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File metadata and controls

112 lines (84 loc) · 4.56 KB

Writing your own template

Cobraman uses Go's template system to generate documents. If you are new to them you should first check out the core go documentation about templates:

Register a template

If you provide your own template you need to register it before calling CobraMan. The RegisterTemplate function allows you to register the template string and you also set some hints on how to generate the file names.

Here is an example call:

	RegisterTemplate("markdown", "_", "md", MarkdownTemplate)

The first argument is the name of the template. You will pass that into cobraManOptions.TemplateName. The second is a separator to use when generating a file name. it used between the base name and the name of sub-commands. The third argument is the extension to give the file name. Finally, the last argument is a string that defines yiour template.

Note: the extension argument can also take the special string "use_section" and the extension used will be the value set in cobraManOptions.Section.


The following variables are available for generating documentation.

  • .Date - The date passed in to CobraManOptions (or Now() if it was not set)
  • .Section - The section number set in CobraManOptions (defaults to "1")
  • .CenterFooter - Text to put in the center part of a footer.
  • .LeftFooter - Text to use in the left part of a footer
  • .CenterHeader - Text to use in the center part of a header
  • .UseLine - Cobra UseLine text
  • .CommandPath - the space separated path for current command (e.g. "git commit")
  • .ShortDescription - The ShortDescription set on a Cobra command
  • .Description - The Description set on a Cobra command
  • .NoArgs - A boolean set to true if the cobra.NoArgs is used for the command
  • .AllFlags - an array of Flag objects defining all flags available for this command
  • .InheritedFlags - an array of Flag objects defining flags inherited from parent commands
  • .NonInheritedFlags - an array of Flag objects defining flags NOT inherited from parent commands
  • .SeeAlsos - an array of the SeeAlso struct containing info about related commands
  • .SubCommands - an array of child command names
  • .Author - Text of Author variable set by CobraManOptions
  • .Environment - Text of Environment variable set by CobraManOptions
  • .Files - Text of Files variable set by CobraManOptions
  • .Bugs - Text of Bugs variable set by CobraManOptions
  • .Examples - Text of Example variable set on the cobra command

Flag struct (found in the various Flags arrays)

  • .Shorthand - The "short" name for a flag (e.g. "h")
  • .Name - The "long" name for a flag (e.g. "help")
  • .Usage - The usage string set on the pflag.Flag
  • .NoOptDefVal - (TODO - how best to describe)
  • .DefValue - The default value set on the pflag
  • .ArgHint - The value of an annotation on the pflag named "man-arg-hints"

SeeAlso struct (used in the SeeAlsos array)

  • .CmdPath - the space separated path of a related path
  • .Section - the man Section which will usually be the same as .Section above
  • .IsParent - a boolean denoting this entry is the parent
  • .IsChild - a boolean denoting this entry is a child sub-command
  • .IsSibling - a boolean denoting this entry is a sibling sub-command


The following functions are also available within templates to trasform the text to meet your needs.

  • upper - Transforms the text to upper case
  • dashify - Converts any spaces in the text to dashes "-"
  • underscoreify - Converts any spaces in the text to underscores "_"
  • backslahify - Puts a backslash "\" in front of any of the following characters: -, _, &, \, ~
  • simpleToTroff - Inserts .PP where one or more blank newlines appear
  • simpleToMdoc - Inserts .Pp where one or more blank newlines appear
  • trimRightSpace - Clears any whitespace from the end of the passed in string
  • rpad - Returns passed in string adding spaces to ensure it as least padding length long


Here is an abridged version of the MarkdownTemplate to see how to use the above variables and functions in a template.

## {{.CommandPath | upper }}

{{ .ShortDescription }}

### Synopsis

{{ .Description }}

{{- if .AllFlags }}

### Options

The following options are supported:

{{ range .AllFlags -}}
* {{ if .Shorthand }}{{ print "-" .Shorthand }}, {{ end -}}{{ print "--" .Name }}
{{- if not .NoOptDefVal }}{{if .ArgHint }}=<{{ .ArgHint }}>{{ else }}=<{{ .DefValue }}>{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{- print " - " .Usage }}
{{ end }}
{{- end }}

### See Also

{{- range $index, $element := .SeeAlsos}}
* [{{ $element.CmdPath }}]({{ $element.CmdPath | underscoreify }}.md)
{{- end }}
{{- end }}