0.1.1 (2017-09-11)
- fixed ignore-styles error found during testing. (ac52f22)
- update utility scripts to remove postinstall hook. (1a2e626)
0.1.0 (2016-10-28)
- add carrage return for 'Ready to Develop' (bc7f4ed)
- Add Intl.js polyfill for Safari and update READMEs on polyfill service. (54cb581)
- Added webpack plugin as dev dependency to output scss files to css for testing purposes. (8c3a959)
- Brought in react-range as a dev dependency to fix IE issues (9415642)
- Enable source maps for webpack dev server. (e13cd6b)
- Firefox border bug fixed (31819ac)
- CI: add solano.yml and comment out Selenium build command in .travis.yml (d3f064a)
- Implemented react-range to handle IE onChange bug (9571fc1)
- demo: Remove obsolete script include for demo, as it is now webpacked into the dev build. (db3e8cf)
- naming package.json to fix Jason's error (6dc92ff)
- Reference release script in npm_scripts, and lint demo script. (896ea18)
- Revert package.json back to previous state. (f1f6399)
- Use verify npm script to ensure package name has @pearson-components scope. (772586f)