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Aries RFC 0074: DIDComm Best Practices

  • Authors: Devin Fisher, Daniel Hardman
  • Status: PROPOSED
  • Since: 2019-06-10
  • Status Note: This captures some tribal knowledge from the Indy community. However, it is by no means uniformly accepted inside that group, and it has never been shared in a larger context. Therefore, the RFC is currently fodder for discussion.
  • Start Date: 2019-01-15
  • Tags: concept


Identifies some conventions that are generally accepted as best practice by developers of DIDComm software. Explains their rationale. This document is a recommendation, not normative.


By design, DIDComm architecture is extremely flexible. Besides adapting well to many platforms, programming languages, and idioms, this let us leave matters of implementation style in the hands of developers. We don't want framework police trying to enforce rigid paradigms.

However, some best practices are worth documenting. There is tribal knowledge in the community that represents battle scars. Collaboration is fostered if learning curves don't have to proliferate. Therefore, we offer the following guidelines.


Normative language

RFCs about protocols and DIDComm behaviors follow commonly understood conventions about normative language, including words like "MUST", "SHOULD", and "MAY". These conventions are documented in IETF's RFC 2119. Existing documents that were written before we clarified our intention to follow these conventions are grandfathered but should be updated to conform.


Names show up in lots of places in our work. We name RFCs, concepts defined in those RFCs, protocols, message types, keys in JSON, and much more.

The two most important best practices with names are:

These are so common-sense that we won't argue them. But a few other points are worthy of comment.

snake_case and variants

Nearly all code uses multi-word tokens as names. Different programming ecosystems have different conventions for managing them: camelCase, TitleCase, snake_case, kabob-case, SHOUT_CASE, etc. We want to avoid a religious debate about these conventions, and we want to leave developers the freedom to choose their own styles. However, we also want to avoid random variation that makes it hard to predict the correct form. Therefore, we try to stay idiomatic in the language we're using, and many of our tokens are defined to compare case-insensitive with punctuation omitted, so the differences melt away. This is the case with protocol names and message type names, for example; it means that you should interpret "TicTacToe" and "tic-tac-toe" and "ticTacToe" as being the same protocol. If you are writing a java function for it, by all means use "ticTacToe"; if you are writing CSS, by all means use "tic-tac-toe".

The community tries to use snake_case in JSON key names, even though camelCase is slightly more common. This is not a hard-and-fast rule; in particular, a few constructs from DID Docs leak into DIDComm, and these use the camelCase style that those specs expect. However, it was felt that snake_case was mildly preferable because it didn't raise the questions about acronyms that camelCase does (is it "zeroOutRAMAlgorithm", "zeroOutRamAlgorithm", or "zeroOutRAMalgorithm"?).

The main rule to follow with respect to case is: Use the same convention as the rest of the code around you, and in JSON that's intended to be interoperable, use snake_case unless you have a good reason not to. Definitely use the same case conventions as the other keys in the same JSON schema.


The names of JSON items that represent arrays should be pluralized whenever possible, while singleton items should not.

Terminology and Notation

Use terms correctly and consistently.

The Sovrin Glossary V2 is considered a definitive source of terms. We will probably move it over to Aries at some point as an officially sponsored artifact of this group. RFC 0006: SSI Notation is also a definitive reference.

RFCs in general should make every effort to define new terms only when needed, to be clear about the concepts they are labeling, and use prior work consistently. If you find a misalignment in the terminology or notation used by RFCs, please open a github issue.

Terseness and abbreviations

We like obvious abbreviations like "ipaddr" and "inet" and "doc" and "conn". We also formally define abbreviations or acronyms for terms and then use the short forms as appropriate.

However, we don't value terseness so much that we are willing to give up clarity. Abbreviating "wallet" as "wal" or "agent" as "ag" is quirky and discouraged.

RFC naming

RFCs that define a protocol should be named in the form <do something>-protocol, where <do-something> is a verb phrase like issue-credential, or possibly a noun phrase like did-exchange--something that makes the theme of the protocol obvious. The intent is to be clear; a protocol name like "connection" is too vague because you can do lots of things with connections.

Protocol RFCs need to be versioned thoughtfully. However, we do not put version numbers in a protocl RFC's folder name. Rather, the RFC folder contains all versions of the protocol, with the latest version documented in, and earlier versions documented in subdocs named according to version, as in or similar. The main should contain a section of links to previous versions. This allows the most natural permalink for a protocol to be a link to the current version, but it also allows us to link to previous versions explicitly if we need to.

RFCs that define a decorator should be named in the form <decorator name>-decorator, as in timing-decorator or trace-decorator.


Json is a very flexible data format. This can be nice, but it can also lead to data modeled in ways that cause a lot of bother for some programming languages. Therefore, we recommend the following choices.

No Variable Type Arrays

Every element in an array should be the same data type. This is helpful for statically and strongly typed programming languages that want arrays of something more specific than a base Object class. A violating example:


Notice that the first object and the second object in the array have no structure in common.

Although the benefit of this convention is especially obvious for some programming languages, it is helpful in all languages to keep parsing logic predictable and reducing branching cod epaths.

