Deborah's initial research on teams & team effectiveness (research on telecoms company) suggested that traditional thinking needed an update.
During the course, we'll go into depth on the model which was developed from this research.
Deborah's later research looks at team structure & rewards to make teams more innovative & effective.
Sections of interest include Profile | Calendar | My Results | Completion requirements (per module) | Classmates | Announcements & resources | Help.
If in doubt, email your Success Manager or [email protected].
Key skills called out are:
External outreach
A learning orientation
Leadership at all levels
To facilitate innovation and adaptation.
This course focuses on the 4-CAPS+ Leadership Framework.
Investigate your leadership signature
Analyse the impact of sensemaking
Decide how to integrate sensemaking in your leadership approach
Test ways to create and communicate a clear and inspiring vision
Invent structures, processes & build credibility
Reflect on your development
Modules released on Wednesday, assignments due Tuesday 23:00 ET. Results & feedback released 1 week after assignment deadline.
Completion depends on achieving "Criteria Met" for modules 3 & 5.
There are 2 categories of course content:
Core [3-5 h / week]: e.g. lessons, videos, readings, peer review. Essential to complete the program.
Recommended [2-3 h / week]: e.g. discussions, activities. Non-essential to program completion.
Keep your information up to date.
Respect fellow participants.
Don't plagiarise. Cite all your sources (including your own work from previous assignments). Use this plagiarism checker.
Requests for extensions must be submitted <= 48 h after the assignment deadline. You can request 1 extension per submission. Standard extension durations are 24-48 h.
Anticipated: family responsibility, cultural/religious reasons, work commitments, travel.
Unanticipated: illness/health, bereavment, psychological well-being, exceptional personal/professional circumstances, emergency circumstances, technical difficulties.
See handbook for further info.