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537 lines (421 loc) · 22.3 KB

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537 lines (421 loc) · 22.3 KB

Update 4.0.4 Changelog

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the use of negative values within the give command, effectively stealing coins from other users

Update 4.0.3 Changelog

  • Fixed a bug where the cooldown wouldn't be added if a random event occurred when using the daily command

Update 4.0.2 Changelog

  • Fixed a bug where providing an invalid language ISO wouldn't abort the command and cause an error

Update 4.0.1 Changelog

Bugs fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the %USERTAG% tag would be undefined in greetings and farewells
  • Fixed a bug where having too much roles would break the uinfo command
  • Fixed an internal command parsing bug

Update 4.0.0 Changelog

Hoi, Felix didn't received any updates during the last 3 months, for the simple reason that the 4.0.0 was being worked on. So how about we just make official that Felix won't receive any update besides a major update every 6 months :^)

Jokes aside, this update change pretty much everything, so get ready.

Back-end changes

  • Multi-threaded Felix, the eris-sharder module handles most of it
  • Rewrote everything, added better support for self-hosting, and ensured scalability
  • Switched from leveldb to RethinkDB
  • Better API keys and modules checks
  • Dynamic database unavailability handling
  • Actual Discord permissions checks introduced and better arguments parsing
  • Implemented more features (image-gen) and added the Taihou wrapper, which covers all services, to be able to implement new services faster
  • Added support for Lavalink
  • Implemented rewards for donators
  • Decreased the matching possibilities of the roles, users and channels search to allow for far greater accuracy (planned to be improved)
  • Discontinued support for the API

Commands and features changes

  • Removed most of the moderation features: kick, ban, softban, mute, automatic invite filtering and such (see migrating from v3)
  • Added music commands, only available to servers on which premium status is enabled
  • Reworked entirely the economy:
    • Economy commands now have their own categories
    • The slots has been improved, random events have been added, chances of getting a draw have been drastically reduced
    • Added random events to daily
    • Added the inventory command which display the items you own
    • Removed the rps command
    • Added more items to the market command
    • Added the navalbase command which is related to a specific set of items in the market
    • Added the transactions command to see your latest transactions
    • Renamed the transfer command to give
    • Overall changes: Added random events which can be prevented by buying specific items
  • Changes within the fun category:
    • Moved all economy commands from the fun category to the economy category
    • The choose command no longer takes | as a valid separating character, as this character is now used to separate args in all commands
    • The udefine command has been improved to be slightly faster
  • Changes within the generic category:
    • The help command now outputs by default an embed
    • Enhanced the uinfo command for it to look cleaner
    • Added the redeem command to redeem keys given to donators
    • Improved a bit the speed of all other commands
  • Changes within the image category:
    • The image category is now split into three sub-categories: images, image-generation and interactions. Though it doesn't change how you use them
    • Added the loveship and shitwaifu commands as image-generation commands
    • Made the cuddle, hug, kiss, lick, pat, poke, slap and tickle commands interactions commands (more can become interactions later)
    • Highly improved the back-end for images commands to even the load on the servers
  • Changes within the misc category:
    • Enhanced iam and iamnot to display the listed roles color on the embed borders
    • The leaderboard command doesn't use reactions anymore to address a bug of Discord which would corrupt the embed output
  • Changes within the moderation category:
    • Removed the assign, ban, hackban, kick, modconfig, modlog, module, mute, reason, revoke, seewarns, softban, unban, unmute and warn commands (see migrating from v3)
    • Improved the clear command to use the cache if possible, resulting in faster execution
    • The getpermissions command now shows a cleaner embed and send permissions in a text file if the discord 1024 characters limit is reached
    • Apart from that, the permissions system has been greatly improved but how it works didn't changed much, except that roles are handled better now
  • Changes within the music category
    • Brand new music category available to servers on which donators redeemed a key
    • Added the play command which play the song at the given URL (youtube, soundcloud, twitch channel or even direct URLs to a file), or perform a search if a search term is given instead of an URL
    • Added the queue command which works exactly like the play command, but instead of playing the song directly, it pushes it to the queue. It also display the current queue if no arguments are given
    • Added the playafter command, works exactly like play but push the song in the queue at the first position, while queue pushes it at the last position
    • Added the nowplaying command which output information about the currently playing song
    • Added the pause command which pause or resume the playback according to whether it is already paused or not
    • Added the repeat command which allows you to toggle the repeat for the current song, the queue or just turn off the repeat
    • Added the shuffle command which shuffles the queue
    • Added the skip command which starts a vote to skip the currently playing song
    • Added the forceskip command which skip the currently playing song without vote (restricted by default)
    • Added the clearqueue command which clears the queue
    • Added the addplaylist command which adds the YouTube playlist at the given URL to the queue
    • Added the leave command which is quite self-explanatory
  • Changes within the settings category
    • Added the simulatefarewells command
    • Added an option to the setprefix command to set the prefix with a space or not
    • The experience, onjoinroles, sar, setfarewells and setgreetings commands now checks the permissions Felix have and warn the user if Felix lacks permissions
  • Changes within the utility category
    • Removed the manga command, as it can't work without MAL's API, which is down for 3 weeks already, work to rewrite and rely on another service will begin as soon as pobbile

