diff --git a/migration/db/migrations/202408131534000_alter_bookings_change_induction_to_enum.sql b/migration/db/migrations/202408131534000_alter_bookings_change_induction_to_enum.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1b944d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migration/db/migrations/202408131534000_alter_bookings_change_induction_to_enum.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+-- +micrate Up
+-- SQL in section 'Up' is executed when this migration is applied
+-- +micrate StatementBegin
+                        FROM pg_type typ
+                             INNER JOIN pg_namespace nsp
+                                        ON nsp.oid = typ.typnamespace
+                        WHERE nsp.nspname = current_schema()
+                              AND typ.typname = 'booking_induction_type') THEN
+    CREATE TYPE booking_induction_type AS ENUM (
+            'TENTATIVE',
+            'ACCEPTED',
+            'DECLINED'
+        );
+  END IF;
+LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+-- +micrate StatementEnd
+-- Add the new column
+ALTER TABLE "bookings" ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS induction_new public.booking_induction_type DEFAULT 'TENTATIVE'::public.booking_induction_type;
+-- Migrate data
+UPDATE bookings
+SET induction_new = CASE
+    WHEN induction = true THEN 'ACCEPTED'::public.booking_induction_type
+    ELSE 'TENTATIVE'::public.booking_induction_type
+-- Drop the old column and rename the new column
+ALTER TABLE bookings DROP COLUMN induction;
+ALTER TABLE bookings RENAME COLUMN induction_new TO induction;
+-- +micrate Down
+-- SQL section 'Down' is executed when this migration is rolled back
+-- Add a temporary boolean column
+ALTER TABLE bookings ADD COLUMN induction_old boolean DEFAULT false;
+-- Migrate data back to boolean
+UPDATE bookings
+SET induction_old = CASE
+    WHEN induction = 'ACCEPTED' THEN true
+    ELSE false
+-- Drop the enum column
+ALTER TABLE bookings DROP COLUMN induction;
+-- Rename the boolean column back to original name
+ALTER TABLE bookings RENAME COLUMN induction_old TO induction;
+-- Drop the enum type
+DROP TYPE IF EXISTS public.booking_induction_type;
diff --git a/src/placeos-models/booking.cr b/src/placeos-models/booking.cr
index 5f199e39..588d7559 100644
--- a/src/placeos-models/booking.cr
+++ b/src/placeos-models/booking.cr
@@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ module PlaceOS::Model
+    enum Induction
+    end
     attribute booking_type : String
     attribute booking_start : Int64
     attribute booking_end : Int64
@@ -106,7 +112,8 @@ module PlaceOS::Model
     attribute images : Array(String) = [] of String
-    attribute induction : Bool = false
+    attribute induction : Induction = Induction::TENTATIVE, converter: PlaceOS::Model::PGEnumConverter(PlaceOS::Model::Booking::Induction),
+      description: "The induction status of the booking. Defaults to TENTATIVE."
     attribute permission : Permission = Permission::PRIVATE, converter: PlaceOS::Model::PGEnumConverter(PlaceOS::Model::Booking::Permission),
       description: "The permission level for the booking. Defaults to private. If set to private, attendees must be invited.If set to open, users in the same tenant can join. If set to public, the booking is open for everyone to join."