Don't Treat Objects as Associative Arrays

Many loosely typed programming languages conflate the concept of an associative array (dict, map) with the concept of object. In python, for example, an object is just a dict with some syntactic sugar, and python's JSON serialization handles the two interchangeably when serializing.

This makes it tempting to do the same thing in JSON. An unhappy example:

    "usage": {
        "": 34,
        "": 55,
        "": 349

Notice that the keys of the usage object are unbounded; as the set of IP addresses grows, the set of keys in usage grows as well. JSON is an "object notation", and {...} is a JSON object -- NOT a JSON associative array--but this type of modeling ignores that. If we model data this way, we'll end up with an "object" that could have dozens, hundreds, thousands, or millions of keys with identical semantics but different names. That's not how objects are supposed to work.

Note as well that the keys here, such as "", are not appropriate identifiers in most programming languages. This means that unless deserialization code maps the keys to keys in an associative array (dict, map), it will not be able to handle the data at all. Also, this way to model the data assumes that we know how lookups will be done (in this case, ipaddr-->number); it doesn't leave any flexibility for other access patterns.

A better way to model this type of data is as a JSON array, where each item in the array is a tuple of known field types with known field names. This is only slightly more verbose. It allows deserialization to map to one or more lookup data structures per preference, and is handled equally well in strongly, statically typed programming languages and in loosely typed languages:

    "usage": [
        { "ip": "", "num": 34 },
        { "ip": "", "num": 55 },
        { "ip": "", "num": 349 }

Numeric Field Properties

Json numeric fields are very flexible. As wikipedia notes in its discussion about JSON numeric primitives:

Number: a signed decimal number that may contain a fractional part and may use exponential
E notation, but cannot include non-numbers such as NaN. The format makes no distinction
between integer and floating-point. JavaScript uses a double-precision floating-point format
for all its numeric values, but other languages implementing JSON may encode numbers

Knowing that something is a number may be enough in javascript, but in many other programming languages, more clarity is helpful or even required. If the intent is for the number to be a non-negative or positive-only integer, say so when your field is defined in a protocol. If you know the valid range, give it. Specify whether the field is nullable.

Per the first guideline above about names, name your numeric fields in a way that makes it clear they are numbers: "references" is a bad name in this respect (could be a hyperlink, an array, a string, etc), whereas "reference_count" or "num_of_refs" is much better.

Date Time Conventions

Representing date- and time-related data in JSON is a source of huge variation, since the datatype for the data isn't obvious even before it's serialized. A quick survey of source code across industries and geos shows that dates, times, and timestamps are handled with great inconsistency outside JSON as well. Some common storage types include:

  • 32-bit (signed or unsigned) seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970 and Jan 1, 1980 are both used)
  • 64-bit 100-nanosecond intervals since Jan 1, 1601
  • Floating-point days and fractions of days since Dec 30, 1899
  • Whole integer days since Jan 1, 1900
  • Floating point scientific time (billions of years since big bang)
  • clock ticks since OS booted
  • milliseconds since OS booted

Of course, many of these datatypes have special rules about their relationship to timezones, which further complicates matters. And timezone handling is notoriously inconsistent, all on its own.

Some common names for the fields that store these times include:

  • <something>Time
  • <something>Date
  • <something>Timestamp
  • <something>Millis or * <something>Ms or <something>Secs

The intent of this RFC is NOT to eliminate all diversity. There are good reasons why these different datatypes exist. However, we would like DIDComm messages to use broadly understood naming conventions that clearly communicate date- and time-related semantics, so that where there is diversity, it's because of different use cases, not just chaos.

By convention, DIDComm field suffixes communicate datatype and semantics for date- and time-related ideas, as described below. As we've stressed before, conventions are recommendations only. However:

  1. It is strongly preferred that developers not ignore these perfectly usable conventions unless they have a good reason (e.g., a need to measure the age of the universe in seconds in scientific notation, or a need for ancient dates in a genealogy or archeology use case).

  2. Developers should never contradict the conventions. That is, if a developer sees a date- or time-related field that appears to match what's documented here, the assumption of alignment ought to be safe. Divergence should use new conventions, not redefine these.

Field names like "expires" or "lastmod" are deprecated, because they don't say enough about what to expect from the values. (Is "expires" a boolean? Or is it a date/time? If the latter, what is its granularity and format?)


Used for fields that have only date precision, no time component. For example, birth_date or expiration_date. Such fields should be represented as strings in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). They should contain a timezone indicator if and only if it's meaningful (see Timezone Offset Notation).


Used for fields that identify a moment with both date and time precision. For example, arrival_time might communicate when a train reaches the station. The datatype of such fields is a string in ISO 8601 format ( using the Gregorian calendar, and the timezone defaults to UTC. However:

  • Precision can vary from minute to microsecond or greater.
  • It is strongly recommended to use the "Z" suffix to make UTC explicit: "2018-05-27 18:22Z"
  • The capital 'T' that separates date from time in ISO 8601 can freely vary with a space. (Many datetime formatters support this variation, for greater readability.)
  • If local time is needed, Timezone Offset Notation is used.

