diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_cs.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_cs.arb index 0f15ebaa..bed339b6 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_cs.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_cs.arb @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesEditEasing": "Typ uvolnění", + "sequencesEditEasing": "Jak rychle by se měl převod do této polohy přesunout?", "@sequencesEditEasing": { "description": "Label for the easing selector on the move tab of the move edit page", "type": "text", @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerWalkingDescription": "Spusťte akci při chůzi", + "triggerWalkingDescription": "Skenování zahájíte vodorovným přejetím po známé oblasti zařízení výše. Nepřetržité skenování můžete zapnout v nastavení.", "@triggerWalkingDescription": { "description": "Walking/Step trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverDescription": "Spusťte akci zakrytím senzoru přiblížení", + "triggerCoverDescription": "Krok", "@triggerCoverDescription": { "description": "Cover trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltLeft": "Naklonění doleva", + "triggerEarTiltLeft": "Zapomenout", "@triggerEarTiltLeft": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger left tilt detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltForward": "Naklonění vpřed", + "triggerEarTiltForward": "Vypnout", "@triggerEarTiltForward": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger forward tilt detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualSubTitle": "Klepnutím zobrazíte", + "moreManualSubTitle": "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů", "@moreManualSubTitle": { "description": "Subtitle for each manual on More page", "type": "text", @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": "Bluetooth není k dispozici", + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": "Tento režim zastaví vypínání obrazovky, když je vaše zařízení připojeno", "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": "Kitsune režim", + "settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": "Tento režim zastaví vypínání obrazovky, když je vaše zařízení připojeno", "@settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page Kitsune mode toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaChangelogLabel": "Firmware Changelog", + "otaChangelogLabel": "Akce", "@otaChangelogLabel": { "description": "Label for changelog section of OTA page", "type": "text", @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Klepnutím na tužku vyberte akci, kterou chcete přehrát, když k události dojde. Chcete-li akci odebrat, klepněte na ni znovu a odeberte ji. Nezapomeňte uložit pomocí ikony uložit nahoře", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Klepnutím na tužku vyberte akci, kterou chcete přehrát, když k události dojde. Náhodně bude vybrána akce, která je kompatibilní s připojeným zařízením. Akce GlowTip a Sound se spustí spolu s akcemi Move.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": "Zobrazit Zásady ochrany osobních údajů", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": "I když jsou shromážděná data anonymní a nelze je použít k identifikaci konkrétního uživatele, stále musíte přijmout zásady ochrany osobních údajů", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": { "description": "Button label to view privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Odebrat akce", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Vyberte možnost Žádný", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaLowBattery": "Slabá baterie. Nabijte prosím své zařízení alespoň na 50 %", + "otaLowBattery": "Vlastní akce vám umožňují vytvářet vlastní akce pro zařízení. Klepnutím na vlastní akci ji přehrajete. Klepnutím na tužku upravíte vlastní akci.", "@otaLowBattery": { "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update was blocked due to low battery", "type": "text", @@ -789,13 +789,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": "Skenování zahájíte vodorovným přejetím po známé oblasti zařízení výše. Nepřetržité skenování můžete zapnout v nastavení.", + "homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": "Chcete-li zahájit skenování, přejeďte vodorovným prstem po známé oblasti zařízení výše. Nepřetržité skenování můžete zapnout v nastavení.", "@homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": { "description": "The welcome message title on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Zde v této aplikaci můžete ovládat, prozkoumávat a aktualizovat veškeré své vybavení Tail Co. K dispozici jsou také návody a návody. Happy Wagging!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Veškeré vybavení Tail Co můžete ovládat, prozkoumávat a aktualizovat přímo zde. K dispozici jsou také návody a návody. Happy Wagging!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "mandatoryOtaRequired": "Aby tato aplikace podporovala vaše zařízení, je vyžadována aktualizace firmwaru", + "mandatoryOtaRequired": "Toto zařízení již není podporováno. Některé funkce aplikace nemusí fungovat", "@mandatoryOtaRequired": { "description": "Warning message which appears for gear which have old firmware on the manage gear page", "type": "text", @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "audioDeleteDescription": "Opravdu chcete smazat tento zvukový efekt?", + "audioDeleteDescription": "Můžete přidat vlastní zvuky, které se zobrazí na kartě Akce a lze je použít se spouštěči", "@audioDeleteDescription": { "description": "Label for the body of the delete confirmation dialog", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Chcete si aplikaci vyzkoušet, ale čekáte, až dorazí vaše zařízení? Přidejte falešnou výbavu. To vám umožní zažít aplikaci, jako byste měli své vybavení, nebo pokud si chcete vyzkoušet vybavení, které aktuálně nevlastníte. To umožňuje novou sekci na stránce „Vyhledat nové zařízení“.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Průběžně hledejte známé vybavení. Je-li zakázáno, musíte ke skenování přejet prstem po liště ozubeného kola.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Falešné vybavení", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Přidejte Fake Gear", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Odstraňte veškeré falešné vybavení", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Vyberte tolik akcí, kolik chcete. Náhodně bude vybrána akce, která je kompatibilní s připojeným zařízením. Akce GlowTip a Sound se spustí spolu s akcemi Move. Nezapomeňte uložit.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Vybrat vše", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_da.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_da.arb index 4dc78eb6..8ad96d71 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_da.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_da.arb @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesPage": "Brugerdefinerede handlinger", + "sequencesPage": "Tilpassede handlinger", "@sequencesPage": { "description": "The label and title of the sequences page", "type": "text", @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "deviceTypeEars": "GlowTip", + "deviceTypeEars": "Skjul de forskellige vejledningskort i hele appen", "@deviceTypeEars": { "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsAppColor": "App farve", + "settingsAppColor": "Rapportér ikke-identificerende funktionsbrug til Plausible for at forbedre appen", "@settingsAppColor": { "description": "Settings page app color picker button title", "type": "text", @@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverNear": "Enhed dækket", + "triggerCoverNear": "Trin", "@triggerCoverNear": { "description": "Cover trigger near action label", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverFar": "Enhed afdækket", + "triggerCoverFar": "Enhed dækket", "@triggerCoverFar": { "description": "Cover trigger far action label", "type": "text", @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerShakeDescription": "Udløs en handling ved at ryste din enhed", + "triggerShakeDescription": "Udløs en handling ved at dække nærhedssensoren", "@triggerShakeDescription": { "description": "Shake trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerProximityDescription": "Udløs en handling, hvis gear er i nærheden", + "triggerProximityDescription": "Nærliggende Gear", "@triggerProximityDescription": { "description": "Proximity trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": "Ansvarlig logning", + "moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": "Tilt bagud", "@moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": { "description": "Title for Responsible wagging manual button on More page", "type": "text", @@ -531,13 +531,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualSubTitle": "Tryk for at se", + "moreManualSubTitle": "Manualer", "@moreManualSubTitle": { "description": "Subtitle for each manual on More page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "nyttige links", + "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "Manualer", "@moreUsefulLinksTitle": { "description": "Title for Useful Links header on More page", "type": "text", @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": "Hvis du forbinder mange forekomster af de samme enheder, tilføjer denne tilstand tilfældige pauser til deres starttidspunkter, hvilket giver den en anden visuel effekt.", + "settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": "Hvis du forbinder mange forekomster af de samme enheder, vil denne tilstand tilføje tilfældige pauser til deres starttidspunkter, hvilket giver den en anden visuel effekt.", "@settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page kitsune toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -633,13 +633,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tryk på blyanten for at vælge den handling, der skal afspilles, når begivenheden finder sted. For at fjerne en handling skal du trykke på handlingen igen for at fjerne den. Glem ikke at gemme ved at bruge gem-ikonet øverst", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tryk på blyanten for at vælge den handling, der skal afspilles, når begivenheden finder sted. En handling vil blive valgt tilfældigt, som er kompatibel med tilsluttet gear. GlowTip og Sound-handlinger udløses sammen med Move-handlinger.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesInfoDescription": "Custom Actions giver dig mulighed for at lave dine egne Actions for gear. Hvis du trykker på en brugerdefineret handling, afspilles den. Tryk på blyanten for at redigere en tilpasset handling.", + "sequencesInfoDescription": "Godt logrende!", "@sequencesInfoDescription": { "description": "Description for what a custom action is and how to use them on the Custom Actions page", "type": "text", @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": "Se privatlivspolitik", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": "Selvom de indsamlede data er anonyme og ikke kan bruges til at identificere en bestemt bruger, skal du stadig acceptere privatlivspolitikken", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": { "description": "Button label to view privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": "Giv tilladelse", + "onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": "Der kræves Bluetooth-tilladelse for at oprette forbindelse til gear", "@onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": { "description": "Label for the button to request bluetooth permission on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -711,13 +711,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Fjern handlinger", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Vælg Ingen", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": "Scan altid for kendt gear", + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": "Hvis du forbinder mange forekomster af de samme enheder, tilføjer denne tilstand tilfældige pauser til deres starttidspunkter, hvilket giver den en anden visuel effekt.", "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Du kan styre, udforske og opdatere alt dit Tail Co-udstyr lige her i denne app. Der er også instruktioner og vejledninger tilgængelige. Godt logrende!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Du kan styre, udforske og opdatere alt dit Tail Co-udstyr lige her. Der er også instruktioner og vejledninger tilgængelige. Godt logrende!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "scanDevicesFoundTitle": "Fundet gear. Tryk på gearnavnet for at oprette forbindelse", + "scanDevicesFoundTitle": "Rapportér ikke-identificerende funktionsbrug til Plausible for at forbedre appen", "@scanDevicesFoundTitle": { "description": "Title when gear is found on the scan for new gear page", "type": "text", @@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreSourceCode": "Kildekode", + "moreSourceCode": "Tryk længe på en handling for at favorit", "@moreSourceCode": { "description": "Label for the github and dev mode button on the more tab", "type": "text", @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "audioAdd": "Tilføj lydeffekt", + "audioAdd": "Scan løbende for kendt gear. Når den er deaktiveret, skal du stryge på gearstangen for at scanne.", "@audioAdd": { "description": "Label for sound files", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Falsk gear", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Tilføj Fake Gear", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Fjern alt falsk gear", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Scan kontinuerligt for kendt gear. Når den er deaktiveret, skal du stryge på gearstangen for at scanne.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Vil du prøve appen, men venter på, at dit udstyr kommer? Tilføj et falsk gear. Dette giver dig mulighed for at opleve appen, som om du havde dit udstyr, eller hvis du vil prøve udstyr, du ikke ejer i øjeblikket. Dette aktiverer et nyt afsnit på siden 'Scan efter nyt gear'.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Vælg alle", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Vælg så mange handlinger, du vil. En handling vil blive valgt tilfældigt, som er kompatibel med tilsluttet gear. GlowTip og Sound-handlinger udløses sammen med Move-handlinger. Glem ikke at gemme.