Related Programs:
- Auto Item Printer (this program)
- Item Printer RNG
This program will repeatly operate the Item Printer for a chance at rare items (Stellar Tera Shards, Apricorn Balls, etc.) using the Auto Select function to pick input Pokémon materials.
The item printer depletes Pokémon materials and saves after each iteration, be sure that if there are Pokémon materials you want to keep (to make TMs etc.) that you don't overrun this program.
- Text Speed: Fast
- You have unlocked the Item Printer in the League Room. (Recommended to have its level maxed out for better item odds)
- Have enough BP (can be farmed with Flying Trial Farmer) and Pokémon materials (can be farmed with Material Farmer, or Shiny Hunt - Area Zero Platform running Dragon Encounter Power) to run the program.
- Stand in front of the NPC that operates the Item Printer.
- Start the program.
Number of rounds to automate before stopping. Make sure to not set this number too high if you have Pokémon materials you want to save. It is also advised to stop periodically to sell tresure items (Nuggets, etc.) so those don't go to waste when you hit the maximum quantity.
- Author: Nymphea
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