Holds a string that expresses appointment-style schedules such as "the first Thursday of each month, at 7 pm". The format of these strings is recommended to follow ISO 8601's Repeating Intervals notation where possible. Otherwise, the format of such strings may vary; the suffix doesn't stipulate a single format, but just the semantic commonality of scheduling.


Describes wall time without reference to a date, as in 13:57. Uses ISO 8601 formatted strings and a 24-hour cycle, not AM/PM.


Used just like _time, but for unsigned integer seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (with no opinion about whether it's a 32-bit or 64-bit value). Thus, a field that captures a last modified timestamp for a file, as number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 would be lastmod_t. This suffix was chosen for resonance with Posix's time_t datatype, which has similar semantics.


Used just like _time and _t, but for 100-nanosecond intervals since Jan 1, 1601. This matches the semantics of the Windows FILETIME datatype.

_sec or subunits of seconds (_milli, _micro, _nano)

Used for fields that tell how long something took. For example, a field describing how long a system waited before retry might be named retry_milli. Normally, this field would be represented as an unsigned positive integer.


Tells duration (elapsed time) in friendly, calendar based units as a string, using the conventions of ISO 8601's Duration concept. Y = year, M = month, W = week, D = day, H = hour, M = minute, S = second: "P3Y2M5D11H" = 3 years, 2 months, 5 days, 11 hours. 'M' can be preceded by 'T' to resolve ambiguity between months and minutes: "PT1M3S" = 1 minute, 3 seconds, whereas "P1M3S" = 1 month, 3 seconds.


For vague or imprecise dates and date ranges. Fragments of ISO 8601 are preferred, as in "1939-12" for "December 1939". The token "to" is reserved for inclusive ranges, and the token "circa" is reserved to make fuzziness explicit, with "CE" and "BCE" also reserved. Thus, Cleopatra's birth_when might be "circa 30 BCE", and the timing of the Industrial Revolution might have a happened_when of "circa 1760 to 1840".

Timezone Offset Notation

Most timestamping can and should be done in UTC, and should use the "Z" suffix to make the Zero/Zulu/UTC timezone explicit.

However, sometimes the local time and the UTC time for an event are both of interest. This is common with news events that are tied to a geo, as with the time that an earthquake is felt at its epicenter. When this is the case, rather than use two fields, it is recommended to use timezone offset notation (the "+0800" in "2018-05-27T18:22+08:00"). Except for the "Z" suffix of UTC, timezone name notation is deprecated, because timezones can change their definitions according to the whim of local lawmakers, and because resolving the names requires expensive dictionary lookup. Note that this convention is exactly how ISO 8601 handles the timezone issue.


In general, blobs are encoded as base64url strings in DIDComm.


UTF-8 is our standard way to represent unicode strings in JSON and all other contexts. For casual definition, this is sufficient detail.

For advanced use cases, it may be necessary to understand subtleties like Unicode normalization forms and canonical equivalence. We generally assume that we can compare strings for equality and sort order using a simple binary algorithm. This is approximately but (in some corner cases) not exactly the same as assuming that text is in NFC normalization form with no case folding expectations and no extraneous surrogate pairs. Where more precision is required, the definition of DIDComm message fields should provide it.


This repo is designed to be browsed as HTML. Browsing can be done directly through github, but we may publish the content using Github Pages and/or ReadTheDocs. As a result, some hyperlink hygiene is observed to make the content as useful as possible:

  • Hyperlinks (both internal to the repo and external to it) must not be broken.
  • Fragments like #heading-title must correctly reference a real markdown heading.
  • Hyperlinks to an RFC should point to the RFC's rather than to a folder with (possibly) many documents.
  • Hyperlinks from one RFC to another should be in relative form (../features/my-rfc/, not in absolute form (/features/my-rfc/ or external form ( This lets us move or embed the content, and it prevents branch names from cluttering the hyperlink.

These rules are enforced by a unit test that runs code/ To run it, go to the root of the repo and run pytest code -- or simply invoke the check_links script directly. Normally, check_links does not test external hyperlinks on the web, because it is too time-consuming; if you want that check, add --full as a command-line argument.

Security Considerations

Replay attacks

It should be noted that when defining a protocol that has domain specific requirements around preventing replay attacks an @id property SHOULD be required. Given the @id field is most commonly set to be a UUID, it usually provides sufficient randomness that a nonce would in preventing replay attacks. This means that sufficient care will be needed in processing of the @id field however, to make sure the @id field hasn't been used before. In some cases, nonces require being unpredictable as well. In this case, greater review should be taken as to how the @id field should be used in the domain specific protocol. Additionally, in the event where the @id field is not adequate, it's recommended that an additional nonce field be required by the domain specific protocol specification.



The main concern with this type of RFC is that it will produce more heat than light -- that is, that developers will debate minutiae instead of getting stuff done. We hope that the conventions here feel reasonable and lightweight enough to avoid that.

Rationale and alternatives

Unresolved questions

  • What other conventions do we need?


The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.

Name / Link Implementation Notes