A Python implementation of simulation based calibration for CmdStan.
Place pySBC.py in the main directory of CmdStan and run on the command line using python pySBC.py --option []
Location of compiled Stan executable for computing SBC. The rank statistics should be defined in an array named lt_sim
in the generated quantities
Number of threads.
Number of warmup samples.
Number of samples after warmup.
Location of data file (use ""
for no data file).
Number of bins in the rank statistic histogram.
Expected number in each rank statistic bin (if uniformly distributed). Should be no less than 5.
Name of output file to write histogram data to.
Maximum time to wait for a chain to complete in seconds.
python pySBC.py --exe /benchmarks/eight_schools/eight_schools_sbc --nt 8 --warmup 1000 --samples 1000 --data /benchmarks/eight_schools/eight_schools.data.R --J 10 --ej 5 --output sbc_eight_schools_histogram.out --t 10