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_de.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_de.arb index 72a26883..4044e5d8 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_de.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_de.arb @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "joyStickPage": "Joystick", + "joyStickPage": "Die Tail Company", "@joyStickPage": { "description": "The label and title of the joystick page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "feedbackPage": "Feedback abschicken", + "feedbackPage": "Soundeffekt hinzufügen", "@feedbackPage": { "description": "The label and title of the feedback page", "type": "text", @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "cancel": "OK", + "cancel": "Trigger hinzufügen", "@cancel": { "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", "type": "text", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "deviceTypeEars": "Ohren", + "deviceTypeEars": "Aktion bearbeiten", "@deviceTypeEars": { "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Nächsten Zug um {howMany} ms verzögern.", + "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Startseite die Ausrüstung", "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", "type": "text", @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltRight": "Neigung nach rechts", + "triggerEarTiltRight": "Tutorial-Karten ausblenden", "@triggerEarTiltRight": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger right tilt detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequenceEditRepeatTitle": "Wie oft soll diese Aktion wiederholt werden?", + "sequenceEditRepeatTitle": "OTA-Update starten", "@sequenceEditRepeatTitle": { "description": "Title for slider on sequence edit page to set how many times to repeat the sequence", "type": "text", @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesShutdown": "Abschalten", + "manageDevicesShutdown": "Verbinden", "@manageDevicesShutdown": { "description": "manage devices shutdown button title when managing a device", "type": "text", @@ -483,13 +483,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualEargearTitle": "EarGear Handbuch", + "moreManualEargearTitle": "Ton erkannt", "@moreManualEargearTitle": { "description": "Title for EarGear manual button on More page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": "FlutterWings Handbuch", + "moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": "Ausrüstung in der Nähe", "@moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": { "description": "Title for FlutterWings manual button on More page", "type": "text", @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": "Kitsune-Modus", + "settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": "Ton erkannt", "@settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page Kitsune mode toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tippen Sie auf den Stift, um die Aktion auszuwählen, die ausgeführt werden soll, wenn das Ereignis eintritt. Um eine Aktion zu entfernen, tippen Sie erneut auf die Aktion. Vergessen Sie nicht, mit dem Speichersymbol oben zu speichern.", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tippen Sie auf den Stift, um die Aktion auszuwählen, die ausgeführt werden soll, wenn das Ereignis eintritt. Es wird eine zufällig ausgewählte Aktion ausgewählt, die mit der angeschlossenen Ausrüstung kompatibel ist. GlowTip- und Sound-Aktionen werden neben Move-Aktionen ausgelöst.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": "Zeigt den tatsächlichen Akkustand anstelle eines Symbols an", + "settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": "Glühspitze", "@settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page show battery percentage toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Aktionen entfernen", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Nichts ausgewählt", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Sie können Ihre gesamte Tail Co-Ausrüstung direkt hier in dieser App steuern, erkunden und aktualisieren. Es sind auch Anleitungen und Leitfäden verfügbar. Viel Spaß beim Wedeln!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Sie möchten die App ausprobieren, warten aber noch auf die Lieferung Ihrer Ausrüstung? Fügen Sie eine gefälschte Ausrüstung hinzu. So können Sie die App so erleben, als hätten Sie Ihre Ausrüstung, oder wenn Sie Ausrüstung ausprobieren möchten, die Sie derzeit nicht besitzen. Dadurch wird ein neuer Abschnitt auf der Seite „Nach neuer Ausrüstung suchen“ aktiviert.", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Kontinuierlich nach bekannter Ausrüstung suchen. Wenn deaktiviert, müssen Sie zum Scannen auf der Ausrüstungsleiste wischen.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Gefälschte Ausrüstung", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Gefälschte Ausrüstung hinzufügen", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Entfernen Sie sämtliche gefälschte Ausrüstung", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Sie möchten die App ausprobieren, warten aber noch auf die Lieferung Ihrer Ausrüstung? Fügen Sie eine gefälschte Ausrüstung hinzu. So können Sie die App so erleben, als hätten Sie Ihre Ausrüstung, oder wenn Sie Ausrüstung ausprobieren möchten, die Sie derzeit nicht besitzen. Dadurch wird ein neuer Abschnitt auf der Seite „Nach neuer Ausrüstung suchen“ aktiviert.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Wählen Sie Alle", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Wählen Sie so viele Aktionen aus, wie Sie möchten. Es wird eine zufällig ausgewählte Aktion ausgewählt, die mit der angeschlossenen Ausrüstung kompatibel ist. GlowTip- und Sound-Aktionen werden neben Move-Aktionen ausgelöst. Vergessen Sie nicht, zu speichern.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_es.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_es.arb index 956b70d3..59d7bdd6 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_es.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_es.arb @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerWalkingTitle": "Caminando", + "triggerWalkingTitle": "Bienvenido a la aplicación Tail Company", "@triggerWalkingTitle": { "description": "Walking/Step trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsPage": "Ajustes", + "settingsPage": "Controla directamente la posición del engranaje.", "@settingsPage": { "description": "The label and title of the settings page", "type": "text", @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "Envía informes de errores a Sentry", + "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "Tarjetas más grandes", "@settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesShutdown": "Cerrar", + "manageDevicesShutdown": "Paso", "@manageDevicesShutdown": { "description": "manage devices shutdown button title when managing a device", "type": "text", @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualEargearTitle": "Manual de EarGear", + "moreManualEargearTitle": "¿Cuántas veces repetir esta acción?", "@moreManualEargearTitle": { "description": "Title for EarGear manual button on More page", "type": "text", @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": "Informar el uso de funciones no identificables a Plausible para mejorar la aplicación", + "settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": "Permitir análisis anónimos", "@settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page analytics reporting toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -537,13 +537,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": "política de privacidad", + "morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": "Inclinación hacia atrás", "@morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": { "description": "Title for UPrivacy policy link under Useful Links on More page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreTitle": "Más", + "moreTitle": "Enlaces útiles", "@moreTitle": { "description": "Title for More page", "type": "text", @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "Cada acción personalizada consta de 1 a 6 movimientos y puede repetirse hasta 5 veces. Puedes mantener presionado un movimiento para reordenarlo.", + "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "Toca para ver", "@sequencesInfoEditDescription": { "description": "Description for making a custom action on the edit Custom Action page", "type": "text", @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsLargerCardsToggleSubTitle": "Hace que las tarjetas de acción sean más grandes para tocarlas más fácilmente.", + "settingsLargerCardsToggleSubTitle": "Registro de cambios", "@settingsLargerCardsToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page show larger cards toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": "Oculta las distintas tarjetas de tutoriales en toda la aplicación.", + "settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": "Registro de cambios", "@settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page tutorial card display toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaDownloadButtonLabel": "Comenzar la actualización OTA", + "otaDownloadButtonLabel": "Iniciar actualización OTA", "@otaDownloadButtonLabel": { "description": "Label for download firmware button at bottom of OTA page", "type": "text", @@ -645,13 +645,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Toque el lápiz para seleccionar la acción que se reproducirá cuando ocurra el evento. Para eliminar una acción, toque la acción nuevamente para eliminarla. No olvides guardar usando el ícono de guardar en la parte superior.", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Toque el lápiz para seleccionar la acción que se reproducirá cuando ocurra el evento. Se seleccionará aleatoriamente una acción que sea compatible con el equipo conectado. Las acciones GlowTip y Sound se activarán junto con las acciones Move.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Si bien los datos recopilados son anónimos y no pueden usarse para identificar a un usuario específico, aún debes aceptar la política de privacidad.", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Toque el lápiz para seleccionar la acción que se reproducirá cuando ocurra el evento. Para eliminar una acción, toque la acción nuevamente para eliminarla. No olvides guardar usando el ícono de guardar en la parte superior.", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": { "description": "Description for there being a privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Eliminar acciones", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Seleccionar Ninguno", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Puedes controlar, explorar y actualizar todo tu equipo de Tail Co aquí mismo en esta aplicación. También hay instrucciones y guías disponibles. ¡Feliz meneo!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Puedes controlar, explorar y actualizar todo tu equipo de Tail Co aquí mismo. También hay instrucciones y guías disponibles. ¡Feliz meneo!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeNewsTitle": "Recién salido del blog Tail", + "homeNewsTitle": "Quitar todo el equipo falso", "@homeNewsTitle": { "description": "The title header for the news in the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -890,5 +890,53 @@ "description": "Tutorial card for the audio page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Busque continuamente equipos conocidos. Cuando está deshabilitado, debes deslizar la barra de engranajes para escanear.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Equipo falso", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Agregar equipo falso", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeMiniTail": "mini cola", + "@deviceTypeMiniTail": { + "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Quitar todo el equipo falso", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "¿Quieres probar la aplicación pero estás esperando que llegue tu equipo? Añade un equipo falso. Esto le permite experimentar la aplicación como si tuviera su equipo, o si desea probar equipo que actualmente no posee. Esto habilita una nueva sección en la página 'Buscar equipo nuevo'.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Seleccionar todo", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Selecciona tantas acciones como quieras. Se seleccionará aleatoriamente una acción que sea compatible con el equipo conectado. Las acciones GlowTip y Sound se activarán junto con las acciones Move. No olvides guardar.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_et.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_et.arb index f572cdb9..1f617305 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_et.