The HLS spec requires segments to be encrypted with AES-128 in CBC mode with PKCS7 padding. You can encrypt data to that specification with a combination of OpenSSL and the pkcs7 utility. From the command-line:
# encrypt the text "hello" into a file
# since this is for testing, skip the key salting so the output is stable
# using -nosalt outside of testing is a terrible idea!
echo -n "hello" | pkcs7 | \
openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -nopad -nosalt -K $KEY -iv $IV > hello.encrypted
# xxd is a handy way of translating binary into a format easily consumed by
# javascript
xxd -i hello.encrypted
Later, you can decrypt it:
openssl enc -d -nopad -aes-128-cbc -K $KEY -iv $IV