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GitHub Actions for Building and Testing PowerShell modules

I'm working on some actions for myself, but figured I'd put them here where others can use them.

They are currently very much a work in progress, not documented, and the Pester step in particular isn't fully working. Also, because they're all packaged together like this, I'm not versioning them very well for now, so when there are breaking changes, it won't be very clear which task changed.

For an example of how to use these, see my Configuration module.


This one's a simple wrapper for ModuleBuilder to call Build-Module on every build.psd1 in your repository.

Note that this requires you to write the build.psd1 manifest with appropriate values.


A simple cross-platform wrapper for GitVersion which caches the binary and runs gitversion in your repo. All the GitVersion Output Variables are exposed on the output of the action.

Note that you should already have a gitversion.yml in your repository for this to work well.


This is a wrapper for my RequiredModules installer, which handles installing (and optionally, importing) specific versions of modules for build processes. Although this task is here, several of my other tasks use Install-RequiredModules.ps1 as their way of ensuring the modules they need are present.

To use this, you will need a RequiredModules.psd1 in your repository. It does not support specifying your dependencies as inputs.


This is a simple wrapper for Pester which supports Gherkin (if you specify a version of Pester that includes it, like 4.10.1 but not 5.x) and outputs a results.xml and (optionally) coverage.xml

Currently, this doesn't really handle the test results, and does not publish the two output xml files. It fails if pester fails, but there's no test reports or code coverage report or any of that yet. You'll want to add a step to capture this output like:

- name: Upload Results
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
    name: Pester Results
    path: ${{github.workspace}}/*.xml