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"type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "actionsCategoryFast": "Fast and Excited", - "@actionsCategoryFast": { - "description": "fast action group label", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "doubleBack": "Pwess back again t-to weave *screams*", - "@doubleBack": { - "description": "A toast which appears when the back button is pressed at the main page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "actionsNoGear": "Nyo Geaw Connyected", - "@actionsNoGear": { - "description": "Label on the actions page when no gear is connected", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "settingsPage": "Settings", - "@settingsPage": { - "description": "The label and title of the settings page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequencesEditMove": "Muv", - "@sequencesEditMove": { - "description": "Label for the move tab on sequence move edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "aboutPage": "about OwO", - "@aboutPage": { - "description": "The label and title of the about page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "settingsHapticsToggleTitle": "Haptic Feedback *cries*", - "@settingsHapticsToggleTitle": { - "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle title", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequencesEditRightServo": "Wight Sewvo", - "@sequencesEditRightServo": { - "description": "Label for the right servo slider on the move tab of the move edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequencesEditName": "Nyame", - "@sequencesEditName": { - "description": "Label for the name field on sequence edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "actionsCategoryCalm": "C-Cawm and Wewaxed", - "@actionsCategoryCalm": { - "description": "calm action group label", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": "Automatic ewwow wepowting", - "@settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": { - "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle title", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - 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"type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequencesEditHome": "Home", - "@sequencesEditHome": { - "description": "Label for the home tab on sequence move edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMoveGroupsFrustrated": "Fwustwated", - "@manageDevicesAutoMoveGroupsFrustrated": { - "description": "Auto move group frustrated option label when managing a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "settingsAutoConnectToggleTitle": "Automaticawwy Scan fow k-knyown geaw", - "@settingsAutoConnectToggleTitle": { - "description": "Settings page auto connect toggle title", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequencesEditEasing": "Easing Type", - "@sequencesEditEasing": { - "description": "Label for the easing selector on the move tab of the move edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "ok": "Ok", - "@ok": { - "description": "Ok on dialog boxes", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMoveNoPhoneSliderLabel": "Intl.plural(howMany, one: '{howMany} m-minyute', other: '{howMany} m-minyutes')", - "@manageDevicesAutoMoveNoPhoneSliderLabel": { - "description": "Auto move no phone slider label when managing a device.", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": { - "howMany": { - "example": "42" - } - } - }, - "settingsHapticsToggleSubTitle": "Enyabwe vibwation when an action ow (・`ω´・) sequence is tapped", - "@settingsHapticsToggleSubTitle": { - "description": "Settings page haptic feedback toggle subtitle", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Intl.plural(howMany, one: ' Deway (・`ω´・) nyext muv ^w^ fow {howMany} >w< second.', other: ' Deway (・`ω´・) nyext muv ^w^ fow {howMany} >w< seconds')", - "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { - "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": { - "howMany": { - "example": "42" - } - } - }, - "feedbackPage": "feedback *cries*", - "@feedbackPage": { - "description": "The label and title of the feedback page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "Automaticawwy wepowts ewwows t-to sentwy", - "@settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": { - "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle subtitle", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "deviceType": "Device Type", - "@deviceType": { - "description": "Title for the selector to select which device to send moves to", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMovePauseSliderLabel": "Intl.plural(howMany, one: '{howMany} second', other: '{howMany} seconds')", - "@manageDevicesAutoMovePauseSliderLabel": { - "description": "Auto move pause slider title when managing a device.", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": { - "howMany": { - "example": "42" - } - } - }, - "sequencesEditHomeLabel": "Home the x3 Geaw", - "@sequencesEditHomeLabel": { - "description": "Label on the home tab of the move edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "triggersSelectLabel": "Sewect an Twiggew Type", - "@triggersSelectLabel": { - "description": "The title of the add trigger dialog", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesForget": "Fowget", - "@manageDevicesForget": { - "description": "manage devices forget button title when managing a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "cancel": "Cancew", - "@cancel": { - "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMoveNoPhoneTitle": "Nyo-Phonye-Mode Stawt Deway (・`ω´・)", - "@manageDevicesAutoMoveNoPhoneTitle": { - "description": "Auto move no-phone mode slider title when managing a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "scanDevicesAutoConnectTitle": "Automaticawwy connyect ÚwÚ t-to nyew devices", - "@scanDevicesAutoConnectTitle": { - "description": "scan for devices auto connect toggle title when scanning for a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "sequencesEditDelay": "deway (・`ω´・)", - "@sequencesEditDelay": { - "description": "Label for the delay tab on sequence move edit page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "actionsPage": "actions :3", - "@actionsPage": { - "description": "The label and title of the action page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMovePauseTitle": "Pause between muvs", - "@manageDevicesAutoMovePauseTitle": { - "description": "Auto move pause slider title when managing a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "triggersAdd": "Add Twiggew", - "@triggersAdd": { - "description": "Floating Action Button on the triggers page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "triggersPage": "Twiggews", - "@triggersPage": { - "description": "The label and title of the trigger page", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "deviceTypeEars": "E-E-Eaws", - "@deviceTypeEars": { - "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesDisconnect": "Disconnyect", - "@manageDevicesDisconnect": { - "description": "manage devices disconnect button title when managing a device", - "type": "text", - 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Pwease make suwe youw geaw is powewed on and nyeawby", - "@scanDevicesScanMessage": { - "description": "scan for devices scan in progress message when scanning for a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "settingsAutoConnectToggleSubTitle": "Scan fow k-knyown geaw a-a-automaticawwy, This onwy wowks when the x3 app is open and wiww dwain youw battewy fastew!!11", - "@settingsAutoConnectToggleSubTitle": { - "description": "Settings page auto connect toggle subtitle", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMoveGroupsCalm": "C-Cawm", - "@manageDevicesAutoMoveGroupsCalm": { - "description": "Auto move group calm option label when managing a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMoveTitle": "Auto Muv", - "@manageDevicesAutoMoveTitle": { - "description": "Auto move toggle title when managing a device", - "type": "text", - "placeholders": {} - }, - "manageDevicesAutoMoveGroupsTitle": "Muv Gwoups", - 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"@ok": { + "description": "Ok on dialog boxes", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cancel": "Stornieren", + "@cancel": { + "description": "Cancel on dialog boxes", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggersAdd": "Trigger hinzufügen", + "@triggersAdd": { + "description": "Floating Action Button on the triggers page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceType": "Gerätetyp", + "@deviceType": { + "description": "Title for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeTail": "Schwanz", + "@deviceTypeTail": { + "description": "Tail option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeEars": "Ohren", + "@deviceTypeEars": { + "description": "Ears option for the selector to select which device to send moves to", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deviceTypeWings": "Flügel", + "@deviceTypeWings": { + 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Sequenz wirklich löschen?", + "@sequencesEditDeleteDescription": { + "description": "Message of the dialog on the sequence edit page to delete the sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequenceEditListDelayLabel": "Nächsten Zug um {howMany} ms verzögern.", + "@sequenceEditListDelayLabel": { + "description": "Delay move label on the edit sequences page.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "howMany": { + "example": "42" + } + } + }, + "actionsNoBluetooth": "Bluetooth ist nicht verfügbar", + "@actionsNoBluetooth": { + "description": "Label on the actions page when bluetooth is unavailable", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryCalm": "Ruhig und entspannt", + "@actionsCategoryCalm": { + "description": "calm action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "actionsCategoryFast": "Schnell und aufgeregt", + "@actionsCategoryFast": { + "description": "fast action group label", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + 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Fehlerberichterstattung", + "@settingsErrorReportingToggleTitle": { + "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": "Meldet Fehler automatisch an Sentry", + "@settingsErrorReportingToggleSubTitle": { + "description": "Settings page error reporting toggle subtitle", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesAutoMoveTitle": "Casual-Modus", + "@manageDevicesAutoMoveTitle": { + "description": "Auto move toggle title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesAutoMoveSubTitle": "Der Schwanz wählt eine zufällige Bewegung aus und pausiert zwischen jeder Bewegung für eine zufällige Anzahl von Sekunden", + "@manageDevicesAutoMoveSubTitle": { + "description": "Auto move toggle subtitle when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesAutoMoveGroupsTitle": "Gruppen verschieben", + 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"placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesDisconnect": "Trennen", + "@manageDevicesDisconnect": { + "description": "manage devices disconnect button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "manageDevicesForget": "Vergessen", + "@manageDevicesForget": { + "description": "manage devices forget button title when managing a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDevicesAutoConnectTitle": "Automatische Verbindung zu neuen Geräten herstellen", + "@scanDevicesAutoConnectTitle": { + "description": "scan for devices auto connect toggle title when scanning for a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "scanDevicesScanMessage": "Suche nach Ausrüstung. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Ausrüstung eingeschaltet und in der Nähe ist", + "@scanDevicesScanMessage": { + "description": "scan for devices scan in progress message when scanning for a device", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingTitle": "Gehen", + "@triggerWalkingTitle": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesAdd": "Neue Sequenz", + "@sequencesAdd": { + "description": "Floating Action Button on the sequences page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEdit": "Reihenfolge bearbeiten", + "@sequencesEdit": { + "description": "Label for the edit icon on a sequence", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingDescription": "Lösen Sie beim Gehen eine Aktion aus", + "@triggerWalkingDescription": { + "description": "Walking/Step trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerWalkingStopped": "Gestoppt", + 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Ihr Gerät schütteln", + "@triggerShakeDescription": { + "description": "Shake trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerProximityTitle": "Ausrüstung in der Nähe", + "@triggerProximityTitle": { + "description": "Proximity trigger title", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerProximityDescription": "Lösen Sie eine Aktion aus, wenn sich Ausrüstung in der Nähe befindet", + "@triggerProximityDescription": { + "description": "Proximity trigger description", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "triggerActionNotSet": "Kein Aktionssatz", + "@triggerActionNotSet": { + "description": "Trigger action label when no action set", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditAdd": "Bewegung hinzufügen", + "@sequencesEditAdd": { + "description": "Label for the add Floating Action Button on edit sequence page", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sequencesEditName": "Name", + "@sequencesEditName": { + "description": 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