Improved plot.fishery.impact() so it returns the result matrix. The function now supports 'plotdir' without a trailing slash.
Improved read_nmd.rep() handling of catchability by realization. Code lifted from PacificCommunity/mfcl-school/tutorial_6_Rsupport/mod_comprsn/read_nmd.rep.r.
- All functions are exported.
Improved compare_par_flags() by updating the flaglist.csv section headings.
Added newer R4MFCL_examples.pdf document.
Added lattice as imported package.
Use Roxygenized NAMESPACE instead of a manually edited file. This fixes some errors related to importing package dependencies.
Improved compare_par_flags() so it reads flaglist.csv from the package directory, instead of a non-existing I: drive.
Added help page for compare_par_flags().
Reinstated help pages for get.outcomes(), read.ests(), read.fit(), read.frq(), read.ini(), read.par(), read.rep(), and read.tag().
Maintenance release, no changes in user functions.
Improvements in package repository and minor fixes mean that the package now installs from GitHub without warnings and loads into an R session without warnings.
Function help pages have been reinstated.
- Maintenance release. The purpose of this release is to have a retrievable record of the state of the R4MFCL repository on 9 July 2020.