Migrating from v3

If you used the moderation feature of Felix, im sad to announce that all support for it has been discontinued. The moderation feature was the most time-consuming for me, and the Discord API for the moderation is simply horrible, causing bugs to happen frequently. Working on it was a pain to me, and for all these reasons, i decided to simply discontinue it and focus elsewhere.

The least i can do is to at least give you alternatives, that i personally ensured are better than Felix's dead moderation feature:

Update 3.0.0 Changelog

Overall changes

  • Ported Felix to Eris, is now auto-sharded
  • Rewrote the whole structure from scratch
  • Selfhosting has been made way easier
  • Added starboard
  • Improved the experience system
  • Removed the animeseason command since it was never used
  • Added a cooldown system
  • Balanced economy
  • Reworked the market and added a new item
  • Made the role search, user search, channel search and guild search smarter
  • Added a way to "disable" modules
  • Added the translate command
  • Added a brand new moderation system: -modlog channel for logging -audit log integration -mute -ban -softban -kick
  • A lot of small changes, fixes and improvements that i can't list since we're actually at ~400 changed files
  • Also, removed tags. Sorry for all those who liked them, it was not really widely used

API & Backend changes

  • Now instead of requiring a local custom version of the api wrapper(now eris), Felix requires the live and then overwrite the needed files
  • Renamed the modules folder to util which now has the following folders that follows the following logic:
  • extendedClasses folder which contains the Eris customized stuff that will be used instead of Eris's one
  • helpers folder which contains a bunch of utility methods and script that Felix needs to work properly
  • modules folder which contains a few custom/handmade modules that can run out of Felix's environnement without any changes
  • shortcuts folder which contains commands shortcuts
  • Kinda made a production version of Felix's API, more info in ./docs/endpoints and on the docs of the felix-wrapper npm module
  • Commands are now classes, doesn't change anything but is to prepare for future updates
  • Commands are not anymore all in the same folder, they're now in their respective categories folder, that makes it easier to sort them but also makes possible the renaming of most categories(theoretically all besides admin) without breaking felix (just breaks default permissions)

Update 2.3.0 Changelog

New stuff/Improvements

  • Added rps, basic game but another way to win some points ^
  • You can now use partial types name in the image command

Fixes (tbh, this update is kinda just a big fix)

  • Fixed a lot of grammar
  • Fixed negative values possible in games as well as in transfer which was giving you the possibility to litterally get endless points
  • Fixed greetings and farewell error catch which means now the Status thing is finally working

Update 2.2.0 Changelog


  • slots now is a bit kinder when you lose, there is less chances to lose more than what you gambled
  • tis now a command, still only run tags, but now as a help, i guess shrug
  • Now if you edit your last message to a command, like if you made a typo, it will work owo


  • Fixed animeseason not updating the list directly after a new search
  • Fixed some grammar

Backend breaking changes

  • Moved malsearch.js to the new modules folder inside the modules folder modulesception
  • Deleted tagHandler.js since the t command replace it
  • Added logger.js by Aetheryx#2222 to the custom modules
  • Improved getUserResolvable.js, search is now smarter, however, global search still shouldn't be used atm
  • Removed logs to the console in loadReminders.js and updateDatabase.js
  • Added the event messageUpdate.js which emit a new message event if the edited message is the latest of the user
  • Added draft logs to the ready.js event
  • Added a custom modules loader and draft logs in the core

Update 2.1.0 Changelog

New commands/improvements

  • Added transfer
  • Added back urban, animeseason, npm, mdn and invite

Bugs fixes

  • Fixed the pageResults() module and all its dependents
  • Fixed love not working correctly when using an id as user resolvable

Update 2.0.2 Changelog

New commands

  • mdn Updated to the 2.0 structure, works like the old one.
  • npm Updated to the 2.0 structure, works like the old one.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed commands not working in direct messages

