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208 lines (164 loc) · 6.36 KB


PosInformatique.FluentValidation.Json is a library based on FluentValidation to validate JSON objects for the Web API.


By default, when using the FluentValidation library to validate an object, the property name (or related display name) are used in the error message. This can be useful for functional validation to display to users on the views of the application.

But when you perform some validations in a Web API context, on JSON DTO objects, using C# property name does not help developers to indicate which properties are invalid. Specially if the C# property name is differents of the JSON property name associated.

For example, imagine you have the following JSON object that represents a product:

    "description": "Chicken adobo",
    "price": 10

This JSON object is mapped to the following C# class, using [JsonPropertyName] attributes to define the JSON property names.

public class Product
    public Product()

    public ProductCategory? Category { get; set; }

    public string? Description { get; set; }

    public decimal Price { get; set; }

If you want to validate the C# Product class, you have to create a validator which inherit from the AbstractValidator<T> class of FluentValidation library.

public class ProductValidator : AbstractValidator<Product>
    public ProductValidator()
        this.RuleLevelCascadeMode = CascadeMode.Stop;

        this.RuleFor(p => p.Description).NotNull().NotEmpty();
        this.RuleFor(p => p.Price).GreaterThan(0);
        this.RuleFor(p => p.Category).NotNull().SetValidator(new ProductCategoryValidator());

public class ProductCategoryValidator : AbstractValidator<ProductCategory>
    public ProductCategoryValidator()
        this.RuleFor(p => p.Name).NotEmpty();

When performing the validation of inside a ASP .NET MVC API application the following JSON problem is returned by default:

  "value": {
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "errors": {
      "Description": [
        "'Description' must not be empty."
      "Price": [
        "'Price' must be greater than '0'."
      "Category.Name": [
        "'Name' must not be empty."
  "statusCode": 400,
  "contentType": "application/problem+json"

Here, because we expose this JSON content to developers, we preferred to have the JSON property name path in the errors messages.

This the main goal of this library to return the following JSON result instead:

  "value": {
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "errors": {
      "description": [
        "'description' must not be empty."
      "price": [
        "'price' must be greater than '0'."
      "": [
        "'name' must not be empty."
  "statusCode": 400,
  "contentType": "application/problem+json"

Installing from NuGet

The PosInformatique.FluentValidation.Json library is available directly on the Nuget official website.

To download and install the library to your Visual Studio unit test projects use the following NuGet command line

Install-Package PosInformatique.FluentValidation.Json

How it is work?

This library is really easy to use and just required to change the ValidatorOptions.Global configuration.

To use JSON property names when validating a DTO class, just call the UseJsonProperties() at the startup of the application.

For example, in ASP .NET application just call the UseJsonProperties() method at the initialization of the ASP .NET infrastructure:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


    var app = builder.Build();

    // Configure the HTTP request pipeline.



And THAT ALL !!.

Next, you use your own validation strategy depending of the context usage. For example, if you ASP .NET Core to create an Web API, you can use the following code and returns an error as JSON problem format:

public class ProductController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IValidator<Product> validator;

    public ProductController(IValidator<Product> validator)
        this.validator = validator;

    public IResult Post(Product product)
        var result = this.validator.Validate(product);

        if (!result.IsValid)
            return Results.ValidationProblem(result.ToDictionary());

        return Results.Ok();

Do not hesitate to read the FluentValidation ASP .NET Integration documentation for more information.

JSON serialization library

This library use the JSON property names specified by the [JsonPropertyName] attributes with the Microsoft System.Text.Json.

This library DO NOT use the property names specified by the [JsonProperty] attributes of the Newtonsoft.Json library.

Library dependencies