)
The samples test dataset could be found in apis/fl_client/mnist_samples
Copy any few of the files into the above directory

3. Accept the FL request

Once the aggregator starts the computation
The FL request will be available in the api_data/fl_client/request/proj_name directory.
It would be created as a folder with the project name.
Copy the entire folder to api_data/fl_client/running/ directory to accept the request.

Visit the aggregator's dashboard to monitor the FL progress


  1. The aggregator install the aggregator app with syftbox app install ./fl_aggregator --config <path_to_config.json> where <path_to_config.json> points to the client's config.json (no the app's config.json)
  2. Once the app is installed, the launch folder is created in apps_pipeline/fl_aggregator/ together with other folders (running, and done)
  3. Inside launch, there are 3 files: config.json,, that the aggregator have to put in the launch folder
  4. Once the files are in the launch folder, the app will create a project with the name specified in the config.json file inside the running folder, e.g. my_cool_fl_project
  5. Inside the my_cool_fl_project folder, the app will create a folder for each participant where participants' models for each round are collected. Each participant folder will have a syft_perm file that contains the permissions to who can read / write its models
  6. Then the fl_aggregator creates a request to the participants to join the FL flow
└── fl_server
    ├── launch
    │   ├── config.json
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    └── running
        └── my_cool_fl_proj
            ├── fl_clients 
            │   ├── [email protected]
            │   ├── [email protected]
            │   ├── [email protected]
            ├── agg_weights  # to store aggregator's weights for each round
            ├── config.json  # moved from the launch folder after the app start
            ├──  # moved from the launch folder
            └── state.json
    └── done
        └── my_cool_fl_proj

Running in dev mode

  1. Setting up: First launch a server just rs and 3 clients (just rc a. just rc b. just rc c) where a is the fl aggregator, b and c are fl clients
  2. Installing the aggregator app: Clone the repo and install the fl_aggregator app on a: syftbox app install tutorial-apps/fl_aggregator/ --config_path .clients/[email protected]/config.json
  3. Installing clients app: Install fl_client app on b and c: syftbox app install tutorial-apps/fl_client/ --config_path .clients/[email protected]/config.json and syftbox app install tutorial-apps/fl_client/ --config_path .clients/[email protected]/config.json. Note that first time running will be slow due to package installation (e.g. torch)
  4. FL aggregator launching the project: by copying all files inside .clients/[email protected]/apps/fl_aggregator/samples/ into .clients/[email protected]/datasites/[email protected]/api_data/fl_aggregator/launch and also the into .clients/[email protected]/private/fl_aggregator/my_cool_fl_proj/
  5. Monitoring: Go to http://localhost:5001/datasites/[email protected]/fl/my_cool_fl_proj/ to check out the state of the project
  6. FL clients checking FL project requests: In b and c view, check if the aggregator has sent the request by checking if the folder api_data/fl_client/request has any content (e.g. .clients/[email protected]/datasites/[email protected]/api_data/fl_client/request/my_cool_fl_proj for b)
  7. FL clients accepting FL project request: b and c copies the my_cool_fl_proj folder in request into the running folder inside api_data/fl_client/, e.g. api_data/fl_client/running/my_cool_fl_proj
  8. FL clients prepare data for local training: b and c prepares the data to train the local model by copying the .pt MNIST data files inside the folder apps/fl_client/mnist_samples into private/ folder e.g. .clients/[email protected]/private/fl_client/my_cool_fl_proj/ for b.
  9. Monitoring: Once both b and c prepare the data, the training and aggregation will begin. Check out http://localhost:5001/datasites/[email protected]/fl/my_cool_fl_proj/ to see the progress, which should look something like below dashboard