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_et.arb @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "joyStickPage": "Juhtkang", + "joyStickPage": "Okei", "@joyStickPage": { "description": "The label and title of the joystick page", "type": "text", @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersPage": "Päästikud", + "triggersPage": "Saba ettevõte", "@triggersPage": { "description": "The label and title of the trigger page", "type": "text", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "cancel": "Tühista", + "cancel": "Saba", "@cancel": { "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", "type": "text", @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesEditDelay": "Viivitus", + "sequencesEditDelay": "Võltsitud varustus", "@sequencesEditDelay": { "description": "Label for the delay tab on sequence move edit page", "type": "text", @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Viivitage järgmist liigutust {howMany} ms.", + "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Kas olete kindel, et soovite selle toimingu kustutada?", "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", "type": "text", @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "actionsCategoryTense": "Pettunud ja pinges", + "actionsCategoryTense": "Redigeeri toimingut", "@actionsCategoryTense": { "description": "tense action group label", "type": "text", @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerWalkingTitle": "Jalutamine", + "triggerWalkingTitle": "Leitud Gear. Ühenduse loomiseks puudutage hammasratta nime", "@triggerWalkingTitle": { "description": "Walking/Step trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -327,13 +327,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverTitle": "Kaas", + "triggerCoverTitle": "Käikude otsimine. Veenduge, et teie varustus oleks sisse lülitatud ja läheduses", "@triggerCoverTitle": { "description": "Cover trigger Title", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverDescription": "Käivitage toiming, kattes lähedusanduri", + "triggerCoverDescription": "Seade katmata", "@triggerCoverDescription": { "description": "Cover trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerVolumeButtonTitle": "Helitugevuse nupud", + "triggerVolumeButtonTitle": "Käivitage kõndimisel toiming", "@triggerVolumeButtonTitle": { "description": "Volume Button trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarMicTitle": "Anonüümse analüüsi lubamine", + "triggerEarMicTitle": "Tegevus", "@triggerEarMicTitle": { "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "Kasulikud lingid", + "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "FlutterWingsi käsiraamat", "@moreUsefulLinksTitle": { "description": "Title for Useful Links header on More page", "type": "text", @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "Iga kohandatud toiming koosneb 1–6 liigutusest ja seda võib korrata kuni 5 korda. Liigutuse muutmiseks võite pikalt vajutada.", + "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "Peida erinevad õpetuse kaardid kogu rakenduses", "@sequencesInfoEditDescription": { "description": "Description for making a custom action on the edit Custom Action page", "type": "text", @@ -645,13 +645,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Puudutage pliiatsit, et valida sündmuse toimumisel esitatav toiming. Toimingu eemaldamiseks puudutage toimingut selle eemaldamiseks uuesti. Ärge unustage salvestada, kasutades ülaosas olevat salvestamisikooni", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Puudutage pliiatsit, et valida sündmuse toimumisel esitatav toiming. Juhuslikult valitakse toiming, mis ühildub ühendatud varustusega. GlowTip ja Sound toimingud käivituvad koos liigutustoimingutega.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Kuigi kogutud andmed on anonüümsed ja neid ei saa kasutada konkreetse kasutaja tuvastamiseks, peate siiski nõustuma privaatsuspoliitikaga", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Kohandatud toimingud võimaldavad teil varustuse jaoks ise toiminguid teha. Kohandatud toimingu puudutamine käivitab selle. Kohandatud toimingu muutmiseks puudutage pliiatsit.", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": { "description": "Description for there being a privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Eemalda toimingud", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Valige Puudub", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerRandomButtonDescription": "Mängige juhuslikult valitud tegevust", + "triggerRandomButtonDescription": "Juhuslik režiim", "@triggerRandomButtonDescription": { "description": "Casual Mode trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Seadmega kaetud", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Siin saate juhtida, uurida ja värskendada kogu oma Tail Co varustust. Saadaval on ka juhised ja juhendid. Head vehkimist!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Lisage Fake Gear", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Kas soovite rakendust proovida, kuid ootate, kuni teie varustus kohale jõuab? Lisage võltsvarustus. See võimaldab teil kasutada rakendust nii, nagu oleks teil oma varustus või kui soovite proovida varustust, mida te praegu ei oma. See lubab lehel „Uue varustuse otsimine” uue jaotise.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Otsige pidevalt teadaolevat käiku. Kui see on keelatud, peate skannimiseks pühkima käiguribal.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Võltsitud varustus", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Eemaldage kõik võltsvarustus", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Valige nii palju toiminguid kui soovite. Juhuslikult valitakse toiming, mis ühildub ühendatud varustusega. GlowTip ja Sound toimingud käivituvad koos liigutustoimingutega. Ärge unustage salvestada.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Vali kõik", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_fr.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_fr.arb index eade8455..4bd434a4 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_fr.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_fr.arb @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Retardez le prochain coup pendant {howMany} ms.", + "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Mise à jour du matériel. Veuillez ne pas éteindre votre équipement ni fermer l'application", "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", "type": "text", @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": "Rapport d'erreur automatique", + "settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": "Rend les cartes d'action plus grandes pour faciliter l'exploitation", "@settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverNear": "Appareil couvert", + "triggerCoverNear": "Commencer la mise à jour OTA", "@triggerCoverNear": { "description": "Cover trigger near action label", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerCoverFar": "Oublier", + "triggerCoverFar": "Rend les cartes d'action plus grandes pour faciliter l'exploitation", "@triggerCoverFar": { "description": "Cover trigger far action label", "type": "text", @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerShakeDescription": "Couleur de l'application", + "triggerShakeDescription": "Autoriser les analyses anonymes", "@triggerShakeDescription": { "description": "Shake trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarMicSound": "Son détecté", + "triggerEarMicSound": "Micro EarGear", "@triggerEarMicSound": { "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger sound detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsAppColor": "Couleur de l'application", + "settingsAppColor": "Signaler l'utilisation non identifiante des fonctionnalités à Plausible pour améliorer l'application", "@settingsAppColor": { "description": "Settings page app color picker button title", "type": "text", @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsDescription": "Changez la couleur de l'application, configurez Haptics, et plus encore", + "settingsDescription": "Envoyer des commentaires", "@settingsDescription": { "description": "The description of the settings page on the more page", "type": "text", @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "joyStickPageDescription": "Contrôlez directement la position de la vitesse.", + "joyStickPageDescription": "Manette", "@joyStickPageDescription": { "description": "The description of the joystick page on the more page", "type": "text", @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": "Si vous connectez plusieurs instances des mêmes appareils, ce mode ajoutera des pauses aléatoires à leurs heures de début de mouvement, lui donnant un effet visuel différent.", + "settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": "Si vous connectez plusieurs instances des mêmes appareils, ce mode ajoutera des pauses aléatoires à leurs heures de début de déplacement, ce qui lui donnera un effet visuel différent.", "@settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page kitsune toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -597,13 +597,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoDescription": "Fait", + "triggerInfoDescription": "Commencer la mise à jour OTA", "@triggerInfoDescription": { "description": "Description for what a trigger is and how to use them on the triggers page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Appuyez sur le crayon pour sélectionner l'action à jouer lorsque l'événement se produit. Pour supprimer une action, appuyez à nouveau sur l'action pour la supprimer. N'oubliez pas de sauvegarder en utilisant l'icône de sauvegarde en haut", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Appuyez sur le crayon pour sélectionner l'action à jouer lorsque l'événement se produit. Une action sera sélectionnée au hasard et compatible avec les équipements connectés. Les actions GlowTip et Sound se déclencheront parallèlement aux actions Move.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Bien que les données collectées soient anonymes et ne puissent pas être utilisées pour identifier un utilisateur spécifique, vous devez néanmoins accepter la politique de confidentialité.", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Mise à jour du matériel. Veuillez ne pas éteindre votre équipement ni fermer l'application", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": { "description": "Description for there being a privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "Journal des modifications du micrologiciel", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "Faux équipement", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": { "description": "Button label to accept privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Supprimer des actions", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Ne rien sélectionner", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Vous pouvez contrôler, explorer et mettre à jour tout votre équipement Tail Co ici même dans cette application. Des instructions et des guides sont également disponibles. Bonne agitation !", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Vous pouvez contrôler, explorer et mettre à jour tout votre équipement Tail Co ici. Des instructions et des guides sont également disponibles. Bonne agitation !", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "audioPage": "Sons personnalisés", + "audioPage": "Déclenchez une action en recouvrant le capteur de proximité", "@audioPage": { "description": "The label and title of the custom audio management page", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Recherchez en permanence les équipements connus. Lorsqu'il est désactivé, vous devez faire glisser votre doigt sur la barre d'engrenage pour numériser.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Faux équipement", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Ajouter du faux équipement", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Supprimez tous les faux équipements", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Vous souhaitez essayer l'application mais vous attendez l'arrivée de votre matériel ? Ajoutez un faux équipement. Cela vous permet de découvrir l'application comme si vous aviez votre équipement ou si vous souhaitez essayer un équipement que vous ne possédez pas actuellement. Cela active une nouvelle section sur la page « Rechercher de nouveaux équipements ».", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Sélectionnez autant d'actions que vous le souhaitez. Une action sera sélectionnée au hasard et compatible avec les équipements connectés. Les actions GlowTip et Sound se déclencheront parallèlement aux actions Move. N'oubliez pas de sauvegarder.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Tout sélectionner", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_it.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_it.arb index eed99bb5..3d971e39 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_it.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_it.arb @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": "Volume basso", + "triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": "Scodinzolare responsabile", "@triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": { "description": "Volume Button trigger volume down action label", "type": "text", @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarMicDescription": "Attiva un'azione quando EarGear rileva il suono", + "triggerEarMicDescription": "Microfono EarGear", "@triggerEarMicDescription": { "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltDescription": "Attiva un'azione quando EarGear rileva l'inclinazione", + "triggerEarTiltDescription": "Sensore di inclinazione EarGear", "@triggerEarTiltDescription": { "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger description", "type": "text", @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltForward": "Inclinazione in avanti", + "triggerEarTiltForward": "Scodinzolare responsabile", "@triggerEarTiltForward": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger forward tilt detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": "Segnala l'utilizzo di funzionalità non identificative a Plausible per migliorare l'app", + "settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": "Nascondi le schede tutorial", "@settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page analytics reporting toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "Questa modalità impedisce allo schermo di spegnersi mentre l'attrezzatura è collegata", + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "Premi a lungo un'azione da aggiungere ai preferiti", "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tocca la matita per selezionare l'azione da eseguire quando si verifica l'evento. Per rimuovere un'azione, tocca nuovamente l'azione per rimuoverla. Non dimenticare di salvare utilizzando l'icona di salvataggio in alto", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tocca la matita per selezionare l'azione da eseguire quando si verifica l'evento. Verrà selezionata casualmente un'azione compatibile con l'attrezzatura connessa. Le azioni GlowTip e Sound si attiveranno insieme alle azioni Move.