Testing the comm with HP34401A in Termite Terminal
SYSTem:REMote READ? +7.27080000E-05 READ? +7.21790000E-05 READ? +7.31520000E-05 READ? +6.94560000E-05 READ? +7.06020000E-05 READ? +8.68900000E-05 *IDN? HEWLETT-PACKARD,34401A,0,7-5-2 MEASure:VOLTage:DC MEASure:VOLTage:DC:RANGe:AUTO READ? +9.15850000E-05 INPut:IMPedance:AUTO? 0 MEASure:VOLTage:DC:AUTO CONFigure:VOLTage:DC:MIN,MAX MEASure:VOLTage:DC? +9.01060000E-05 MEASure:VOLTage:AC? +2.49878100E-03 READ? +2.69937700E-03 MEASure:VOLTage:DC? +7.34850000E-05 MEASure:VOLTage:AC? +2.51062000E-03 READ? +2.60658600E-03 MEAS:VOLT:DC? +9.66610000E-05 CONF:VOLT:DC MAX READ? -1.20000000E-04 READ? +0.00000000E-05 CONF:VOLT:DC AUTO READ? +7.09340000E-05 READ? +1.02095000E-04
PS: Let it stay away without any command for almost 10min, had to SYSTem:REMote it again
READ? #didn't got a response, maybe a nice feature to have in the driver? SYSTem:REMote SYSTem:REMote READ? +1.20478000E-04 READ? +1.22339000E-04 READ? +9.83120000E-05 READ? +9.83740000E-05