- universal fix peer dep
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- universal: NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal: remove Bootloader
- express-engine: replace expressEngine to createEngine
- universal: convert bootloader config to UniversalModule.withConfig
- *: remove all deprecated APIs
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- build-utils: ignore gulpfile/build-utils (30ef78d)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787)
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: replace src (8edb869)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb)
- node-platform: ngDoCheck memory leak (dba8efb)
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2)
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: Fix for non base location hrefs (#497) (921c07f)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeRenderer: only set attribute if prop is type string (8b0a48d)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform-node: platformDynamicNode -> platformNodeDynamic (c805711)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684)
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: many updates to preboot, but made with backwards compatibility (#520) (0571d2d)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4)
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: "str.replace is not a function" when passing custom object (#508) (e3a4be6)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385)
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011)
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: import node location correctly (27ce662)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot complete after initial render (dcafa4a)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: update platformUniversalDynamic (4c182d5)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- correct jsonp namespace (7285c46)
- don't warn ngDoCheck is noop (1c4e988)
- enableProdMode (7927bae)
- npm start (c3a9e93)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- preboot client (a5dfeea)
- reuse styles with app_id (fc69879)
- stable time end (1e43e6c)
- system_js_ng_module_factory_loader (cc2b90b)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost (285eb5c)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeDomRenderer: recreate renderers (7ab8983)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform-node: NodeDomEventsPlugin and NodeEventManager (dca420e)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: serializeDocument (0185a37)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: asyncPromiseSeries (e08d327)
- universal: auto include appRoots for preboot (ecce72d)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: canceling requests (537e024)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- boot nodePlatform (d823bed)
- check stable (4105fc9)
- copy .d.ts file (3a6ff26)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- Http/Jsonp support (cf69541)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- latest parse5 (ed8991c)
- log time (ab81aaa)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- next build (114ef36)
- ngModule lifecycle hooks (79cab38)
- ngOnInit (f281740)
- ngOnRendered (886e1c3)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- node-platform-dynamic (041c9a7)
- NodePlatform _cache (8f426bf)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- platformUniversalDynamic (2e77b0b)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- preboot (2110992)
- stripInternal api (47d880a)
- test env (0e93150)
- track async (bf73255)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: detect last element and inject preboot (cd1e203)
- universal: env helper (e14220b)
- universal: errorHandler (15ddb0f)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: get prototype working for rc5 NgModules (b14e6ef)
- universal: helpers (21a1486)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: log time (25e56f9)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: node-location (ef2ef06)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: platform-node-dynamic (76d70c1)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: track app time (2533d19)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- universal-next-prototype (346b504)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- wip UniversalModule (0c015eb)
- NodeUniversalStylesHost to NodeUniversalStylesHost
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- application_ref: correct imports (dff5f6c)
- bootloader: correct obs (24fc6f2)
- Bootloader: track http (5f521b1)
- Bootloader: track router with zones (7c48ec4)
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- bootstrap-server: correct ChangeDetection value (0f77a91)
- bootstrap-server: use var for exceptionHandler (0cb4dac)