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -669,13 +669,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "Accetta l'informativa sulla privacy", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "Sebbene i dati raccolti siano anonimi e non possano essere utilizzati per identificare un utente specifico, è comunque necessario accettare l'informativa sulla privacy", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": { "description": "Button label to accept privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingBluetoothDescription": "Per connettersi all'attrezzatura è necessaria l'autorizzazione Bluetooth", + "onboardingBluetoothDescription": "Bluetooth", "@onboardingBluetoothDescription": { "description": "Description for bluetooth section on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -705,19 +705,19 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Rimuovi azioni", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Non selezionare niente", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "doubleBackToClose": "Premere di nuovo per uscire ", + "doubleBackToClose": "Buon scodinzolante! ", "@doubleBackToClose": { "description": "Snackbar message which appears when the back button is pressed at the main screen", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": "Cerca sempre l'attrezzatura conosciuta", + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": "Seleziona un'azione", "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaFailedTitle": "Aggiornamento non riuscito. Riavvia la tua attrezzatura e riprova", + "otaFailedTitle": "Premi a lungo un'azione da aggiungere ai preferiti", "@otaFailedTitle": { "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update has failed", "type": "text", @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Puoi controllare, esplorare e aggiornare tutta la tua attrezzatura Tail Co proprio qui in questa app. Sono disponibili anche istruzioni e guide. Buon scodinzolante!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Puoi controllare, esplorare e aggiornare tutta la tua attrezzatura Tail Co proprio qui. Sono disponibili anche istruzioni e guide. Buon scodinzolante!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "audioEditDescription": "Gestisci effetti sonori personalizzati", + "audioEditDescription": "Fatto", "@audioEditDescription": { "description": "Label for sound files", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Cerca continuamente attrezzi conosciuti. Quando disabilitato, è necessario scorrere sulla barra degli ingranaggi per eseguire la scansione.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Rinomina effetto sonoro", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Aggiungi attrezzatura falsa", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Rimuovi tutti gli attrezzi falsi", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Vuoi provare l'app ma stai aspettando che arrivi la tua attrezzatura? Aggiungi un equipaggiamento falso. Ciò ti consente di provare l'app come se avessi la tua attrezzatura o se desideri provare l'attrezzatura che attualmente non possiedi. Ciò abilita una nuova sezione nella pagina \"Cerca nuova attrezzatura\".", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Seleziona tutte le azioni che desideri. Verrà selezionata casualmente un'azione compatibile con l'attrezzatura connessa. Le azioni GlowTip e Sound si attiveranno insieme alle azioni Move. Non dimenticare di salvare.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Seleziona tutto", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_ja.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_ja.arb index db37ee7e..0c7330b4 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_ja.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_ja.arb @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsPage": "設定", + "settingsPage": "について", "@settingsPage": { "description": "The label and title of the settings page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersPage": "トリガー", + "triggersPage": "について", "@triggersPage": { "description": "The label and title of the trigger page", "type": "text", @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesEditRightServo": "右サーボの位置", + "sequencesEditRightServo": "左サーボの位置", "@sequencesEditRightServo": { "description": "Label for the right servo slider on the move tab of the move edit page", "type": "text", @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesDisconnect": "切断", + "manageDevicesDisconnect": "更新が完了しました", "@manageDevicesDisconnect": { "description": "manage devices disconnect button title when managing a device", "type": "text", @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerShakeTitle": "シェイク", + "triggerShakeTitle": "音量ボタン", "@triggerShakeTitle": { "description": "Shake trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -381,13 +381,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltForward": "前方傾斜", + "triggerEarTiltForward": "EarGearが傾きを検知するとアクションがトリガーされます", "@triggerEarTiltForward": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger forward tilt detected action label", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltBackward": "後方傾斜", + "triggerEarTiltBackward": "EarGearが傾きを検知するとアクションがトリガーされます", "@triggerEarTiltBackward": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger backward tilt detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltTitle": "EarGear 傾斜センサー", + "triggerEarTiltTitle": "EarGearが音を検知するとアクションが実行されます", "@triggerEarTiltTitle": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltRight": "右傾き", + "triggerEarTiltRight": "シェイク", "@triggerEarTiltRight": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger right tilt detected action label", "type": "text", @@ -531,13 +531,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": "画面をオンにしたままにする", + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": "常に既知のギアをスキャンする", "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle title", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "このモードでは、ギアが接続されている間は画面がオフにならないようにします。", + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "画面をオンにしたままにする", "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesPageDescription": "ギアのカスタムアクションを作成する", + "sequencesPageDescription": "について", "@sequencesPageDescription": { "description": "The description of the sequences page link on the more page", "type": "text", @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "各カスタムアクションは 1 ~ 6 個の動きから構成され、最大 5 回繰り返すことができます。動きを長押しすると順序を変更できます。", + "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "OTAアップデートを開始", "@sequencesInfoEditDescription": { "description": "Description for making a custom action on the edit Custom Action page", "type": "text", @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "鉛筆をタップして、イベントが発生したときに実行するアクションを選択します。アクションを削除するには、アクションをもう一度タップして削除します。上部の保存アイコンを使用して保存することを忘れないでください。", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "鉛筆をタップして、イベントが発生したときに実行するアクションを選択します。接続されたギアと互換性のあるアクションがランダムに選択されます。GlowTip アクションと Sound アクションは、Move アクションとともにトリガーされます。", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "アクションの削除", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "なしを選択", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaFailedTitle": "アップデートに失敗しました。機器を再起動してもう一度お試しください。", + "otaFailedTitle": "更新が完了しました", "@otaFailedTitle": { "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update has failed", "type": "text", @@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "このアプリで、Tail Co のすべてのギアを制御、検索、更新できます。また、説明とガイドも用意されています。楽しく尻尾を振ってください!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "ここで、Tail Co のすべてのギアを制御、探索、更新できます。手順とガイドも用意されています。楽しく振ってください!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "既知のギアを継続的にスキャンします。無効にすると、スキャンするにはギア バーをスワイプする必要があります。", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "偽のギア", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "偽装ギアを追加", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "偽のギアをすべて取り除く", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "アプリを試してみたいけれど、ギアが届くのを待っている場合は、偽のギアを追加してください。これにより、ギアを持っているかのようにアプリを体験したり、現在所有していないギアを試したりできます。これにより、「新しいギアのスキャン」ページに新しいセクションが有効になります。", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "アクションは好きなだけ選択できます。接続されたギアと互換性のあるアクションがランダムに選択されます。GlowTip アクションと Sound アクションは Move アクションと並行してトリガーされます。保存することを忘れないでください。", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "すべて選択", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_nl.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_nl.arb index 1c15b680..f29724c5 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_nl.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_nl.arb @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "joyStickPage": "Joystick", + "joyStickPage": "Het Staartbedrijf", "@joyStickPage": { "description": "The label and title of the joystick page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "feedbackPage": "Feedback verzenden", + "feedbackPage": "Stuur feedback", "@feedbackPage": { "description": "The label and title of the feedback page", "type": "text", @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "deviceTypeEars": "Oren", + "deviceTypeEars": "Staart", "@deviceTypeEars": { "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesAdd": "Nieuwe actie", + "sequencesAdd": "Vleugels", "@sequencesAdd": { "description": "Floating Action Button on the sequences page", "type": "text", @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "Stuurt foutrapporten naar Sentry", + "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "Maakt de actiekaarten groter, zodat je er gemakkelijker op kunt tikken", "@settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesDisconnect": "Batterijgrafiek", + "manageDevicesDisconnect": "Kitsune-modus", "@manageDevicesDisconnect": { "description": "manage devices disconnect button title when managing a device", "type": "text", @@ -399,13 +399,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarMicSound": "Geluid gedetecteerd", + "triggerEarMicSound": "Activeer een actie wanneer EarGear geluid detecteert", "@triggerEarMicSound": { "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger sound detected action label", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarTiltTitle": "EarGear-kantelsensor", + "triggerEarTiltTitle": "Activeer een actie wanneer EarGear geluid detecteert", "@triggerEarTiltTitle": { "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -453,13 +453,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "deviceType": "Voor welke uitrusting moet dit gelden?", + "deviceType": "Trigger toevoegen", "@deviceType": { "description": "Title for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "handige links", + "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "Handleidingen", "@moreUsefulLinksTitle": { "description": "Title for Useful Links header on More page", "type": "text", @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "moreManualTitle": "Handleidingen", + "moreManualTitle": "EarGear-handleiding", "@moreManualTitle": { "description": "Title for manual header on More page", "type": "text", @@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": "Toon het werkelijke batterijniveau in plaats van een pictogram", + "settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": "Toon batterij%", "@settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page show battery percentage toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -597,13 +597,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoDescription": "Triggers sturen automatisch acties naar je uitrusting. U kunt meerdere triggers tegelijkertijd actief hebben. Tik op een trigger om deze te bewerken, gebruik de schakelaar aan de linkerkant om de trigger in te schakelen.", + "triggerInfoDescription": "Triggers sturen automatisch acties naar je uitrusting. U kunt meerdere triggers tegelijk actief hebben. Tik op een trigger om deze te bewerken, gebruik de schakelaar aan de linkerkant om de trigger in te schakelen.", "@triggerInfoDescription": { "description": "Description for what a trigger is and how to use them on the triggers page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Start OTA-update", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Tik op het potlood om de actie te selecteren die moet worden afgespeeld wanneer de gebeurtenis plaatsvindt. Er wordt willekeurig een actie geselecteerd die compatibel is met aangesloten uitrusting. GlowTip- en Sound-acties worden geactiveerd naast Move-acties.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaDownloadButtonLabel": "OTA-update starten", + "otaDownloadButtonLabel": "Start OTA-update", "@otaDownloadButtonLabel": { "description": "Label for download firmware button at bottom of OTA page", "type": "text", @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "Accepteer het privacybeleid", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "Bekijk privacybeleid", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": { "description": "Button label to accept privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Acties verwijderen", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Selecteer Geen", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaFailedTitle": "Update mislukt. Start uw uitrusting opnieuw op en probeer het opnieuw", + "otaFailedTitle": "Snel en opgewonden", "@otaFailedTitle": { "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update has failed", "type": "text", @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Je kunt al je Tail Co-uitrusting hier in deze app bedienen, verkennen en updaten. Er zijn ook instructies en handleidingen beschikbaar. Veel plezier met kwispelen!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Je kunt hier al je Tail Co-uitrusting beheren, verkennen en updaten. Er zijn ook instructies en handleidingen beschikbaar. Veel plezier met kwispelen!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "noLongerSupported": "Deze uitrusting wordt niet langer ondersteund. Sommige app-functies werken mogelijk niet", + "noLongerSupported": "Schakel Bluetooth in", "@noLongerSupported": { "description": "Warning message which appears for unsupported gear on the manage gear page", "type": "text", @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "audioEditDescription": "Beheer aangepaste geluidseffecten", + "audioEditDescription": "Schakel Bluetooth in", "@audioEditDescription": { "description": "Label for sound files", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Scan voortdurend naar bekende uitrusting. Indien uitgeschakeld, moet u over de tandwielbalk vegen om te scannen.