Download a VM (test only!) here: (Suggested: upgrade compatibility to at least Workstation 12.x, in order to have access to more functionalities). Then:
Expand HD (via VMware)
Boot VM and increase partition this way:
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
to list the partitions. Make note of the start cylinder of /dev/sda1 [e.g.: 2048]d
to delete first the partition -
to create a new primary partition -
(default) for primary partition type -
(default) as partition number -
[now check that the number of the start cylinder is the same as previously shown then press enter, otherwise type that number]
[For the last sector, you can leave the default number, tipically the last one possible]
Now the Linux partition is created -
-important: do NOT remove the LVM2_member signature, otherwise next boot will load the grub recovery utility in order to find the bootable partition -
to toggle the bootable flag on the new /dev/sda1 -
to write on disk -
sudo reboot
sudo resize2fs -f /dev/sda1
<-- this may not work, so: -
sudo pvs
to check PSize and PFree -
sudo pvresize /dev/sda1
----resize the physical volume -
sudo lvextend -r -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/misp--vg-root
sudo fdisk -l
to check that everything is fine
so, if there's no network interface listed, add network interface:dmesg | grep -i network
to check the name of the interface [e.g.: eth0]
Add these lines in /etc/network/interfaces:
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
---------restart networking (e.g.: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart)
After updating via web GUI (or git), maybe also necessary:
root@host:/var/www/MISP# git submodule update --init --force