Update 2.0 Changelog

This changelog contains all changes, including the backend stuff for later references, The actual notable parts are the commands and bugs fixes

v2 panel system refer to interactive commands working with reactions

Things marked with ** are planned to change before the official release or soon after

Things marked with *** might change before the official release or soon after

Commands changes

Generic commands

  • help Shortened miscellaneous to misc, also updates every trigger again
  • uinfo Removed data which were available by clicking on the user profile, also filter according to users privacy settings
  • bot New optional upvoters fields, memory usage calcul fixed
  • afk A small change in how to use it and now allows you to set your afk status to 'nothing'
  • account Now uses v2 panel system and has more options regarding data privacy
  • changelog Nothing really changed

Images commands

  • awoo Output is now in an embed
  • cry Output is now an embed and limited to gifs
  • cuddle Output is now an embed and limited to gifs, doesn't need mentions to find users anymore
  • hug Output is now an embed and limited to gifs, doesn't need mentions to find users anymore
  • kiss Output is now an embed and limited to gifs, doesn't need mentions to find users anymore
  • slap Output is now an embed and limited to gifs, doesn't need mentions to find users anymore
  • image Performances improvement, is now faster
  • karen Nothing changed
  • punch New command, doesn't need mentions to find users, is not working with

Misc commands

  • iam Now uses v2 panel system for the list ***
  • iamnot Now uses v2 panel system for the list ***
  • leaderboard Now uses the v2 panel system and now has a global/local leaderboard of points and love as well
  • tags Now uses v2 panel system, is the former edittag, addtag and deletetag commands all-in-one
  • tagslist Now uses v2 panel system, is the former tagslit and taginfo commands all-in-one
  • market New command, uses v2 panel system, you can buy stuff like additional love points here

Utility commands

  • anime Some improvements regarding speed, fields are now dynamics which means if there is no data, the field wont be displayed anymore
  • manga Some improvements regarding speed, fields are now dynamics which means if there is no data, the field wont be displayed anymore

Settings commands

  • setgreetings Now uses v2 panel system, support 2 more flags, fixes a few bugs
  • setfarewell Same than setgreetings
  • setprefix Now has a 8 characters limit and doesnt accept multiple words anymore
  • selfrole Formerly autorole, now uses the v2 panel system
  • onjoinrole Now allow up to 5 roles and uses the v2 panel system
  • experience Formerly levelsystem, now uses the v2 panel system

Fun commands

  • love Doesn't need mentions anymore, can love multiple users and give multiple LPs to one user
  • slots New command, currently the only game where you can win credits
  • daily New commands, gives you 500 points every 24h that you can gamble with slots or use in the market

Moderation commands

  • getlevel Now uses the v2 panel system for the whole list and user search is not-anymore limited to mentions
  • removelevel User search is not anymore limited to mentions
  • setlevel User search is not anymore limited to mentions
  • clear New command, currently has the two combinable bots and specified users filter
  • settings New command which use the v2 panel system to manage some of the felix-related server settings(mostly data privacy)
  • announce Now has a mention option

Admin commands

  • eval Output is now an embed and contains both input and output in JS codeblocks
  • maintenance New command, set Felix's status to dnd and ignore all users besides the owner
  • blacklist Can now blacklist and unblacklist multiple users, also, doesnt need only the id anymore
  • reload Reload commands and can 'add' commands to the commands collection as well, still need the exact name
  • runinfo New command with way more detailled data than bot
  • guildsettings New command, a easier way to fix guilds which fucked up with the settings, shouldn't be needed with the new fixes tho
  • postupdate Nothing really changed
  • setversion Nothing really changed
  • cmdstats New command, display overall commands categories usage and commands usage

Commands not yet rewritten

  • trivia
  • animeseason
  • invite
  • mdn
  • npm
  • urban

Removed commands

Commands marked with * might be added back later

  • cardsearch
  • feedback
  • maluser *
  • animelist *
  • remind *

Bugs fixes

  • @Felix prefix or @Felix help doesn't work if Felix has a nickname


  • Setting the prefix to beep beep or any multi-words stuff breaks Felix


  • Setting the dm greetings with a relatively long message doesn't work


  • Felix happen to not answer to some commands but still answer to ping

Usually happen because the output exceed the Discord characters limit, should be fixed, also output 'An error occured' now

Structure changes

Now diving into backend stuff, and there's a lot, a real lot of things that changed


