NOTE Current Public Build moved to Legacy branch. Master is the typescript rework, and is not in a working state. All future releases will be Typescript. Core API Moved to CloudX.js. All future updates to legacy will be published to @bombitmanbomb/neosjs-legacy
API Library for NeosVR. This is NOT a client for the Neos Numerical Optimisation Server, Find that at neos-js
View Full Documentation HERE Neos.js uses JSDoc and the docdash. IntelliSense is set up for VSCode.
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Library for communicating with the NeosAPI
neos.SendTextMessage("U-Neos", "This is a Message!");
npm i @bombitmanbomb/neosjs
const Neos = require('@bombitmanbomb/neosjs')
const neos = new Neos()
console.log(obj.CurrentUser, obj.CurrentSession) // Log the current user and Session
if (friend.FriendStatus == "Requested") {
neos.AddFriend(friend) // Accept the Friend Request
console.log(friend) //New Friend
neos.SendTextMessage(message.SenderId,message.Content) // Reply recieved message back
neos.Login(Username<String>, Password<String>, SessionToken(optional)<String>, MachineID<String>, RememberMe<Boolean>)
Can I run Neos.js in my Browser
No, NeosVR CORS Policy denies browser requests. You must make requests from a Node server. Personally I use Glitch.
Will you add Browser Support
This is a limitation imposed by the Neos server and workarounds are Very limited, as well as extremely Unsafe.
How do I use a Pre-Release Version
Most notable Pre-Release versions are available on NPM. -alpha is Unstable, -beta is Usable but might have bugs, -rc is the Release Candidate for the next build and Should be stable. To use a specific version use
npm install @bombitmanbomb/neosjs@version
X breaks when I do YZ / Can you make NeosJs do X
Feedback and Bug reports are Very important to maintaining Neosjs, The best way to report a bug or ask for a feature is via Issues
Popular Plugins will be listed Here
Library that makes adding commands to the bot super simple.
Programatic Headless Interface Session.
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