diff --git a/src/NServiceBus.Transport.RabbitMQ.Tests/ApprovalFiles/APIApprovals.Approve.approved.txt b/src/NServiceBus.Transport.RabbitMQ.Tests/ApprovalFiles/APIApprovals.Approve.approved.txt index 9841aa876..3dc531e58 100644 --- a/src/NServiceBus.Transport.RabbitMQ.Tests/ApprovalFiles/APIApprovals.Approve.approved.txt +++ b/src/NServiceBus.Transport.RabbitMQ.Tests/ApprovalFiles/APIApprovals.Approve.approved.txt @@ -31,6 +31,64 @@ namespace NServiceBus public static void UseNonPersistentDeliveryMode(this NServiceBus.ReplyOptions options) { } public static void UseNonPersistentDeliveryMode(this NServiceBus.SendOptions options) { } } + public static class RabbitMQTransportSettingsExtensions + { + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.MessageIdStrategy` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcep" + + "tion. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions CustomMessageIdStrategy(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.Func customIdStrategy) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to the topology implementations. The member curr" + + "ently throws a NotImplementedException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions DisableDurableExchangesAndQueues(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.ValidateRemoteCertificate` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplemen" + + "tedException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions DisableRemoteCertificateValidation(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.PrefetchCountCalculation` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplement" + + "edException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions PrefetchCount(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, ushort prefetchCount) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.PrefetchCountCalculation` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplement" + + "edException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions PrefetchMultiplier(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, int prefetchMultiplier) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.ClientCertificate` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcep" + + "tion. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions SetClientCertificate(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 clientCertificate) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.ClientCertificate` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcep" + + "tion. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions SetClientCertificate(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, string path, string password) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.HeartbeatInterval` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcep" + + "tion. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions SetHeartbeatInterval(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.TimeSpan heartbeatInterval) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.NetworkRecoveryInterval` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplemente" + + "dException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions SetNetworkRecoveryInterval(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.TimeSpan networkRecoveryInterval) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.TimeToWaitBeforeTriggeringCircuitBreaker` instead. The member currently throw" + + "s a NotImplementedException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions TimeToWaitBeforeTriggeringCircuitBreaker(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.TimeSpan waitTime) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.RoutingTopology` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcepti" + + "on. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions UseConventionalRoutingTopology(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.RoutingTopology` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcepti" + + "on. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions UseCustomRoutingTopology(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.Func topologyFactory) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.RoutingTopology` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplementedExcepti" + + "on. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions UseDirectRoutingTopology(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions, System.Func routingKeyConvention = null, System.Func exchangeNameConvention = null) { } + [System.Obsolete("The configuration has been moved to RabbitMQTransport class. Use `RabbitMQTranspo" + + "rt.UseExternalAuthMechanism` instead. The member currently throws a NotImplement" + + "edException. Will be removed in version 8.0.0.", true)] + public static NServiceBus.TransportExtensions UseExternalAuthMechanism(this NServiceBus.TransportExtensions transportExtensions) { } + } } namespace NServiceBus.Transport.RabbitMQ {