- bower: fix install location of bower_components (470b0ce)
- broccoli-prerender: log errors from child process (c7e552e)
- broccoli-prerender: merge providers and platformProviders when serializing app (#399) (1a47981)
- broccoli-prerender: move dependencies out of devDependencies (ec5a17b)
- broccoli-prerender: reuse providers (89a4d53)
- broccoli-pretender: update to Angular Rc.1 (#398) (032c23a)
- build: Clean tsc and tests (ca4ea74)
- build: lowercase localStorage module filename (#485) (a8543a5)
- dom: add img attributes (#367) (d397dcb)
- engine: typo (234a1c2)
- example: new router api (5fa84e5)
- examples: correct file name (c5388a5)
- examples: correct lifecycle hooks (6e7481f)
- examples: correct paths (26f3133)
- examples: correct type (4256587)
- examples: import client in client env (3f15191)
- examples: opt in buildClientScripts (cfe1ca9)
- examples: SSR multiple apps (7bc12d5)
- examples: update api (77e68dd)
- examples/App: bind to checked rather than value (bcc9914)
- express-engine: deprecation warning (9652d9f)
- express-engine: don't reuse providers (a74ec7e)
- express-engine: fix route rendering if no template change (#421) (#422) (7335787), closes #421 #422
- express-engine: multi platforms (73ea470)
- express-engine: new providers/directives (220271b)
- express-engine: revert parse doc change (5f288c3)
- express-server: correct paths for build scripts (7213333)
- grunt-prerender: syntax (3599d01)
- gulp-prerender: correct ref (294441c)
- gulp-prerender: correct typings (ba11116)
- gulp-prerender: remove gutil.replaceExtension (9a4953c)
- gulp-prerender: undefined (a49b58f)
- gulpfile: correct build (80368e7)
- gulpfile: tslint ignore (28e5a60)
- hapi-engine: correct options (624109d)
- hapi-engine: don't reuse providers (857dc32)
- hapi-engine: use new directives/providers (af87cb8)
- hapi-engine: use providers (f7065b3)
- helper: backslash escaping in template strings are handled incorrectly (115bdca)
- helper: selector with attrs, learn RegExp (787d98c)
- http_server: correct types and imports (6731817)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- universal: router-outlet, allow one turn (76aade1)
- add setDisabledAttribute (#501) (8976ea3)
- http_server: include zone binding (1b4a192)
- index: correct server path (e90979f), closes #360
- install: do not use globally installed typings in preinstall (#380) (c8588be)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- modules: build system (ebefc1b)
- ng2engine: log stack (a95d675)
- NgPreloadCacheHttp: correctly return obs (221f1c8)
- node platform: bugfix for angular animations (#491) (#494) (9c7b0cb), closes #491 #494
- NodeDomRenderer: Fix false flag for checked (#498) (87b13d2), closes #498
- NodeDomRootRenderer: use animation (c6b92f0)
- NodePlatformLocation: use origin url (993c22e)
- NodeTemplateParser: allow script and style (5c5d62c)
- package.json: correct browser path (e847ee6)
- package.json: correct main path (29b7efd)
- package.json: correct parse5 version (44e4e88)
- package.json: fix repository main urls (08538ea)
- package.json: valid json (0e8fd77)
- platform/node: correct componentProviders (3b68fd8)
- platform/node: correctly grab selector (289e5c8)
- platform/node: muli-path conflict (e2d2286)
- PlatformRef_: ensure router outlet works (411eea8)
- polyfills: browser.js (31f01fd)
- polyfills: remove ie-shim (755fb6f)
- polyfills: zone-node use dist (dcdea6f)
- preboot: Add underscore as preboot dependency (331626b)
- preboot: allow view without buffer (7e895b5)
- preboot: better solution for document readyState (#401) (e2447c2)
- preboot: ensure server/client nodes (b3bc680)
- preboot: fix for focus selection (#385) (0806684), closes #385
- preboot: Fixing focus by adding a small timeout (#383) (f3661b0)
- preboot: Getting focus to work when buffer turned off (a8e29a7)
- preboot: Input element with no type attribute (abdbe36)
- preboot: maintain cursor position (35c4152)
- preboot: make user body exists (#328) and ensure replay when listen by attributes (#333) (389238b)
- preboot: no more type warnings and fixed broken unit test (#376) (c45c1d4), closes #376
- preboot: now checkboxes, radio buttons and select dropdowns work (48c3c70)
- preboot: opts can be undefined (b2a2344)
- preboot: works with autofocus now (#386) (1912dce)
- render: fix wrong import (41e675d)
- render: remove "enableProdMode" from render engine options (43a35fd)
- server: correct xhr constructor (ebede04)
- server_dom_renderer: correct interface and bindings (d8e77f3)
- ServerDomRenderer: correct element (1fd4659)
- ServerDomRenderer: dashCase setElementStyle (c61bc77)
- ServerDomRenderer: implement workaround (2b93a61)
- ServerDomRenderer: import DOCUMENT (eef969c)
- ServerDomRenderer: only include checked if not false (f155782)
- ServerLocationStrategy: use baseurl (ccd0bd3)
