Lithops with kubernetes as serverless compute backend.
- Install kubernetes backend dependencies:
python3 -m pip install lithops[kubernetes]
- Edit your Lithops config and add the following keys:
backend : k8s
- Make sure you have a kubernetes cluster configuration file.
Option 1: You have the config file in
Option 2: You have the config file in another location, and you exported the KUBECONFIG variable:
export KUBECONFIG=<path-to-kube-config-file>
Option 3: You have the config file in another location, and you set the
var in the Lithops config:k8s: kubecfg_path: <path-to-kube-config-file>
To configure Lithops to access a private repository in your docker hub account, you need to extend the kubernetes config and add the following keys:
docker_server :
docker_user : <Docker hub Username>
docker_password : <DOcker hub access TOEKN>
To configure Lithops to access to a private repository in your IBM Container Registry, you need to extend the kubernetes config and add the following keys:
docker_server :
docker_user : iamapikey
docker_password : <IBM IAM API KEY>
docker_namespace : <namespace> # namespace name from
Group | Key | Default | Mandatory | Additional info |
k8s | kubecfg_path | no | Path to kubecfg file. Mandatory if config file not in ~/.kube/config or KUBECONFIG env var not present |
k8s | kubecfg_context | no | kubernetes context to use from your kubeconfig file. It will use the default active context if not provided | |
k8s | namespace | default | no | Kubernetes namespace to use for lithops execution |
k8s | docker_server | | no | Container registry URL |
k8s | docker_user | no | Container registry user name | |
k8s | docker_password | no | Container registry password/token. In case of Docker hub, login to your docker hub account and generate a new access token here | |
k8s | rabbitmq_executor | False | no | Alternative K8s backend accelerating parallel function execution (map) thanks to rabbitmq group calls and warm-state pods of higher granularity. For more information here. |
k8s | max_workers | 100 | no | Max number of workers per FunctionExecutor() |
k8s | worker_processes | 1 | no | Number of Lithops processes within a given worker. This can be used to parallelize function activations within a worker. It is recommendable to set this value to the same number of CPUs of the container. |
k8s | runtime | no | Docker image name. | |
k8s | runtime_cpu | 1 | no | CPU limit. Default 1vCPU |
k8s | runtime_memory | 512 | no | Memory limit in MB. Default 512MB |
k8s | runtime_timeout | 600 | no | Runtime timeout in seconds. Default 600 seconds |
k8s | master_timeout | 600 | no | Master pod timeout in seconds. Default 600 seconds |
Once you have your compute and storage backends configured, you can run a hello world function with:
lithops hello -b k8s -s ibm_cos
You can view the function executions logs in your local machine using the lithops client:
lithops logs poll