- [spigot] hotfix Wrong package for
- [spigot] hotfix Hidden groups don't always update (Added test to make sure it doesn't happen again)
- [spigot] hotfix Fixes reload when leave all groups
- [spigot-commands] Fixes the bug of sender type invert didn't work at new version
repositories {
maven {
name 'apartium-releases'
url 'https://nexus.voigon.dev/repository/apartium-releases'
dependencies {
// You can also use 'spigot' instead to get the spigot utilities as well
implementation 'net.apartium.cocoa-beans:common:0.0.35'
// For the command system (You also could use 'commands-spigot' instead to get the spigot command utilities as well)
implementation 'net.apartium.cocoa-beans:commands:0.0.35'