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Valse uitrusting", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Wil je de app uitproberen, maar wacht je tot je spullen arriveren? Voeg een nepuitrusting toe. Hierdoor kun je de app ervaren alsof je je uitrusting al bij je hebt, of uitrusting wilt uitproberen die je momenteel niet hebt. Hierdoor wordt een nieuwe sectie op de pagina 'Scannen naar nieuwe uitrusting' mogelijk gemaakt.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Voeg nepuitrusting toe", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Verwijder alle nepuitrusting", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Selecteer alles", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Selecteer zoveel acties als je wilt. Er wordt willekeurig een actie geselecteerd die compatibel is met aangesloten uitrusting. GlowTip- en Sound-acties worden geactiveerd naast Move-acties. Vergeet niet op te slaan.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_pl.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_pl.arb index 563d9ba2..c3d5d09a 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_pl.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_pl.arb @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "cancel": "Anulować", + "cancel": "Wybierz typ wyzwalacza", "@cancel": { "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", "type": "text", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "deviceTypeEars": "Uszy", + "deviceTypeEars": "Zaznacz wszystko", "@deviceTypeEars": { "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ } } }, - "actionsNoBluetooth": "Bluetooth jest niedostępny", + "actionsNoBluetooth": "Opóźnij następny ruch o [X20X] ms.", "@actionsNoBluetooth": { "description": "Label on the actions page when bluetooth is unavailable", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "actionsCategoryCalm": "Spokojny i zrelaksowany", + "actionsCategoryCalm": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę akcję?", "@actionsCategoryCalm": { "description": "calm action group label", "type": "text", @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsHapticsToggleTitle": "Informacje zwrotne dotykowe", + "settingsHapticsToggleTitle": "Szybki i podekscytowany", "@settingsHapticsToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesOtaButton": "Kliknij, aby zaktualizować oprogramowanie sprzętowe", + "manageDevicesOtaButton": "Automatycznie otrzymuj powiadomienia, gdy pojawi się nowy post na blogu Tail", "@manageDevicesOtaButton": { "description": "manage devices ota available button", "type": "text", @@ -375,13 +375,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerActionNotSet": "Brak ustawionej akcji", + "triggerActionNotSet": "Uruchom akcję, jeśli w pobliżu znajduje się sprzęt", "@triggerActionNotSet": { "description": "Trigger action label when no action set", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerEarMicTitle": "Mikrofon douszny", + "triggerEarMicTitle": "Uruchom akcję, naciskając przycisk głośności", "@triggerEarMicTitle": { "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger title", "type": "text", @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Stuknij ołówek, aby wybrać akcję, która ma zostać odtworzona po wystąpieniu zdarzenia. Aby usunąć akcję, dotknij akcji ponownie, aby ją usunąć. Nie zapomnij zapisać, korzystając z ikony zapisu u góry", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Stuknij ołówek, aby wybrać akcję, która ma zostać odtworzona po wystąpieniu zdarzenia. Akcja zostanie losowo wybrana i będzie kompatybilna z podłączonym sprzętem. Akcje GlowTip i Dźwięk będą uruchamiane wraz z akcjami Ruchu.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": "Włącz Bluetooth", + "onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": "Pieszy", "@onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": { "description": "Label for the button to open bluetooth settings on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Mimo, że zbierane dane są anonimowe i nie pozwalają na identyfikację konkretnego użytkownika, nadal musisz zaakceptować politykę prywatności", + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "Zaakceptuj Politykę prywatności", "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": { "description": "Description for there being a privacy policy on the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Usuń akcje", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Wybierz opcję Brak", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -783,13 +783,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": "Przesuń poziomo po znanym obszarze urządzenia powyżej, aby rozpocząć skanowanie. Możesz włączyć ciągłe skanowanie w ustawieniach.", + "homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": "Automatycznie otrzymuj powiadomienia, gdy pojawi się nowy post na blogu Tail", "@homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": { "description": "The welcome message title on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "W tej aplikacji możesz kontrolować, eksplorować i aktualizować cały swój sprzęt Tail Co. Dostępne są także instrukcje i przewodniki. Szczęśliwego machania!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Tutaj możesz kontrolować, eksplorować i aktualizować cały swój sprzęt Tail Co. Dostępne są także instrukcje i przewodniki. Szczęśliwego machania!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Stale skanuj w poszukiwaniu znanego sprzętu. Gdy opcja jest wyłączona, aby skanować, należy przesunąć palcem po pasku narzędzi.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Fałszywy sprzęt", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Dodaj fałszywy sprzęt", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Usuń cały fałszywy sprzęt", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Chcesz wypróbować aplikację, ale czekasz na dostawę sprzętu? Dodaj fałszywy sprzęt. Dzięki temu możesz korzystać z aplikacji tak, jakbyś miał swój sprzęt lub chciał wypróbować sprzęt, którego aktualnie nie posiadasz. Włącza to nową sekcję na stronie „Skanuj w poszukiwaniu nowego sprzętu”.", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Wybierz dowolną liczbę akcji. Akcja zostanie losowo wybrana i będzie kompatybilna z podłączonym sprzętem. Akcje GlowTip i Dźwięk będą uruchamiane wraz z akcjami Ruchu. Nie zapomnij zapisać.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Zaznacz wszystko", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_ru.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_ru.arb index 7807f9dc..eeadb14f 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/messages_ru.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_ru.arb @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "sequencesEditHomeLabel": "Главная Gear", + "sequencesEditHomeLabel": "Главная Шестерня", "@sequencesEditHomeLabel": { "description": "Label on the home tab of the move edit page", "type": "text", @@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ } } }, - "actionsNoBluetooth": "Bluetooth недоступен", + "actionsNoBluetooth": "Задерживать", "@actionsNoBluetooth": { "description": "Label on the actions page when bluetooth is unavailable", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "actionsCategoryCalm": "Спокойный и расслабленный", + "actionsCategoryCalm": "Задерживать", "@actionsCategoryCalm": { "description": "calm action group label", "type": "text", @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": "Автоматическое сообщение об ошибках", + "settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": "Карты действий становятся больше, чтобы их было легче нажимать.", "@settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": { "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle title", "type": "text", @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesDisconnect": "Отключить", + "manageDevicesDisconnect": "Поддельное снаряжение", "@manageDevicesDisconnect": { "description": "manage devices disconnect button title when managing a device", "type": "text", @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "manageDevicesOtaButton": "Нажмите, чтобы обновить прошивку", + "manageDevicesOtaButton": "Положение левого сервопривода", "@manageDevicesOtaButton": { "description": "manage devices ota available button", "type": "text", @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "ok": "Хорошо", + "ok": "Крылья", "@ok": { "description": "Ok on dialog boxes", "type": "text", @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "Этот режим предотвращает выключение экрана, пока ваше оборудование подключено.", + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "Положение левого сервопривода", "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": { "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle subtitle", "type": "text", @@ -609,13 +609,13 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Коснитесь карандаша, чтобы выбрать действие, которое будет воспроизводиться при возникновении события. Чтобы удалить действие, коснитесь действия еще раз, чтобы удалить его. Не забудьте сохраниться, используя значок сохранения вверху.", + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "Коснитесь карандаша, чтобы выбрать действие, которое будет воспроизводиться при возникновении события. Случайным образом будет выбрано действие, совместимое с подключенным снаряжением. Действия GlowTip и Sound срабатывают вместе с действиями Move.", "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggerInfoDescription": "Триггеры автоматически отправляют действия на ваше снаряжение. Вы можете одновременно активировать несколько триггеров. Нажмите на триггер, чтобы отредактировать его, используйте переключатель слева, чтобы включить триггер.", + "triggerInfoDescription": "Более", "@triggerInfoDescription": { "description": "Description for what a trigger is and how to use them on the triggers page", "type": "text", @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaChangelogLabel": "Журнал изменений прошивки", + "otaChangelogLabel": "Начать OTA-обновление", "@otaChangelogLabel": { "description": "Label for changelog section of OTA page", "type": "text", @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "onboardingDoneButtonLabel": "Сделанный", + "onboardingDoneButtonLabel": "Включите Bluetooth", "@onboardingDoneButtonLabel": { "description": "Label for the button to close the onboarding screen", "type": "text", @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Удалить действия", + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "Выберите Нет", "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected action", "type": "text", @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaCompletedTitle": "Обновление завершено", + "otaCompletedTitle": "Журнал изменений прошивки", "@otaCompletedTitle": { "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update is completed", "type": "text", @@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "otaLowBattery": "Низкий заряд батареи. Пожалуйста, зарядите свое снаряжение минимум на 50 %.", + "otaLowBattery": "Управление пользовательскими звуковыми эффектами", "@otaLowBattery": { "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update was blocked due to low battery", "type": "text", @@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, - "homeWelcomeMessage": "Вы можете контролировать, исследовать и обновлять все свое снаряжение Tail Co прямо здесь, в этом приложении. Также доступны инструкции и руководства. Приятного виляния!", + "homeWelcomeMessage": "Вы можете контролировать, исследовать и обновлять все свое снаряжение Tail Co прямо здесь. Также имеются инструкции и руководства. Приятного виляния!", "@homeWelcomeMessage": { "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", "type": "text", @@ -896,5 +896,47 @@ "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "Поддельное снаряжение", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "Постоянно сканируйте известное снаряжение. Если этот параметр отключен, для сканирования необходимо провести пальцем по шестеренке.", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "Добавить поддельное снаряжение", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "Удалите все поддельное снаряжение", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "Хотите опробовать приложение, но ждете доставки своего оборудования? Добавьте фальшивое снаряжение. Это позволяет вам использовать приложение так, как будто у вас есть свое оборудование или вы хотите опробовать снаряжение, которого у вас в настоящее время нет. Это активирует новый раздел на странице «Поиск нового снаряжения».", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "Выберите столько действий, сколько хотите. Случайным образом будет выбрано действие, совместимое с подключенным снаряжением. Действия GlowTip и Sound срабатывают вместе с действиями Move. Не забудьте сохранить.", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "Выбрать все", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} } } diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_zh.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_zh.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0967ef42 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_zh.arb @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_zh_Hans.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_zh_Hans.