This demo showcases the Achievements function. This is done through 2 test achievements, one tracking logins and the other logging an arbitrary stat. Each Achievement has a unlocked and locked display name and description, as well as the ability to hide it and the relevant tracked data for it.
- The
Show Achievement
button shows extra debug details for a selected achievement. - The
Refresh Data
button refreshes the achievement data. - The
Increase Login Count
button increases the login counter used for the first achievement. - The icon labeled 01 is the login count achievement, it can be selected to view its data.
- The icon labeled Max Stat 50 is the stat count achievement, it can be selected to view its data.
- The
button unlocks the selected achievement, regardless of its current state.
During development, one might test whether a given achievement is functioning. To make testing easier, one could manually unlock or reset an user's achievement status through the developer portal
Login in to the developer portal, see the tags on the left hand side of the page select
[Targeted Game] > Game Services > Achievements
Go to
Product User Search
and search for the user whose achievement data wanted to be reset with theirProduct User ID
Remember to select the correctDeployment
, as achievement data aren't shared between them -
Press Unlock All or Reset All, the users achievement should be set accordingly.
This only modifies whether an user has an achievement unlocked.
If one wants to modify the stat that unlocks the achievement (ex. Login Count)
Go to [Targeted Game] > Game Services > Stats
instead, the remaining steps are similar
See Epic's Achievements documentation for more information on the Achievement interface.