  • message Has been splitted into 5 parts: The message event which basically handle the first checks, like if the user is in the database, and the 4 expHandler, commandHandler, tagHandler and permissionsChecker handlers
  • ready Has now a way more important role, it launch the various external services (discord bot list, updates interval if not self-hosted and change the game status every 60 seconds with a random upvoter
  • guildCreate and guildDelete now have a lighter role, if not selfhosted, they both send a notification to the support server and request a discord bot list server count update
  • guildMemberAdd and guildMemberRemove both got updated to the new features
  • commandFail New custom event, emitted whenever a command fail, try to send 'An error occured' as a reply, log the error and send it to sentry


New modules, promisified stuff, the followings are more docs than actual changelogs, but its up to date Note: In each example, the client parameter is not in but still needed, usually provided on bot launch when the requirement is done

Second note: Messages related modules might extends the message object in future releases, but currently, all modules are properties of the client object

  • findReminder(userId, reminderId) *** May be deleted due to the unsure future of the reminder feature

Meant to avoid the database caching

Returns: {Number} - The reminder's array position

Call example:

client.findReminder('242408724923154435', 944552565);

Response structure:

  • loadReminders() *** May be deleted due to the unsure future of the reminder feature

Made to load reminders after a restart

Returns: {Object} - An object containing the restarted and deleted reminders count

Call example:


Response structure:

  remindersRestarted: 0,
  remindersDeleted: 0
  • getPermissionsLevel(guildId, id) ** Will be improved in further updates, but no outputs or call change planned

Made to reduce the needed code to check a thing permission level

Returns: {Number} - The level of the thing

Call example:

client.getPermissionsLevel('328842643746324481', '140149699486154753');

Response structure:

  • getUserResolvable(message, options) ** Will be improved in further updates

Powerful function to resolve ids, usernames, case-insenstive names or even partial usernames to users

Returns: {Collection<Id, User>} - A collection of resolved users objects mapped by their ID

Call example:

await client.getUserResolvable(message, {
   guildOnly: true //Optional, default is false

Response structure:

{Collection<Id, User>}
  • getGuildResolvable(message, options) ** Options will be added in further updates

Same than getUserResolvable

Returns: {Collection<Id, Guild} - A collection of resolved guilds objects mapped by their ID

Call example:

await client.getGuildResolvable(message);

Response structure:

{Collection<Id, Guild>}
  • getRoleResolvable(message, options)

Same than getUserResolvable

Returns: {Collection<Id, Role} - A collection of resolved roles objects mapped by their ID

Call example:

await client.getRoleResolvable(message, {
   charLimit: 5 //Optional, the characters count needed for a word to be included in the search, default is 3,
   shift: true //Optional, whether or not the first word should be removed, default is false

Response structure:

{Collection<Id, Role>}
  • getChannelResolvable(message, options)

Same than getUserResolvable

Returns: {Collection<Id, Channel} - A collection of resolved channels objects mapped by their ID

Call example:

await client.getChannelResolvable(message, {
   charLimit: 5 //Optional, the characters count needed for a word to be included in the search, default is 3,
   shift: true //Optional, whether or not the first word should be removed, default is false

Response structure:

{Collection<Id, Channel>}
  • getLevelDetails(level, exp)

Returns: {Object} - An object containing detailled data regarding the level and exp provided

Call example:

client.getLevelDetails(1, 57);

Response structure:

  remainingExp: 43,
  requiredExp: 100,
  levelProgress: `57/100`,
  nextLevel: 2,
  percentage: 57% //Deprecated
  • updateDatabase()

Meant to automatically update guilds and users data object from basic changes, support 2 scopes changes

Returns: {Promise} - An object containing detailled data about the success of the update

Call example:

await client.updateDatabase();

Response structure:

   usersUpdate: {
      sucess: false,
      error: false
   guildsUpdate: {
     sucess: false,
     error: false
   overallSucess: false
  • getUserTags(users) ** [DEPRECATED] Will be removed in further updates, therefore no detailled stuff

  • pageResults(options) ** Will be unpromisified in further updates

Meant to create 'pages' of a result list

Returns: {Object} - An object containing the paginated results and the pages count

Call example:

await client.pageResults({
   results: ['firstArrayItem', 'secondArrayItem'],
   size: 20 //Optional, default is 10

Response structure:

  results: [['firstArrayItem', 'secondArrayItem']],
  length: 1
  • createInteractiveMessage(message, options) ***

Meant to reduce interactive lists to 4-5 lines of code

Returns: {Promise} - An object containing the reason of the function end and the collected reactions

Call example:

await client.createInteractiveMessage(message, {
  description: `Here's a fancy list of what i ate this morning`,
  content: ['Nothing', 'kappa'],
  limit: 30000 //Optional, default is 60 seconds

Response structure:

  endReason: 'timeout',
  collected: {Collection}