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EPANET Matlab Toolkit (EMT) v2.2.6.1

  • Add the example Fasted Parallel computation
  • Update the function getComputedTimeSeries_ENepanet to work in parallel
  • Add the function readEpanetBinaryFile
  • Add the function getNodeJunctionBaseDemands #230
  • Add the function getNodeJunctionActualDemand #230

EPANET Matlab Toolkit (EMT) v2.2.5

  • Add the function getComputedAnalysisTimeSeries (Computed Hydraulic and Quality analysis)
  • Update Movie example (use epanet class function instead of properties)
  • Load epanet file with specific DLL without fill properties: d = epanet(inpname, 'epanet2', 'loadfile');
  • Update the functions getAdjacencyMatrix, getFlowDirections help d.getAdjacencyMatrix help d.getFlowDirections
  • Add the function getMSXComputedLinkQualitySpecie (Returns the link quality for specific specie)
  • Add the function getMSXComputedNodeQualitySpecie (Returns the node quality for specific specie)
  • Update in the function setMSXTimeStep
  • Update the function loadMSXFile, e.g.
    d.loadMSXFile('net2-cl2.msx', 'epanetmsx');
    d.loadMSXFile('net2-cl2.msx', 'epanetmsx', 'loadfile');
    d.loadMSXFile('net2-cl2.msx', 'loadfile');

EPANET Matlab Toolkit (EMT) v2.2.4

  • Update the LICENSE file to the last version of EUPL v. 1.2
  • Minor fix in the function setNodeBaseDemands for the demand category (Thanks Roya @RPM-2022).
  • Add the function getMSXComputedTimeSeries.
  • Minor fix in the functions plotMSXSpeciesLinkConcentration, plotMSXSpeciesNodeConcentration
  • Show a message when you set the wrong species index in the functions (getMSXComputed..)
  • Add the library epanetmsx_thunk64 and msxepanet.m to help deploy an app with epanet msx.
  • Add loadMSXEPANETFile and loadMSXlibrary functions. Used for parallel simulations.
  • Minor fix in the function getLinkVolumes

EPANET Matlab Toolkit (EMT) v2.2.3

EPANET Matlab Toolkit (EMT) v2.2.2

  • Performance updates (getComputed..)
  • Update EX24_Parallel_computations.m
  • Cleanup and some fixes
  • When running d = epanet('Net1.inp') creates a temporary input file using the Matlab function copyfile instead of ENsaveinpfile the first time.
  • Update Movie Examples
  • We have prepared a tutorial as part of the CCWI-WDSA 2022 conference. You can find the files in the tutorial folder at the following GitHub repository.
    • Basic functionality
    • Run first EPANET analysis
    • Run first MSX analysis
    • How to include uncertainties in simulations
    • How to analyze network graph
    • How to place pressure sensors
    • How to create leakage events
    • How to detect leakage events
    • How to place quality sensors
    • How to create contamination events (using MSX)
    • How to detect contamination events

EPANET Matlab Toolkit (EMT) v2.2.1

  • The epanet class initialization function can now run without an input: i.e., d = epanet, so that the user can create a network from scratch. Check the following example: Toolkit_EX4_Network_Building

  • Use of EN_ functions, using a project handle (ph). This creates the possibility of working with more than one networks (EPANET Input Files), i.e., many EPANET classes simultaneously! Check the following example: EX6_load_two_inp_files

  • The user is now able to use EN and MSX functions explicitily. Api has been added in front of EN and MSX functions (e.g., apiENopen and apiMSΧopen). Check the new examples featuring only apiEN and apiMSX functions:

  • Help text for all apiEN and apiMSX functions.

>> help d.apiENgetcount
--- help for epanet.apiENgetcount ---

  Retrieves the number of objects of a given type in a project.
  apiENgetcount(countcode, LibEPANET, ph)
  countcode number of objects of the specified type.
  LibEPANET epanet library DLL name
  ph        epanet project handle.
  an error code.
  • Help text for all MSX functions.

  • Fix bugs, cleanup, and updates.

  • Transitioned Examples to Live Code File Format (.mlx).

List of all the examples

Updated functions to accept more input data, e.g., getMSXComputedQualitySpecie:

>> help d.getMSXComputedQualitySpecie
--- help for epanet/getMSXComputedQualitySpecie ---

  Returns the node/link quality for specific specie.
  Example 1:    
    d = epanet('net2-cl2.inp');
    MSX_comp = d.getMSXComputedQualitySpecie('CL2')
    MSX_comp.NodeQuality % row: time, col: node index
    MSX_comp.LinkQuality % row: time, col: link index
  Example 2:
    d = epanet('example.inp');            
    MSX_comp = d.getMSXComputedQualitySpecie  % Computes quality for all
                                               the species in 3D arrays.
    MSX_comp.NodeQuality(:,:,1) % Gets node quality for the first specie.
    MSX_comp.LinkQuality(:,:,5) % Gets link quality for the fith specie.
  Example 3:
    d = epanet('example.inp');            
    MSX_comp = d.getMSXComputedQualitySpecie({'AStot', 'AS5s'}) % Computes quality for 'AStot', 'AS5s'
                                                                species in 3D arrays.
    MSX_comp.NodeQuality(:,:,1) % Gets node quality for the first specie.
    MSX_comp.NodeQuality(:,:,2) % Gets node quality for the second specie.
  See also getMSXComputedQualityNode, getMSXComputedQualityLink.

More updated functions: getNodeTankNameID, getLinkValveNameID, getLinkPumpNameID, getNodeTankIndex, getLinkValveIndex, getLinkPumpIndex.

List of New EPANET 2.2.1 Matlab Class Functions

Function Description
appRotateNetwork Rotates the network by theta degrees counter-clockwise
appShiftNetwork Shifts the network in x and y directions
createProject Creates an EPANET project
deletePatternAll Deletes all time patterns from a project
deleteProject Deletes an EPANET project
getEN_functionsImpemented Retrieves the EPANET EN_ functions that have been developed
getGraph Retrieves the graph of the current EPANET network
getNodeLinks Retrieves the links which a specific node is connected to
getLinkQuality Retrieves the value of link quality
plotGraph Plots the graph of the current EPANET network
reverseLinkNodeIndices Reverses the node indices that connect a link
runProject Runs a complete EPANET simulation
setNodeTypeJunction Transforms a node to junction
setNodeTypeReservoir Transforms a node to reservoir
setNodeTypeTank Transforms a node to tank
splitPipe Splits a pipe, creating two new pipes and adds a junction in between them
toJson Creates json text variable
toJsonFile Creates a .json file and adds the input values in json format

List of New EPANET 2.2 Functions Supported

Function Description
apiEN_createproject Creates a new EPANET project
apiEN_deleteproject Deletes the EPANET project
apiEN_runproject Runs a complete EPANET simulation