- ServerPlatformLocation: provide search default (99df37c)
- TemplateParser: allow styles/scripts (8c248be)
- test: missing func in test_page and remove shadowdom css (58997dc)
- test_page: correctly test props (ae31bd2)
- test_page/app: correct array type (c71c398)
- tests: fixing broken tests and typings (0ea5253)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- tsconfig: remove outdated tsd reference (8493b78), closes #122
- tsconfig.json: rename xhr_node_impl.ts to node_xhr_impl.ts to match to actual file (b3662c4)
- type: REQUEST_URL token (b70db8f)
- typing: universal.d.ts (5898205)
- typing: universal.d.ts (07118a3)
- typing: universal.d.ts (4ed1f0f)
- universal: allow script and styles (ee20d20), closes #336
- universal: bootloader ngOnRendered l c (aa23d1c)
- universal: bootloader preboot false (d790885)
- universal: bootloader typo (f33bd6b)
- universal: bootstrap platform-browser-dynamic (a59bc13)
- universal: correct default value (b677016)
- universal: correct mock path (67bd433)
- universal: correct path (46880d6)
- universal: correct requestUrl (bd71312)
- universal: correct type imports (2c7ced6)
- universal: correct typings (7906831)
- universal: export common (0363dd7)
- universal: fix bootloader preboot config handling (#420) (4117385), closes #420
- universal: Fix server file path to index.js (#365) (8156011), closes #365
- universal: get method should take parsed options instead of string (5ee8aa9)
- universal: include Http verb methods back (b9dac7f)
- universal: Jsonp support (4575cb0)
- universal: make originUrl optional in node_xhr_impl (#396) (0480f95)
- universal: ng-template Checkbox issue (#435) (8fc4797)
- universal: node document (53a1075)
- universal: patch for app crash (#425) (#426) (ad339eb)
- universal: peerDependencies issue w/ v 0.103 (#449) (0787150)
- universal: preboot false default config (1a3c1f3)
- universal: root files (dd2e7f7)
- universal: set attr when prop (f3df917)
- universal: set style correctly (4c8e115)
- universal: src/browser remove browser/src (4fa9e4d)
- universal: template_parser (19dbfac)
- universal: tslint (9f6587d)
- universal: type definition (4136721)
- universal: type tests (a790860)
- null & hidden issues (#500) (19dce99)
- universal: typings (92debe0)
- universal: typo (9869fee)
- universal: typo (dc26e42)
- universal: Update install:all script to build all & install examples (#364) (46be6ee)
- universal: waitRouter workaround (a7e8943)
- universal/node: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG (9676d98)
- universal/platform/document: encodeHtmlEntities false (d5e34c1)
- webdriver-manager: fix windows bin reference (a40f0b9)
- universal: bump 0.101.0 (292c3ee)
- universal: convert mock/window builders (1acbfb4)
- api-doc: add api documentation gulp tasks (167c17b)
- application_common: create document on each req (f4e2cb1)
- bootloader: precache (3741742)
- Bootloader: dispose application/components (2a72c60)
- Bootloader: ngOnRendered (026f8d6)
- Bootloader: resolve and return lifecycle hooks (42b36cc)
- bootstrap-server: pass zone to ApplicationRef (d789d72)
- broccoli-prerender: add support for rebuilding (92cf60b)
- BroccoliPrerender: Add pre renderer for BroccoliJS (9be3961)
- changelog: built initial changelog (5059f46)
- client: ng_preload_cache (215ebd1)
- client: preboot bootstrap (b5640ff)
- demo: add falcor demo (36f2dca)
- example/server/api: include 70ms latency (b8aa359)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include base url for examples (198c2e0)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- examples: include more async testing (0a460c6)
- examples: include new new router (72745b2)
- examples: include styles for testing server rendered (703ea1f)
- examples: Multiple AppRoots for SSR (9ba59d5)
- examples: prod mode (5559fee)
- examples: router example (72fdd52)
- examples: router test page (3c77924)
- examples: templateUrl app (2ed780c)
- examples: use |async (2ee71b2)
- examples: use preboot unless false (122544e)
- examples: use spaces for json (b3fa477)
- examples/app: client ngPreload (1a42ee7)
- examples/server: inject baseUrl (28fea82)
- examples/server: use PRIME_CACHE (b60ac53)
- examples/test_page: more ajax calls and preload (93a39b1)
- express_ng2engine: simpleReplace (ca71cb0)
- express-engine: precache (1803525)
- express-engine: reuse platform via EXPRESS_PLATFORM (93d6377)
- express-engine: update build scripts (a5a35c3)
- github templates: add github templates for issues and pull-requests (707580d)
- grunt-prerender: typings.json (a9e7a06)
- hapi-engine: HAPI_PLATFORM (797406d)
- hapiEngine: include an implementation of Hapi.js rendering engine. (5a2969b)
- helper: dashCase (198b96b)
- http_server: preload feature (05ff6a2)
- index.js: hoist smokeTest (849955c)
- modules: include angular2-gulp-prerender (b2a9839)
