- [Android] Add more type safety.
🔧 Android installation steps were updated here.
- [Android] Remove notification large icon.
- [Android] Fix alarm stop on app open.
- [Android] Fix notifications icon for some OEM.
- [Android] Fix ring stream issue.
- [Android] Increment compileSdkVersion to 34.
- [Android] Update installation steps & documentation.
- [Android] Update PendingIntent flags in AlarmReceiver.
- [iOS] Fix EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors.
- [Android] Improve error handling.
- Improve Dart code quality: apply very_good_analysis lint rules.
- Add minor updates in documentation.
- [Android] Fix BackgroundServiceStartNotAllowedException.
- [Android] Fix alarm ring on app launch.
- Improve alarm reschedule on init.
- [Android] Add relative audio path support.
- [iOS] Add concurrency handling.
- [iOS] Make iOS notification show in foreground.
- Fix alarm id verification.
- Prevent if integer overflow.
- [Android] Improve error handling. Add exceptions with better messages.
- [iOS] Add support for subfolder local audio path.
- [Android] Add notification large icon.
- [Android] Add Gradle 8 support.
- [Android] Fix delay integer overflow when delay is more than a month.
- Keep notification when audio's over.
- [Android] Add
permission. - [Android] Fix vibrations for versions below API 26.
- [Android] Fix errors with specific Android versions.
- Call
is false and audio ends.
- [Android] Fix local audio file playback. Add
permission in the manifest and request it at runtime to prevent access errors.
- Only override an existing alarm if it's scheduled for the identical second.
💥 Breaking Changes
🔧 Android installation steps were updated here.
- [Android] Alarm will work even if app was killed.
- [Android] Notification are now mandatory so foreground services can be used.
- [iOS] Notifications are now native.
dependency was removed. - Remove [stopOnNotificationOpen] property.
- Replace [volumeMax] with [volume] double property.
- [Android] Fix notification delay for Android 12 and above.
- [Android] Abandon audio focus + stop vibrating when loopAudio is false and audio is over.
- [Android] Fix notification delay and sound.
- [Android] Fix alarms for Android API 31 and above.
- [iOS] Fix audio player fade duration.
- [iOS] Fix on-app-kill notification.
- Improve README and installation guides.
- [iOS] Add more error handling.
- [Android] Fix alarm for Android 12 and above.
- [iOS] Remove notification sound.
- Throw exception if alarm settings are invalid.
- Improve README.
- Update README.
- Add minor improvements.
- [iOS] Make native iOS notifications to remove
💥 Breaking Changes 🔧 Android installation steps were updated here.
- Remove [stopOnNotificationOpen] property.
- Make notification mandatory so android foreground services can be used.
- [Android] Refactor alarm to native android services.
- Replace [volumeMax] with [volume] double property.
- [Android] Move alarm service to native code.
- Fix
method with missing [androidFullScreenIntent].
🔧 Android installation steps were updated here.
- [Android] Add parameter [androidFullScreenIntent] that turns screen on when alarm notification is triggered.
- [Android] Fix 'ring now' alarm delay.
- [Android] Fix fadeDuration cast error.
- Disable [stopOnNotificationOpen] by default.
- Update README.
- Fix example app's ring now button.
- Refactor set alarm methods.
💥 Breaking Changes
- Installation steps were updated in the README. Please make sure to follow them.
- [iOS] Add Background Fetch to periodically make sure alarms are still active in the background.
- Add minor improvements.
- [iOS] Move background fetch to native.
- [Android] Fix build errors.
- [iOS] Improve background fetch & audio interruptions
- [iOS] Improve alarm reliability.
- [iOS] Improve silent audio interruption handling.
- Add a shortcut button in example app.
- [iOS] Play silent audio until alarm rings to keep app active.
- [iOS] Add Background Fetch to periodically check if app is still active.
- [iOS] Add new installation steps.
- Upgrade plugin's dependencies.
- Prove plugin ownership for winning OnePub competition: 961eace7-3bbb-11ee-ade6-42010ab60008
- Fix fromJson error on plugin init.
- Add [volumeMax] parameter.
- [iOS] Keep app active in background by playing silent sound in a loop.
- [Android] Add missing isRinging method.
- [iOS] Fix alarm stop.
- Improve error handling and coding style.
- [Android] Fix null isolate SendPort error on stop.
- Add Flutter audio asset import from Swift. It's no longer needed to import your assets in Xcode too.
- Remove unecessary exception on init.
- Fix notification schedule date.
- Update plugin's dependencies.
- Increment Android minimum version to API 19 (4.4).
- Add support for downloaded audio local files.
- Remove support for network audio files, which was unstable.
- Update plugin's dependencies.
- Add a FAQ item in README
- Add optional [stopOnNotificationOpen] parameter to stop alarm when notification is opened.
- Add
method. - [Android] Fix isolate unfound port error.
- [iOS] Fix alarm sound from background mode.
- Alarm plugin is now ready for production. Breaking changes will be released in major version releases from now.
- Add some minor improvements.
- Update README.md
- Add custom debug print method.
- [iOS] Prevent unnecessary callbacks when alarm is stopped.
- If [loopAudio] is set to false, stop vibrations when audio ends.
- [iOS] Avoid crash if provided audio url is wrong.
- [Android] Fix vibrations which were triggered even when disabled.
- [iOS] Fix vibrations: cancel callback if alarm is stopped.
- Fix zoned notification schedule date shift
- [Android] Fix [NotificationOnKillService] for API 31+
- Improve documentation.
- Add [showDebugLogs] optional parameter to [Alarm.init] method.
- Add optional [vibrate] parameter, to toggle vibrations when alarm rings.
- 💥 Breaking changes: Add multiple alarm management. Now, you have to provide a unique [id] to [AlarmSettings].
- Update example application.
- [Android] Fix potential delay between notification and alarm sound.
- Schedule notification with precision to the given second.
- [Android] Fix notification permission for Android 13.
- Add optional [fadeDuration] parameter, which is the duration, in seconds, over which to fade the alarm volume.
- Add more Android installation steps in the README.
- Add alarm behaviour details in the README.
- [Android] Fix alarm while screen is locked.
- Add [Alarm.hasAlarm] method.
- Fix: cancel on-application-kill notification warning when alarm starts ringing, instead of when user stops alarm.
- Export [AlarmSettings] model in [Alarm] service so it's not necessary to import it separately anymore.
- 💥 Breaking changes: [Alarm.set] method now takes a [AlarmSettings] as only parameter.
- 💥 Breaking changes: You will have to create a
attached to [Alarm.ringStream.stream] in order to listen to the alarm ringing state now. This way, even if your app was previously killed, your custom callback can still be triggered. - By default, if an alarm was set and the app is killed, a notification will be shown to warn the user that the alarm may not ring, with the possibility to reopen the app and automatically reschedule the alarm. To disable this feature, you can call the method [Alarm.toggleNotificationOnAppKill(false)].
- Add notification on kill notification switch button in example app.
- Add some minor fixes and improvements.
- Add a Gist in the README.md to explain how to import assets on Xcode without adding weight to your app.
- [Android] Fix notification parameters.
- Add more documentation.
- Add plugin description in pubspec.yaml.
- Refactor some Swift code.
- Update links in the README.md.
- Initial development release.