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91258c38 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_zh_Hans.arb @@ -0,0 +1,942 @@ +{ + "title": "尾巴公司", + "@title": { + "description": "The name of the app", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeNewsTitle": "新鲜出炉的尾巴博客", + "@homeNewsTitle": { + "description": "The title header for the news in the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeWelcomeMessageTitle": "欢迎使用 Tail Company App", + "@homeWelcomeMessageTitle": { + "description": "The welcome message title on the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "feedbackPage": "发送反馈", + "@feedbackPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the feedback page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioPage": "自定义声音", + "@audioPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the custom audio management page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "aboutPage": "关于", + "@aboutPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the about page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsHapticsToggleTitle": "触觉反馈", + "@settingsHapticsToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": "保持屏幕开启", + "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsTutorialCardToggleTitle": "隐藏教程卡", + "@settingsTutorialCardToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page tutorial card display toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": "隐藏应用程序中的各种教程卡", + "@settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page tutorial card display toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonDescription": "按下音量按钮触发操作", + "@triggerVolumeButtonDescription": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonVolumeUp": "提高音量", + "@triggerVolumeButtonVolumeUp": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger volume up action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": "音量减小", + "@triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger volume down action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerShakeTitle": "摇", + "@triggerShakeTitle": { + "description": "Shake trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerShakeDescription": "通过摇动设备触发操作", + "@triggerShakeDescription": { + "description": "Shake trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerProximityTitle": "附近的装备", + "@triggerProximityTitle": { + "description": "Proximity trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerProximityDescription": "如果装备在附近,则触发动作", + "@triggerProximityDescription": { + "description": "Proximity trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreTitle": "更多的", + "@moreTitle": { + "description": "Title for More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaTitle": "更新装备", + "@otaTitle": { + "description": "Title for OTA page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "每个自定义动作由 1-6 个动作组成,最多可重复 5 次。您可以长按某个动作来重新排序。", + "@sequencesInfoEditDescription": { + "description": "Description for making a custom action on the edit Custom Action page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": "授予权限", + "@onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for the button to request bluetooth permission on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingDoneButtonLabel": "完毕", + "@onboardingDoneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for the button to close the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioEdit": "重命名音效", + "@audioEdit": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioDelete": "删除音效", + "@audioDelete": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioDeleteDescription": "您确定要删除该音效吗?", + "@audioDeleteDescription": { + "description": "Label for the body of the delete confirmation dialog", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": "在上方的已知设备区域上水平滑动即可开始扫描。您可以在设置中开启连续扫描。", + "@homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": { + "description": "The welcome message title on the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeWelcomeMessage": "您可以在这里控制、探索和更新所有 Tail Co 装备。还有说明和指南。祝您玩得开心!", + "@homeWelcomeMessage": { + "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "joyStickPage": "操纵杆", + "@joyStickPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the joystick page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "joyStickPageDescription": "直接控制齿轮位置。", + "@joyStickPageDescription": { + "description": "The description of the joystick page on the more page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + 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"placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "选择无", + "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectSaveLabel": "保存操作", + "@triggersSelectSaveLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for saving the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "ok": "好的", + "@ok": { + "description": "Ok on dialog boxes", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cancel": "取消", + "@cancel": { + "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersAdd": "添加触发器", + "@triggersAdd": { + "description": "Floating Action Button on the triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceType": "这应适用于哪个装备?", + "@deviceType": { + "description": "Title for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeTail": "尾巴", + "@deviceTypeTail": { + "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeMiniTail": "迷你尾巴", + "@deviceTypeMiniTail": { + "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeEars": "耳朵", + "@deviceTypeEars": { + "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeWings": "翅膀", + "@deviceTypeWings": { + "description": "Wings option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesAdd": "新行动", + "@sequencesAdd": { + "description": "Floating Action Button on the sequences page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEdit": "編輯操作", + "@sequencesEdit": { + "description": "Label for the edit icon on a sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditAdd": "添加移动", + "@sequencesEditAdd": { + "description": "Label for the add Floating Action Button on edit sequence page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditName": "姓名", + "@sequencesEditName": { + "description": "Label for the name field on sequence edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditMove": "移动", + "@sequencesEditMove": { + "description": "Label for the move tab on sequence move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditDelay": "延迟", + "@sequencesEditDelay": { + "description": "Label for the delay tab on sequence move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditLeftServo": "左伺服器的位置", + "@sequencesEditLeftServo": { + "description": "Label for the left servo slider on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditRightServo": "右伺服器的位置", + "@sequencesEditRightServo": { + "description": "Label for the right servo slider on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditSpeed": "齿轮应以多快的速度移动到这个位置?", + "@sequencesEditSpeed": { + "description": "Label for the speed selector on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditEasing": "缓和类型", + "@sequencesEditEasing": { + "description": "Label for the easing selector on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditTime": "在此自定义操作中,需要等待多长时间才能进行下一步", + "@sequencesEditTime": { + "description": "Label for the time slider on the delay tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditHomeLabel": "首页 装备", + "@sequencesEditHomeLabel": { + "description": "Label on the home tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditDeleteTitle": "删除操作", + "@sequencesEditDeleteTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog on the sequence edit page to delete the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditDeleteDescription": "您确实要删除此操作吗?", + "@sequencesEditDeleteDescription": { + "description": "Message of the dialog on the sequence edit page to delete the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "将下一步动作延迟 {howMany} 毫秒。", + "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { + "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": { + "example": "42" + } + } + }, + "actionsNoBluetooth": "蓝牙不可用", + "@actionsNoBluetooth": { + "description": "Label on the actions page when bluetooth is unavailable", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryCalm": "平静而放松", + "@actionsCategoryCalm": { + "description": "calm action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryFast": "快速而兴奋", + "@actionsCategoryFast": { + "description": "fast action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryTense": "沮丧和紧张", + "@actionsCategoryTense": { + "description": "tense action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryGlowtip": "发光尖头", + "@actionsCategoryGlowtip": { + "description": "glowtip action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsSelectScreen": "选择操作", + "@actionsSelectScreen": { + "description": "Title for action select menu on triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsHapticsToggleSubTitle": "轻触操作时启用振动", + "@settingsHapticsToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": "始终扫描已知装备", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + 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"@settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAnalyticsToggleTitle": "允许匿名分析", + "@settingsAnalyticsToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page analytics reporting toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": "向 Plasible 报告非识别功能的使用情况,以增强应用程序", + "@settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page analytics reporting toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsNewsletterToggleTitle": "允许尾部博客通知", + "@settingsNewsletterToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page newsletter notification toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsNewsletterToggleSubTitle": "当有新的 Tail Blog 帖子时自动接收通知", + "@settingsNewsletterToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page newsletter notification toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + 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"placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingTitle": "步行", + "@triggerWalkingTitle": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingDescription": "行走时触发动作", + "@triggerWalkingDescription": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingStopped": "已停止", + "@triggerWalkingStopped": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger Stopped action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingStep": "步", + "@triggerWalkingStep": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger Step action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerCoverTitle": "覆盖", + "@triggerCoverTitle": { + "description": "Cover trigger Title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerCoverDescription": "通过覆盖近距离传感器来触发动作", + "@triggerCoverDescription": { + "description": "Cover trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + 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"@triggerActionNotSet": { + "description": "Trigger action label when no action set", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarMicTitle": "耳塞式麦克风", + "@triggerEarMicTitle": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarMicDescription": "当 EarGear 检测到声音时触发动作", + "@triggerEarMicDescription": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarMicSound": "检测到声音", + "@triggerEarMicSound": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger sound detected action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltTitle": "EarGear 倾斜传感器", + "@triggerEarTiltTitle": { + "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltDescription": "当 EarGear 检测到倾斜时触发动作", + "@triggerEarTiltDescription": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger description", + 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repeat the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": "负责任的摇尾巴", + "@moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": { + "description": "Title for Responsible wagging manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualMiTailTitle": "MiTail 手册", + "@moreManualMiTailTitle": { + "description": "Title for MiTail manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualEargearTitle": "EarGear 使用手册", + "@moreManualEargearTitle": { + "description": "Title for EarGear manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": "FlutterWings 手册", + "@moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": { + "description": "Title for FlutterWings manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualTitle": "手册", + "@moreManualTitle": { + "description": "Title for manual header on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualSubTitle": "点按查看", + "@moreManualSubTitle": { + "description": "Subtitle for each manual on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "有用的链接", + "@moreUsefulLinksTitle": { + "description": "Title for Useful Links header on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": "隐私政策", + "@morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": { + "description": "Title for Privacy policy link under Useful Links on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeChangelogLinkTitle": "变更日志", + "@homeChangelogLinkTitle": { + "description": "Title for Changelog on Home page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaChangelogLabel": "固件更新日志", + "@otaChangelogLabel": { + "description": "Label for changelog section of OTA page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaDownloadButtonLabel": "开始 OTA 更新", + "@otaDownloadButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for download firmware button at bottom of OTA page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaInProgressTitle": "正在更新 Gear。请不要关闭 Gear 或关闭应用程序", + "@otaInProgressTitle": { + "description": "Label for ota in progress", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaCompletedTitle": "更新完成", + "@otaCompletedTitle": { + "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update is completed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaFailedTitle": "更新失败。请重启设备并重试", + "@otaFailedTitle": { + "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update has failed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaLowBattery": "电池电量低。请将设备充电至至少 50%", + "@otaLowBattery": { + "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update was blocked due to low battery", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerInfoDescription": "触发器会自动向您的装备发送动作。您可以同时激活多个触发器。点击触发器进行编辑,使用左侧的开关启用触发器。", + "@triggerInfoDescription": { + "description": "Description for what a trigger is and how to use them on the triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "点击铅笔以选择事件发生时要执行的操作。系统将随机选择与连接设备兼容的操作。GlowTip 和 Sound 操作将与 Move 操作一起触发。", + "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { + "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesInfoDescription": "自定义操作允许您为装备创建自己的操作。点击自定义操作即可播放。