diff --git a/.devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer.json
index 9a91ab6..d57259c 100644
--- a/.devcontainer.json
+++ b/.devcontainer.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     "name": "ludeeus/integration_blueprint",
-    "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.12",
+    "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.13",
     "postCreateCommand": "scripts/setup",
     "forwardPorts": [
diff --git a/.ruff.toml b/.ruff.toml
index dc816da..d4faf23 100644
--- a/.ruff.toml
+++ b/.ruff.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # The contents of this file is based on https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/dev/pyproject.toml
-target-version = "py312"
+target-version = "py313"
 select = [
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ select = [
     "B017", # pytest.raises(BaseException) should be considered evil
     "B018", # Found useless attribute access. Either assign it to a variable or remove it.
     "B023", # Function definition does not bind loop variable {name}
+    "B024", # `{name}` is an abstract base class, but it has no abstract methods or properties
     "B026", # Star-arg unpacking after a keyword argument is strongly discouraged
     "B032", # Possible unintentional type annotation (using :). Did you mean to assign (using =)?
+    "B035", # Dictionary comprehension uses static key
     "B904", # Use raise from to specify exception cause
     "B905", # zip() without an explicit strict= parameter
@@ -54,12 +56,27 @@ select = [
     "RSE", # flake8-raise
     "RUF005", # Consider iterable unpacking instead of concatenation
     "RUF006", # Store a reference to the return value of asyncio.create_task
+    "RUF007", # Prefer itertools.pairwise() over zip() when iterating over successive pairs
+    "RUF008", # Do not use mutable default values for dataclass attributes
     "RUF010", # Use explicit conversion flag
     "RUF013", # PEP 484 prohibits implicit Optional
+    "RUF016", # Slice in indexed access to type {value_type} uses type {index_type} instead of an integer
     "RUF017", # Avoid quadratic list summation
     "RUF018", # Avoid assignment expressions in assert statements
     "RUF019", # Unnecessary key check before dictionary access
-    # "RUF100", # Unused `noqa` directive; temporarily every now and then to clean them up
+    "RUF020", # {never_like} | T is equivalent to T
+    "RUF021", # Parenthesize a and b expressions when chaining and and or together, to make the precedence clear
+    "RUF022", # Sort __all__
+    "RUF023", # Sort __slots__
+    "RUF024", # Do not pass mutable objects as values to dict.fromkeys
+    "RUF026", # default_factory is a positional-only argument to defaultdict
+    "RUF030", # print() call in assert statement is likely unintentional
+    "RUF032", # Decimal() called with float literal argument
+    "RUF033", # __post_init__ method with argument defaults
+    "RUF034", # Useless if-else condition
+    "RUF100", # Unused `noqa` directive
+    "RUF101", # noqa directives that use redirected rule codes
+    "RUF200", # Failed to parse pyproject.toml: {message}
     "S102", # Use of exec detected
     "S103", # bad-file-permissions
     "S108", # hardcoded-temp-file
@@ -138,7 +155,6 @@ ignore = [
-    "ISC001",
     # Disabled because ruff does not understand type of __all__ generated by a function
diff --git a/custom_components/pirateweather/config_flow.py b/custom_components/pirateweather/config_flow.py
index d27b64a..d2acbb4 100644
--- a/custom_components/pirateweather/config_flow.py
+++ b/custom_components/pirateweather/config_flow.py
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
 """Config flow for Pirate Weather."""
+from __future__ import annotations
 import logging
 from datetime import timedelta
 import aiohttp
 import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
 import voluptuous as vol
-from homeassistant import config_entries
+from homeassistant.config_entries import (
+    ConfigEntry,
+    ConfigFlow,
+    ConfigFlowResult,
+    OptionsFlow,
 from homeassistant.const import (
@@ -44,18 +51,20 @@
 CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST = "hourly_forecast"
-class PirateWeatherConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN):
+class PirateWeatherConfigFlow(ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN):
     """Config flow for PirateWeather."""
-    def async_get_options_flow(config_entry):
+    def async_get_options_flow(
+        config_entry: ConfigEntry,
+    ) -> PirateWeatherOptionsFlow:
         """Get the options flow for this handler."""
-        return PirateWeatherOptionsFlow(config_entry)
+        return PirateWeatherOptionsFlow()
-    async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None):
+    async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None) -> ConfigFlowResult:
         """Handle a flow initialized by the user."""
         errors = {}
@@ -178,14 +187,10 @@ async def async_step_import(self, import_input=None):
         return await self.async_step_user(config)
-class PirateWeatherOptionsFlow(config_entries.OptionsFlow):
+class PirateWeatherOptionsFlow(OptionsFlow):
     """Handle options."""
-    def __init__(self, config_entry):
-        """Initialize options flow."""