- modules: preload_cache (92f2781)
- modules: universal-preview (6e72195)
- ng2engine: dynamically invoke different renders (92b3f5a)
- ng2engine: log error (2ae0c70)
- ng2engine: log errors on render fail (30fd330), closes #103
- ng2engine: ng2engineWithPreboot (e91ae00)
- ng2engine: simple template engine (397939e)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- NodeConnection: allow for https (5c8c7a5)
- NodeDomRenderer: include more attributes from properties (4b49f3b)
- NodeLocation: allow hash url rendering (54ef556), closes #240
- NodeXHRImpl: support file:// url fetching (e1a632c)
- platform/node: buildNodeProviders (df1b97c)
- platform/node: fix templateUrl using node http (8e3b2fa)
- polyfills: zone patch crypto (0fd1075)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: add renderDocument() and renderDocumentWithPreboot() functions (9b60c14)
- render: enableProdMode (e7bdf86)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- render: resolve after all async calls (ea92f20)
- render: update use ngZone with http (ca36c26)
- render: use lifecycle rather than changeDetection (fb61ff2)
- seo: add abstract classes for Title, Cookie and LocalStorage (wip) (c36fc50)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)
- server: include styles for renderToStringWithPreboot (ff8a0d6)
- server: render style hosts with component (111a361)
- server: renderToStringWithPreboot (c832d1f)
- server: ServerDomRenderer (f37b353)
- server: ServerFormDirective (8bbf647)
- server_patch: ensure microtasks are captured (af62583)
- server_patch: include zone.js (440356d)
- server_router: ensure base url (c693377)
- server.ts: export server_dom_renderer (35478c5)
- server/render: inject server_dom_renderer (5201e20)
- server/server: export ng_preboot (99101a9)
- test_page: include Http bindings (7813656)
- todo: provide base url (a60acfa)
- universal: allow for default export (46b3914)
- universal: allow no-patch path (79b7f87)
- universal: beautify html (4873b6c)
- universal: bootloader maxZoneTurns limit (a9651d8)
- universal: buildNodeAppProviders (38e306c)
- universal: buildNodePlatformProviders (daf7b9e)
- universal: combine both node/browser type definitions (fdbcb93)
- universal: create Bootloader (7c9449c)
- universal: create common (20debdb)
- universal: export browser/node (6870d7b)
- universal: export default (3a1233c)
- universal: export files in platform (b8aa057)
- universal: export provide (17c5171)
- universal: isNode and isBrowser support (2bdeb32)
- universal: Jsonp in node (23aa7c0)
- universal: minify ng_preboot css (3da38a5)
- universal: ngDoCheck (3fe54bb)
- universal: ngOnInit lifecycle (3aa5ebe)
- universal: ngOnStable lifecycle (06d3a51)
- universal: node export Inject and Optional (03d5f91)
- universal: node pipes (a3d9184)
- universal: node router providers (63e7d4f)
- universal: NodeConnection use cookieKey to get cookie (38f009b)
- universal: NodeSharedStylesHost (b6190a7)
- universal: NodeStyleHost (e8befd4)
- universal: NodeTemplateParser (76ba22e)
- universal: NodeXHRImpl require origin url (eb7ff2e)
- universal: provide document for lifecycle hooks (7f53d5f)
- universal: provide no-patch path (f673988)
- universal: top level typings (45f53df)
- universal: use origin url for NodeConnection (e107c25)
- universal: use polyfill module (dcb23bb)
- universal-cookie: basic implementation of universal cookie (#404) (e018ece)
- universal/browser: export http/router (fcb1ee0)
- universal/client: prebootComplete (53da42a)
- addded default appRoot selector from appComponent (a44d2ab)
- universal/common: Cookie, LocalStorage, Title (f59a469)
- dev env (b62bcb2)
- ie env (9891dbe)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (79ec4cb)
- Multiple AppRoots for serverside rendering (6c4176f)
- node platform (62bf1c4)
- polyfils env (972ec11)
- universal/document: error messages (6d65713)
- universal/http: buildBaseUrl (d95dd63)
- universal/node: enableProdMode (8f5cf96)
- window: mocking window object (800db58)
- zone-node: patch timers (19f9f3b)
- prod env (495e7f9)
- test env (0e93150)
- upgrade to ng2 beta (29c27ea)
- universal: Bootloader#serializeApplication takes a config object
- universal:
- bootstrap-server: angular api changes (01e9991)
- http_server: Http api changes (48619de)
- karma.conf.js: remove src bundles as these are not required (78cb6f0)
- minor: Fixes for getClientCode and normalize (20c4d9a)
- todo.e2e.js: revert from (keyup.enter) to (keyup) (963b2c8)
- examples: api todos (c9b9c78)
- examples: include Http for app (4b282f8)
- ng2Engine: include different app state configs (b4f43e7)
- ng2Engine: include more feature toggling (3df2b7e)
- preboot: top level api (de37473)
- protractor.conf.js: delete cookies (a8f131e)
- render: inject preboot (e131005)
- server: allow bootstrap control (641713f)