点击铅笔即可编辑自定义操作。", + "@sequencesInfoDescription": { + "description": "Description for what a custom action is and how to use them on the Custom Actions page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "虽然收集的数据是匿名的,不能用于识别特定用户,但你仍然需要接受隐私政策", + "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": { + "description": "Description for there being a privacy policy on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": "查看隐私政策", + "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": { + "description": "Button label to view privacy policy on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "接受隐私政策", + "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": { + "description": "Button label to accept privacy policy on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothTitle": "蓝牙", + "@onboardingBluetoothTitle": { + "description": "Title for bluetooth section on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothDescription": "需要蓝牙权限才能连接到设备", + "@onboardingBluetoothDescription": { + "description": "Description for bluetooth section on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": "打开蓝牙", + "@onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for the button to open bluetooth settings on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingCompletedTitle": "快乐摇尾巴!", + "@onboardingCompletedTitle": { + "description": "Title of the final page of the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "doubleBackToClose": "再按一次退出 ", + "@doubleBackToClose": { + "description": "Snackbar message which appears when the back button is pressed at the main screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "noLongerSupported": "此装备不再受支持。部分应用功能可能无法使用", + "@noLongerSupported": { + "description": "Warning message which appears for unsupported gear on the manage gear page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "mandatoryOtaRequired": "此应用程序需要固件更新才能支持您的设备", + "@mandatoryOtaRequired": { + "description": "Warning message which appears for gear which have old firmware on the manage gear page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsFavoriteTip": "长按某个动作即可收藏", + "@actionsFavoriteTip": { + "description": "tip message which appears when no actions are favorited on the actions page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreSourceCode": "源代码", + "@moreSourceCode": { + "description": "Label for the github and dev mode button on the more tab", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioActionCategory": "声音特效", + "@audioActionCategory": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioEditDescription": "管理自定义音效", + "@audioEditDescription": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioAdd": "添加音效", + "@audioAdd": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioTipCard": "您可以添加在“操作”选项卡上显示的自定义声音,并可与触发器一起使用", + "@audioTipCard": { + "description": "Tutorial card for the audio page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "假装备", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "添加假装备", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "移除所有假装备", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "移除所有假装备", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "选择任意数量的操作。将随机选择一个与连接设备兼容的操作。GlowTip 和 Sound 操作将与 Move 操作一起触发。别忘了保存。", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "全选", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + } +} diff --git a/lib/l10n/messages_zh_Hant.arb b/lib/l10n/messages_zh_Hant.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42dcad1b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/l10n/messages_zh_Hant.arb @@ -0,0 +1,942 @@ +{ + "feedbackPage": "傳送回饋", + "@feedbackPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the feedback page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioPage": "自訂聲音", + "@audioPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the custom audio management page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsPage": "設定", + "@settingsPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the settings page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsDescription": "更改應用程式顏色、配置觸覺等", + "@settingsDescription": { + "description": "The description of the settings page on the more page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersPage": "觸發器", + "@triggersPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the trigger page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesPage": "自訂操作", + "@sequencesPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the sequences page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceType": "這應該適用於哪些齒輪?", + "@deviceType": { + "description": "Title for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeTail": "尾巴", + "@deviceTypeTail": { + "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeMiniTail": "迷你尾", + "@deviceTypeMiniTail": { + "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEdit": "編輯動作", + "@sequencesEdit": { + "description": "Label for the edit icon on a sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditAdd": "添加移動", + "@sequencesEditAdd": { + "description": "Label for the add Floating Action Button on edit sequence page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditName": "姓名", + "@sequencesEditName": { + "description": "Label for the name field on sequence edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditMove": "移動", + "@sequencesEditMove": { + "description": "Label for the move tab on sequence move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditDelay": "延遲", + "@sequencesEditDelay": { + "description": "Label for the delay tab on sequence move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditLeftServo": "左舵機位置", + "@sequencesEditLeftServo": { + "description": "Label for the left servo slider on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditRightServo": "右舵機位置", + "@sequencesEditRightServo": { + "description": "Label for the right servo slider on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditDeleteTitle": "刪除操作", + "@sequencesEditDeleteTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog on the sequence edit page to delete the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditDeleteDescription": "您確定要刪除此操作嗎?", + "@sequencesEditDeleteDescription": { + "description": "Message of the dialog on the sequence edit page to delete the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "將下一步移動延遲 {howMany} 毫秒。", + "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { + "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": { + "example": "42" + } + } + }, + "actionsNoBluetooth": "藍牙不可用", + "@actionsNoBluetooth": { + "description": "Label on the actions page when bluetooth is unavailable", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryCalm": "平靜和放鬆", + "@actionsCategoryCalm": { + "description": "calm action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryFast": "快速而興奮", + "@actionsCategoryFast": { + "description": "fast action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryTense": "沮喪和緊張", + "@actionsCategoryTense": { + "description": "tense action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsSelectScreen": "選擇一個操作", + "@actionsSelectScreen": { + "description": "Title for action select menu on triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsHapticsToggleTitle": "觸覺回饋", + "@settingsHapticsToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsHapticsToggleSubTitle": "點擊某個操作時啟用振動", + "@settingsHapticsToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": "始終掃描已知裝備", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": "連續掃描已知齒輪。停用後,您必須在齒輪欄上滑動才能進行掃描。", + "@settingsAlwaysScanningToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page always scanning toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": "保持螢幕開啟", + "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": "當您的裝置連線時,此模式會阻止螢幕關閉", + "@settingsKeepScreenOnToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page Keep Awake toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": "狐狸模式", + "@settingsKitsuneToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page Kitsune mode toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": "如果您連接相同裝置的多個實例,此模式將在其移動開始時間中新增隨機暫停,產生不同的視覺效果。", + "@settingsKitsuneToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page show battery percentage toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsBatteryPercentageToggleTitle": "顯示電池百分比", + "@settingsBatteryPercentageToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page Battery Percentage mode toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": "顯示實際電池電量而不是圖標", + "@settingsBatteryPercentageToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page show battery percentage toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsLargerCardsToggleTitle": "更大的卡片", + "@settingsLargerCardsToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page Larger cards toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsLargerCardsToggleSubTitle": "讓動作卡更大以便於點擊", + "@settingsLargerCardsToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page show larger cards toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": "自動錯誤報告", + "@settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "向 Sentry 發送錯誤報告", + "@settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsTutorialCardToggleTitle": "隱藏教學卡", + "@settingsTutorialCardToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page tutorial card display toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": "隱藏整個應用程式中的各種教學卡", + "@settingsTutorialCardToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page tutorial card display toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAnalyticsToggleTitle": "允許匿名分析", + "@settingsAnalyticsToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page analytics reporting toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": "向 Plausible 報告非識別功能的使用情況,以增強應用程式", + "@settingsAnalyticsToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page analytics reporting toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsNewsletterToggleTitle": "允許尾部博客通知", + "@settingsNewsletterToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page newsletter notification toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsNewsletterToggleSubTitle": "有新的 Tail 部落格貼文時自動接收通知", + "@settingsNewsletterToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page newsletter notification toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsAppColor": "應用程式顏色", + "@settingsAppColor": { + "description": "Settings page app color picker button title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesBatteryGraphTitle": "電池圖", + "@manageDevicesBatteryGraphTitle": { + "description": "battery graph expansion tile title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesDisconnect": "斷開", + "@manageDevicesDisconnect": { + "description": "manage devices disconnect button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesConnect": "連接", + "@manageDevicesConnect": { + "description": "manage devices connect button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesShutdown": "關閉", + "@manageDevicesShutdown": { + "description": "manage devices shutdown button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesColor": "齒輪顏色", + "@manageDevicesColor": { + "description": "manage devices color picker button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesForget": "忘記", + "@manageDevicesForget": { + "description": "manage devices forget button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDevicesTitle": "掃描新裝備", + "@scanDevicesTitle": { + "description": "button which opens the scan window", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDevicesFoundTitle": "找到齒輪。點擊齒輪名稱進行連接", + "@scanDevicesFoundTitle": { + "description": "Title when gear is found on the scan for new gear page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDevicesScanMessage": "掃描齒輪。請確保您的設備已通電且位於附近", + "@scanDevicesScanMessage": { + "description": "scan for devices scan in progress message when scanning for a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingTitle": "行人徒步區", + "@triggerWalkingTitle": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingDescription": "步行時觸發動作", + "@triggerWalkingDescription": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingStopped": "已停止", + "@triggerWalkingStopped": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger Stopped action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingStep": "步", + "@triggerWalkingStep": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger Step action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerCoverDescription": "已停止", + "@triggerCoverDescription": { + "description": "Cover trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerCoverFar": "設備被發現", + "@triggerCoverFar": { + "description": "Cover trigger far action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerRandomButtonTitle": "休閒模式", + "@triggerRandomButtonTitle": { + "description": "Casual Mode trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerRandomButtonDescription": "隨機播放選定的動作", + "@triggerRandomButtonDescription": { + "description": "Casual Mode trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerRandomAction": "行動", + "@triggerRandomAction": { + "description": "Casual Mode trigger action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonTitle": "音量按鈕", + "@triggerVolumeButtonTitle": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": "音量減小", + "@triggerVolumeButtonVolumeDown": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger volume down action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerShakeTitle": "搖", + "@triggerShakeTitle": { + "description": "Shake trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerShakeDescription": "透過搖動設備觸發操作", + "@triggerShakeDescription": { + "description": "Shake trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerProximityTitle": "附近的裝備", + "@triggerProximityTitle": { + "description": "Proximity trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerProximityDescription": "如果齒輪在附近則觸發動作", + "@triggerProximityDescription": { + "description": "Proximity trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionNotSet": "沒有設定行動", + "@triggerActionNotSet": { + "description": "Trigger action label when no action set", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarMicTitle": "耳麥", + "@triggerEarMicTitle": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarMicDescription": "當 EarGear 