-        self.config_entry = config_entry
-    async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None):
+    async def async_step_init(self, user_input: dict | None = None) -> ConfigFlowResult:
         """Manage the options."""
         if user_input is not None:
             # if self.config_entry.options:
@@ -199,97 +204,100 @@ async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None):
         return self.async_show_form(
-            data_schema=vol.Schema(
-                {
-                    vol.Optional(
+            data_schema=self._get_options_schema(),
+        )
+    def _get_options_schema(self):
+        return vol.Schema(
+            {
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_NAME,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_NAME,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_NAME, DEFAULT_NAME),
-                        ),
-                    ): str,
-                    vol.Optional(
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_NAME, DEFAULT_NAME),
+                    ),
+                ): str,
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_LATITUDE,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_LATITUDE,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(
-                                CONF_LATITUDE, self.hass.config.latitude
-                            ),
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(
+                            CONF_LATITUDE, self.hass.config.latitude
-                    ): cv.latitude,
-                    vol.Optional(
+                    ),
+                ): cv.latitude,
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_LONGITUDE,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_LONGITUDE,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(
-                                CONF_LONGITUDE, self.hass.config.longitude
-                            ),
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(
+                            CONF_LONGITUDE, self.hass.config.longitude
-                    ): cv.longitude,
-                    vol.Optional(
+                    ),
+                ): cv.longitude,
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(
-                                CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL
-                            ),
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(
+                            CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL
-                    ): int,
-                    vol.Required(
+                    ),
+                ): int,
+                vol.Required(
+                    PW_PLATFORM,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            PW_PLATFORM,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(PW_PLATFORM, []),
-                        ),
-                    ): cv.multi_select(PW_PLATFORMS),
-                    vol.Optional(
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(PW_PLATFORM, []),
+                    ),
+                ): cv.multi_select(PW_PLATFORMS),
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_LANGUAGE,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_LANGUAGE,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_LANGUAGE, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE),
-                        ),
-                    ): vol.In(LANGUAGES),
-                    vol.Optional(
-                        CONF_FORECAST,
-                        default=str(
-                            self.config_entry.options.get(
-                                CONF_FORECAST,
-                                self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_FORECAST, ""),
-                            ),
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_LANGUAGE, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE),
+                    ),
+                ): vol.In(LANGUAGES),
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_FORECAST,
+                    default=str(
+                        self.config_entry.options.get(
+                            CONF_FORECAST,
+                            self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_FORECAST, ""),
-                    ): str,
-                    vol.Optional(
-                        CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST,
-                        default=str(
-                            self.config_entry.options.get(
-                                CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST,
-                                self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST, ""),
-                            ),
+                    ),
+                ): str,
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST,
+                    default=str(
+                        self.config_entry.options.get(
+                            CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST,
+                            self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_HOURLY_FORECAST, ""),
-                    ): str,
-                    vol.Optional(
+                    ),
+                ): str,
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, []),
-                        ),
-                    ): cv.multi_select(ALL_CONDITIONS),
-                    vol.Optional(
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, []),
+                    ),
+                ): cv.multi_select(ALL_CONDITIONS),
+                vol.Optional(
+                    CONF_UNITS,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            CONF_UNITS,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_UNITS, DEFAULT_UNITS),
-                        ),
-                    ): vol.In(["si", "us", "ca", "uk"]),
-                    vol.Optional(
+                        self.config_entry.data.get(CONF_UNITS, DEFAULT_UNITS),
+                    ),
+                ): vol.In(["si", "us", "ca", "uk"]),
+                vol.Optional(
+                    PW_ROUND,
+                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                        default=self.config_entry.options.get(
-                            PW_ROUND,
-                            self.config_entry.data.get(PW_ROUND, "No"),
-                        ),
-                    ): vol.In(["Yes", "No"]),
-                }
-            ),
+                        self.config_entry.options.get(PW_ROUND, "No"),
+                    ),
+                ): vol.In(["Yes", "No"]),
+            }
diff --git a/custom_components/pirateweather/manifest.json b/custom_components/pirateweather/manifest.json
index 59f1124..2ec2935 100644
--- a/custom_components/pirateweather/manifest.json
+++ b/custom_components/pirateweather/manifest.json
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
   "documentation": "https://github.com/alexander0042/pirate-weather-ha",
   "iot_class": "cloud_polling",
   "issue_tracker": "https://github.com/alexander0042/pirate-weather-ha/issues",
-  "version": "1.6.3"
+  "version": "1.7"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hacs.json b/hacs.json
index dff24bf..b2ddc45 100644
--- a/hacs.json
+++ b/hacs.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    "name": "Pirate Weather", 
+    "name": "Pirate Weather",
     "render_readme": true,
-    "homeassistant": "2023.10.0"
+    "homeassistant": "2024.12.0"
\ No newline at end of file