偵測到聲音時觸發操作", + "@triggerEarMicDescription": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarMicSound": "偵測到聲音", + "@triggerEarMicSound": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger sound detected action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltTitle": "EarGear 傾斜感測器", + "@triggerEarTiltTitle": { + "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltDescription": "當 EarGear 偵測到傾斜時觸發操作", + "@triggerEarTiltDescription": { + "description": "EarGear internal mic trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltLeft": "左傾斜", + "@triggerEarTiltLeft": { + "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger left tilt detected action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltRight": "右傾斜", + "@triggerEarTiltRight": { + "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger right tilt detected action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltForward": "前傾", + "@triggerEarTiltForward": { + "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger forward tilt detected action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerEarTiltBackward": "向後傾斜", + "@triggerEarTiltBackward": { + "description": "EarGear internal gesture sensor trigger backward tilt detected action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequenceEditRepeatTitle": "重複這個動作幾次?", + "@sequenceEditRepeatTitle": { + "description": "Title for slider on sequence edit page to set how many times to repeat the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": "負責任的搖擺", + "@moreManualResponsibleWaggingTitle": { + "description": "Title for Responsible wagging manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualMiTailTitle": "米泰手冊", + "@moreManualMiTailTitle": { + "description": "Title for MiTail manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualEargearTitle": "耳機手冊", + "@moreManualEargearTitle": { + "description": "Title for EarGear manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": "FlutterWings 手冊", + "@moreManualFlutterWingsTitle": { + "description": "Title for FlutterWings manual button on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreUsefulLinksTitle": "有用的連結", + "@moreUsefulLinksTitle": { + "description": "Title for Useful Links header on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": "隱私權政策", + "@morePrivacyPolicyLinkTitle": { + "description": "Title for Privacy policy link under Useful Links on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeChangelogLinkTitle": "變更日誌", + "@homeChangelogLinkTitle": { + "description": "Title for Changelog on Home page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreTitle": "更多的", + "@moreTitle": { + "description": "Title for More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaTitle": "更新裝備", + "@otaTitle": { + "description": "Title for OTA page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaChangelogLabel": "韌體更新日誌", + "@otaChangelogLabel": { + "description": "Label for changelog section of OTA page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaDownloadButtonLabel": "開始OTA更新", + "@otaDownloadButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for download firmware button at bottom of OTA page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaInProgressTitle": "更新裝備。請不要關閉您的裝置或關閉應用程式", + "@otaInProgressTitle": { + "description": "Label for ota in progress", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaCompletedTitle": "更新完成", + "@otaCompletedTitle": { + "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update is completed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaFailedTitle": "更新失敗。請重新啟動您的裝置並重試", + "@otaFailedTitle": { + "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update has failed", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "otaLowBattery": "低電量。請將您的裝備充電至至少 50%", + "@otaLowBattery": { + "description": "Title for the text that appears when an OTA update was blocked due to low battery", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerInfoDescription": "觸發器會自動將動作傳送到您的裝備。您可以同時啟動多個觸發器。點擊觸發器進行編輯,使用左側的開關啟用觸發器。", + "@triggerInfoDescription": { + "description": "Description for what a trigger is and how to use them on the triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerInfoEditActionDescription": "點擊鉛筆以選擇事件發生時要播放的操作。將隨機選擇與連接的裝備相容的動作。 GlowTip 和聲音操作將與移動操作一起觸發。", + "@triggerInfoEditActionDescription": { + "description": "Instruction on how to select an action on the trigger edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesInfoDescription": "自訂操作可讓您為裝備制定自己的操作。點擊自訂操作即可播放它。點擊鉛筆以編輯自訂操作。", + "@sequencesInfoDescription": { + "description": "Description for what a custom action is and how to use them on the Custom Actions page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesInfoEditDescription": "每個自訂操作由 1-6 個動作組成,最多可重複 5 次。您可以長按一個動作來重新排序。", + "@sequencesInfoEditDescription": { + "description": "Description for making a custom action on the edit Custom Action page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": "雖然收集的資料是匿名的,不能用於識別特定用戶,但您仍然需要接受隱私權政策", + "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyDescription": { + "description": "Description for there being a privacy policy on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": "接受隱私權政策", + "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyAcceptButtonLabel": { + "description": "Button label to accept privacy policy on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothTitle": "藍牙", + "@onboardingBluetoothTitle": { + "description": "Title for bluetooth section on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothDescription": "連接到裝置需要藍牙權限", + "@onboardingBluetoothDescription": { + "description": "Description for bluetooth section on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": "授予權限", + "@onboardingBluetoothRequestButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for the button to request bluetooth permission on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "mandatoryOtaRequired": "此應用程式需要更新韌體才能支援您的設備", + "@mandatoryOtaRequired": { + "description": "Warning message which appears for gear which have old firmware on the manage gear page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsFavoriteTip": "長按一個動作即可收藏", + "@actionsFavoriteTip": { + "description": "tip message which appears when no actions are favorited on the actions page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreSourceCode": "原始碼", + "@moreSourceCode": { + "description": "Label for the github and dev mode button on the more tab", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioActionCategory": "聲音特效", + "@audioActionCategory": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioEditDescription": "管理自訂音效", + "@audioEditDescription": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioEdit": "重命名音效", + "@audioEdit": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioDelete": "刪除音效", + "@audioDelete": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryGlowtip": "發光提示", + "@actionsCategoryGlowtip": { + "description": "glowtip action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "title": "尾巴公司", + "@title": { + "description": "The name of the app", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeNewsTitle": "來自尾巴部落格的新鮮事", + "@homeNewsTitle": { + "description": "The title header for the news in the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeWelcomeMessageTitle": "歡迎使用尾公司應用程式", + "@homeWelcomeMessageTitle": { + "description": "The welcome message title on the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": "在上面的已知設備區域水平滑動即可開始掃描。您可以在設定中開啟連續掃描。", + "@homeContinuousScanningOffDescription": { + "description": "The welcome message title on the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "homeWelcomeMessage": "您可以在這裡控制、探索和更新您的所有 Tail Co 裝備。也有可用的說明和指南。快樂搖擺!", + "@homeWelcomeMessage": { + "description": "The welcome message on the home screen when no gear is connected", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "joyStickPage": "搖桿", + "@joyStickPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the joystick page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "joyStickPageDescription": "直接控制檔位。", + "@joyStickPageDescription": { + "description": "The description of the joystick page on the more page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "aboutPage": "關於", + "@aboutPage": { + "description": "The label and title of the about page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesPageDescription": "為您的裝備建立自訂操作", + "@sequencesPageDescription": { + "description": "The description of the sequences page link on the more page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectLabel": "選擇觸發類型", + "@triggersSelectLabel": { + "description": "The title of the add trigger dialog", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectClearLabel": "選擇無", + "@triggersSelectClearLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectSaveLabel": "儲存操作", + "@triggersSelectSaveLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for saving the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "ok": "好的", + "@ok": { + "description": "Ok on dialog boxes", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cancel": "取消", + "@cancel": { + "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersAdd": "新增觸發器", + "@triggersAdd": { + "description": "Floating Action Button on the triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeEars": "耳朵", + "@deviceTypeEars": { + "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeWings": "翅膀", + "@deviceTypeWings": { + "description": "Wings option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesAdd": "新行動", + "@sequencesAdd": { + "description": "Floating Action Button on the sequences page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditSpeed": "齒輪應該要以多快的速度移動到這個位置?", + "@sequencesEditSpeed": { + "description": "Label for the speed selector on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditEasing": "緩動型", + "@sequencesEditEasing": { + "description": "Label for the easing selector on the move tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditTime": "在此自訂操作中進行下一步之前需要等待多長時間", + "@sequencesEditTime": { + "description": "Label for the time slider on the delay tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditHomeLabel": "裝備回家", + "@sequencesEditHomeLabel": { + "description": "Label on the home tab of the move edit page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesOtaButton": "點選更新韌體", + "@manageDevicesOtaButton": { + "description": "manage devices ota available button", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerCoverTitle": "覆蓋", + "@triggerCoverTitle": { + "description": "Cover trigger Title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerCoverNear": "設備覆蓋", + "@triggerCoverNear": { + "description": "Cover trigger near action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonDescription": "按音量按鈕觸發操作", + "@triggerVolumeButtonDescription": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerVolumeButtonVolumeUp": "提高音量", + "@triggerVolumeButtonVolumeUp": { + "description": "Volume Button trigger volume up action label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualTitle": "手冊", + "@moreManualTitle": { + "description": "Title for manual header on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "moreManualSubTitle": "點擊查看", + "@moreManualSubTitle": { + "description": "Subtitle for each manual on More page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": "查看隱私權政策", + "@onboardingPrivacyPolicyViewButtonLabel": { + "description": "Button label to view privacy policy on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": "開啟藍牙", + "@onboardingBluetoothEnableButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for the button to open bluetooth settings on the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingDoneButtonLabel": "完畢", + "@onboardingDoneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Label for the button to close the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "onboardingCompletedTitle": "快樂搖擺!", + "@onboardingCompletedTitle": { + "description": "Title of the final page of the onboarding screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "doubleBackToClose": "再按一次退出 ", + "@doubleBackToClose": { + "description": "Snackbar message which appears when the back button is pressed at the main screen", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "noLongerSupported": "不再支援此裝備。某些應用程式功能可能無法使用", + "@noLongerSupported": { + "description": "Warning message which appears for unsupported gear on the manage gear page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioDeleteDescription": "您確定要刪除此音效嗎?", + "@audioDeleteDescription": { + "description": "Label for the body of the delete confirmation dialog", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioAdd": "新增音效", + "@audioAdd": { + "description": "Label for sound files", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "audioTipCard": "您可以新增出現在「動作」標籤上並可與觸發器一起使用的自訂聲音", + "@audioTipCard": { + "description": "Tutorial card for the audio page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGear": "假裝備", + "@scanDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the expansion tile to show the demo gear options on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanAddDemoGear": "增加假裝備", + "@scanAddDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the dropdown to select a demo gear to add on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanRemoveDemoGear": "刪除所有假裝備", + "@scanRemoveDemoGear": { + "description": "Label for the button to remove all demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDemoGearTip": "刪除所有假裝備", + "@scanDemoGearTip": { + "description": "Tip Card description for the demo gear on the scan for new devices page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersSelectAllLabel": "全選", + "@triggersSelectAllLabel": { + "description": "The button label on the trigger select screen for clearing the selected actions", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": "選擇您想要的任意數量的操作。將隨機選擇與連接的裝備相容的動作。 GlowTip 和聲音操作將與移動操作一起觸發。別忘了保存。", + "@triggerActionSelectorTutorialLabel": { + "description": "Label for the tutorial card on the Action selector for triggers", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + } +}