- 2014-06-03 Added
method which returns IP of the client (or last proxy) that sent the request to the context object. (Kokol) - 2014-06-01 Enhanced security check for callback in JsonP (nobullet).
- 2014-05-30 Fixed wrong Logger in ResultHandler. Changed javax @Inject to Guice @Inject to make Ninja more compatible with Weld.
- 2014-05-21 Added
methods to theResults
class. (metacity) - 2014-05-19 Added port selection to SuperDevMode. (Naum/Buffer0verflow)
- 2014-05-08 Added getHostname() method to context as a wrapper to getting the Host header. (mattjonesorg)
- 2014-05-08 Fixed issue #173. NinjaJetty was listening on two http ports. (ra)
- 2014-04-27 Added possibility to define custom package for application module and routes (avarabyeu)
- 2014-04-10 "username" of SecureFilter now static final and can be referenced from other modules in a typesafe way. (ra)
- 2014-04-10 Support getInjector() on FluentLenium testcases (ra)
- 2014-04-07 Logback is now only configured when on classpath. Allows to use jul logging on App Engine. (Nomi + ra)
- 2014-04-06 Fixed bug (#165) that caused that html template caching did not work properly. (Nomi + ra)
- 2014-03-28 Added support for static Result.NO_HTTP_BODY. No need to create new() class all the time. (ra)
- 2014-03-22 Fixed build to work with JDK 8. (ra)
- 2014-03-22 Fixed bug in archetype. Reordered modules, so that testing of archetypes works. (ra)
- 2014-03-22 Removed error-prone again (not yet compatible with JDK 8) (ra)
- 2014-03-14 Added error-prone bug checking to build lifecycle of Ninja. (ra)
- 2014-03-13 BugFix #157. @UnitOfWork did not work when nested with @Transactional or other @UnitOfWork annotations. (ra)
- 2014-03-07 Now caching virtually infinite amount of template files in memory as weak references (before it was a max of 250). (ra)
- 2014-03-06 Fixed bug that prevented some applications running inside servlet container to start up properly. (ra).
- 2014-03-06 Fixed potential multi threading issue upon application startup. method getInjector() method of GuiceInjector was not thread safe (ra).
- 2014-03-05 #155 Fixed glitch were Freemarker did not emit a proper 400 when template not found.
- 2014-03-05 Fix so that ninjaProperties.getContextPath() and context.getContextPath() are always in sync. No matter what contextpath you supply via the command line and -Dninja.context= ... (ra)
- 2014-03-05 NinjaRunner that allows to auto inject resources into NinjaTests (smallufo)
- 2014-03-05 #154 Some performance improvements for reverse routing. (ra)
- 2014-03-04 Fixed bug where reverse routing was not properly working for routes with regex. (ra)
- 2014-03-04 Added reverse routing to Freemarker templates via
${reverseRoute(...)}, $ {assetsAt(...)}, ${webJarsAt(...)} (ra) - 2014-03-03 Added support for contextPath to NinjaProperties. That's a better place than Context (context is only available in request). (ra)
- 2014-03-03 Using a map no longer needed for generating parameterized reverse route. Now we can specify parameters via simple array. (ra)
- 2014-03-03 RouterImpl.getReverseRoute() now prefixes the returned url with the context path if one is configured. (zz)
- 2014-02-26 Bugfix. Dependecy resolution for SuperDevMode was "compile" and not "runtime". => Changed to "runtime" (zoran, ra)
- 2014-02-19 Bugfix #145. Shutdown hooks not executed in SuperDevMode and standalone mode. (ra)
- 2014-02-18 Bump to Jetty 9.1.2.v20140210 (ra)
- 2014-02-18 Ninja now uses utf-8 for everything in a request. Otherwise e.g. post requests are encoded in a platform dependent way (mallowlabs)
- 2014-02-17 Fixed possible glitch in the matrix: BodyParserEnginePost.invoke() may set Strings to unsupported fields (amsz, ra).
- 2014-02-17 Added support for custom static asset location (sojin)
- 2014-02-14 Proper handling of exceptions in controllers => now emitted as 400 - bad request by the framework. (ra)
- 2014-02-14 Added support for HEAD and arbitrary http methods in router (ra)
- 2014-02-14 Added support for getting parameters and automatic conversion (getParameterAs in context) (amsz)
- 2014-02-12 Adding support of ninja.context for SuperDevMode (nobullet)
- 2014-02-11 Removed hibernate-jpa-2.0-api (already included by hibernate in version 2.1). (smallufo).
- 2014-02-07 Added result support for route (amsz).
- 2014-02-06 Added simple archetype to begin with (ninja-servlet-archetype-simple (ra).
- 2014-02-06 Fixed bug where css was not included in servlet-jpa archetype. (ra).
- 2014-02-06 Bump to slf4j 1.7.6 and logback 1.1.1 (ra).
- 2014-02-05 Fool proof creation of archetypes without manual work (ra).
- 2014-02-06 Primitive type field mapping for Post form parameters (metacity).
- 2014-01-30 ninja-maven-plugin now no longer needs ninja-standalone in User's pom.xml. (ra)
- 2014-01-29 Bump to latest dependencies (ra).
- com.devbliss.doctest:doctest .......................... 0.6.5 -> 0.7.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core ............... 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml ... 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
- com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-afterburner ... 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
- com.google.inject.extensions:guice-persist ........... 3.0 -> 4.0-beta
- com.googlecode.flyway:flyway-core ....................... 2.2 -> 2.3.1
- com.h2database:h2 ................................. 1.3.172 -> 1.3.175
- commons-codec:commons-codec ............................... 1.8 -> 1.9
- commons-configuration:commons-configuration .............. 1.9 -> 1.10
- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api ....................... 3.0.1 -> 3.1.0
- joda-time:joda-time ....................................... 2.2 -> 2.3
- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache ................................ 2.7.4 -> 2.8.0
- net.spy:spymemcached ................................. 2.9.0 -> 2.10.4
- org.apache.commons:commons-email ...................... 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 ........................ 3.1 -> 3.2.1
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient .................. 4.2.1 -> 4.3.2
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime .................... 4.2.1 -> 4.3.2
- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server .... 9.0.5.v20130815 -> 9.1.1.v20140108
- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet ... 9.0.5.v20130815 -> 9.1.1.v20140108
- org.fluentlenium:fluentlenium-core .................... 0.9.1 -> 0.9.2
- org.hibernate:hibernate-c3p0 .............. 4.2.3.Final -> 4.3.1.Final
- org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager ..... 4.2.3.Final -> 4.3.1.Final
- org.webjars:tinymce-jquery ........................... 3.4.9 -> 4.0.12
- 2014-01-29 Bump to latest Guava 16.0 (ra)
- 2013-01-28 XmlMapper now singleton configured in one place via a provider. (ra).
- 2013-01-28 Added afterburner support to XmlMapper (ra).
- 2014-01-28 Added support for custom regex in variable part of routes (ra).
- 2014-01-27 Added support to serve arbitrary paths via AssetsController via serveStatic method (ra).
- 2014-01-16 Removed deprecated (and slow) option to access i18n messages in
freemarker templates directly via
${messagekey}. This was replaced by by $ {i18n("messageKey")} a long time ago (ra). - 2014-01-14 Renaming SessionCookie => Session and FlashCookie => FlashScope (ra)
- 2014-01-08 Setting of hibernate properties no longer on System.setProperty level, but locally. (ra).
- 2014-01-08 Added @UnitOfWork annotation for fast readonly database access (ra).
- 2014-01-07 Security fix. Html templates did not escape apostrophes properly ('). (ra)
- 2013-12-22 Added Maven 3.1.0 as requirement for ninja-maven-plugin (ra)
- 2013-12-19 ObjectMapperProvider now a singleton (it is threadsafe) (ra)
- 2013-12-02 Session/cookie sharing between subdomains. (linx56)
- 2013-12-05 Fix + test in maven plugin. Assets directory was not ignored / regex wrong. (ra)
- 2013-12-05 Fixed wrong hamcrest imports (junit imports hamcrest 1.3, mockito by default imports hamcrest 1.1). JUnit now always above mockito in pom.xml - therefore hamcrest 1.3 takes precedence over hamcrest 1.1 (ra)
- 2013-12-13 Bugfix in session implementation. Authenticity token and ID not sent under some circumstances. (ra)
- 2013-12-13 Ninja now uses "ninja.mode=prod" by default (and no longer dev). Many users complained that it is quite strange to configure the prod mode when running Ninja as war inside a servlet container. These problems are now gone. (ra)
- 2013-12-14 Json Jackson mapper now uses Afterburner by default for reading / writing Json Pojos (Also valid for rendering JsonP). This should improve Json performance a lot. (ra)
- 2013-12-14 Fixed a performance bug where output streams / outputwriters were not properly closed. This affected the performance of rendering raw Strings and raw byte arrays. (ra)
- 2013-12-14 NinjaDocTester added ability to getInjector and get arbitrary guice objects inside Test classes. (ra)
- 2013-12-14 Added Results.text() as helper to render plain text (ra)
- 2013-12-14 Fixed getInjector() behavior of NinjaServletListener. Multiple calling of getInjector() caused the generation of multiple Ninja instances what is wrong. (ra)
- 2013-12-14 Streamlined test-utilities. Now all Ninja*Tests start a new Ninja server before each test. (NinjaDocTester for instance started Ninja before each class. That was inconsistent) (ra).
- 2013-12-14 Bump to org.doctester 1.1.1 and fluentlenium 0.9.1 (ra).
- 2013-12-15 Fixed bug in result.renderRaw(). Used outputStream to render strings, will lead to problems with utf-8 characters.
- 2013-11-14 Tiny fix for sometimes flaky testcase. Added a flush to setup step. (ra)
- 2013-11-21 Added support for DocTester based tests. (ra)
- 2013-11-21 Working version of ninja-maven-plugin. Hot reload for Ninja without PermGen errors. (ra)
- 2013-11-28 Changed naming convention for i18n files from messages.en.properties to messages_en.properties. This allows IntelliJ, Netbeans to recognize those files as translateable and provide i18n editors. (amsz, ra)
- 2013-11-29 Fixed potential bug in i18n module. Locale was not set when parsing locale sensitive special MessageFormat patterns like {0, date} (ra)
- 2013-11-05 New NinjaDaoTestBase class to facilitate test your DAOs with a real database (emiguelt)
- 2013-11-06 Set general log level of archetypes and integration tests to "info" (ra)
- 2013-11-08 Access to application injector from NinjaTest (paweld2)
- 2013-11-13 Dependencies and plugin versions now centrally managed in parent pom.xml (ra)
- 2013-11-13 Bump to ehcache 2.7.4 / Fixes dependency problem with terracotta (ra)
- 2013-10-21 Adding JsonP support (an)
- 2013-10-30 Fixed PostOfficeConstants spelling mistake ninjaframework#117 (ra+socket70)
- 2013-10-30 Improvements of Validation interface - added hasBeanViolations() (an)
- 2013-09-27 Removed bogus System.setProperty(test...) in NinjaJetty.java (ra)
- 2013-09-27 Some documentation fixes (ra)
- 2013-09-27 ninja-core changed from junit-dep (deprecated) to junit archetypeid (ra)
- 2013-09-28 Added log4j-over-slf4j - Needed for EhCache which logs via log4j by default. (ra)
- 2013-09-30 Possibility to change context path for standalone mode (an)
- 2013-08-16 Improved Json and Xml rendering / Switch from Gson to Jackson. (ra)
- 2013-08-25 Added facility to render simple strings to the outputstream without invoking templating engine. (sojin, ra)
- 2013-08-28 Guice injector now started in mode production by default. In that course also fixed some hidden problems with JPA shutdown and eh cache registration (samliard, ra)
- 2013-08-28 Bump to latest javax.el interfaces and implementation (needed for validation) (ra)
- 2013-08-29 Rollback of hibernate-validation to 4.3.1.Final - because version 5.0.1.Final not compatible with GAE (ra)
- 2013-09-01 Bugfix - static assets should not handle any flash or session scopes ninjaframework#109 (Sojin, ra).
- 2013-09-02 Bump to jetty 9 for testing and running of applications (ra).
- 2013-09-02 AssetsController now supports to include webjars aka META-INF/resources folders (ra).
- 2013-09-05 Bump to 1.3.0 of fluido in ninjaframework.org site (ra).
- 2013-09-12 Added https://code.google.com/p/error-prone/ to prevent bugs at compile time. (ra)
- 2013-09-12 Now using module.setDefaultUseWrapper(false); in xml rednering (see also https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-dataformat-xml) (ra)
- 2013-09-13 Improved documentation (testing, controller) (ra)
- 2013-09-14 Added blog integration test to JPA (ra)
- 2013-09-14 New default JPA blog archetype (ra)
- 2013-09-16 Multiple fixes for maven archetype (ra)
- 2013-09-17 Fixed misnamed logging configuration files (logging.xml => logback.xml) (ra)
- 2013-07-17 JPA support went into ninja-core (ra)
- 2013-07-17 Added a JPA demo acting as integration test and an archetype for JPA (ra)
- 2013-07-26 Added Flyway integration (database migration tool) (ra)
- 2013-07-28 Bugfix for template loading in dev mode (modules' templates not loaded) (ra)
- 2013-07-30 Changed accesses of the flash cookie from underscore syntax into "." syntax. This is now much more consistent with the general way we access stuff inside any ftl.html file. (ra)
- 2013-07-30 Direct streaming from assets folder without jetty reload in dev mode. Cool for developing js apps inside the assets folder. (ra)
- 2013-08-05 Fixed bug in OPTION method of routes. (ra)
- 2013-08-06 Switch to logback - exlusion of commons-logging in pom (ra)
- 2013-08-06 Important security fix imported from Play: https://github.com/playframework/play1/commit/dce07610f1400a9c031753fc413a324e0a74c4c1 (ra)
- 2013-08-08 Added default logging.xml config and enforcer plugin to make sure we do have commons logging on the classpath (ra)
- 2013-08-08 Added .gitignore to archetypes (demo and jpa) (ra)
- 2013-07-15 Support for skipping rendering of HttpBody via NoHttpBody class (useful in redirects eg) (makotan, pthum, ra)
- 2013-07-16 Support to show the user of Ninja the version of the framework. Embedded in the splash screen (Ninja logo) at the beginning. (ra)
- 2013-07-17 Ninja now logs the mode in which the framework runs currently. (ra)
- bump to devbliss.doctest 0.6.5 (ra)
- free marker templates changes no longer cause ninja restart (makotan)
- freemarker templates performance optimizations (ra)
- some improvements to harden thread-safe behavior of ninja (ra)
- Pinned ninja-core-archetype to java 1.7 (ra)
- Fixed a bug in TestServer that caused context not to shut down properly (ra)
- Added Cache implementation (EhCache and Memcache) (ra)
- Added support for injecting HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse into controller method (ra, Tristan)
- Bump to latest libraries (hibernate-validator 5.0.1) (ra)
- Ninja now uses Java 1.7 (ra)
- Added possibility to get the contextpath in templates (pthum)
- Fixed bug when translating flash scope i18n (pthum, ra)
- Added better i18n facilities to html tempting (ra)
- Added possibility to get the contextpath in templates (pthum)
- Added reverse routing facilities (ra)
- Extended reverse routing facilities with support for query parameters (ra)
- Added support for a more much more convenient use of Result.render(...) (pthum, ra)
- Added an easy way to access the Session-Cookie-Values in every template (pthum)
- Added support for creation of application.secret (ra)
- Added security guide covering sessions (ra)
- Fixed bug in ninja-core-archetype (ra)
- Removed deprecated and confusing methods in Results.java. Now we have only .json() .html() and so on. ninjaframework#92 (comment)
- Fixed content negotiation bug ninjaframework#83
- Made bodyparserengine extensible and faster by using map for lookup.
- Archetype wrongly referenced a snapshot version (seratch)
- Libraries of ninja-core updated to latest versions
- Added Optional (guava) support to Messages and Lang
- Added modules documentation page (ra).
- Replaced potentially harmful SimpleDateFormatter with JodaTime. SDF is not thread safe... (ra)
- Better printing of numbers in Freemarker Templating Engine (See also: http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/docs/app_faq.html#faq_number_grouping)
- Better error handling for templating exceptions (ra)
- Brand new maven archetype ninja-core-demo-archetype for really simple project generation... (ra)
- Added attributes to
, updated Request scope documentation (tbroyer) - Headers can be multivalued, added
for multivalued parameters (tbroyer) - Docs: Added documentation for WrappedContext / ArgumentMatchers aka Request scope (ra)
- Docs: Added twitter account (ra)
- Separation of servlet support (module ninja-servlet) from main ninja framework (tbroyer)
- replaced default freemarker templating engine with freemarker-gae for appengine compatibility (ra)
- Fix for byte[] get a forced octet stream when content type is already explicitly set (qubic)
- tiny fix typos in servlet bridge documentation (ra)
- bugfix => TestServer in NinjaTest was in wrong mode by default (ra)
- Fixes in Validation (phil)
- Validation for controller parameter fields as well as validation for injected beans (phil)
- Servlet-Ninja bridge - support for loading Servlet Filters and Servlets using ServletModule (zoza)
- Cleaner cookie handling (removed dependencies servlet cookies) (ra)
- Support for force-setting default language via NINJA_LANG cookie (ra)
- Messages stuff moved from Lang to Message (ra)
- ETag and http-cache header support for static assets (AssetsController) (ra).
- Context now supports getMethod function to know the http request method from the context (ra).
- Bugfix: explicitly set content type of result keeps untouched by ResultHandler now (roughy/henning)
- Added HttpOnly option for the session cookie (roughy)
- Added support for simple parsing of post forms (aka application/x-www-form-urlencoded) (zoza)
- Added support for simple rendering of objects in html templates (reyez)
- Fixed bug + test with flash scope: ninjaframework#70 (zoza / ra)
- Support XML payload parsing on Content-Type: application/xml
- Fix for multiple values in request "Accept-Language" header
- Better way to retrieve constraint violations in controller methods (ninjaframework#58)
- Fix possible NPE in field validation of controller methods.
- Bump to Gson 2.2.2
- Fixed encoding issue in TestBrowser that showed up on some English macs
- Added better sending of Json payload to NinjaTestBrowser
- Utf-8 now default character set when client does not specify correct Content-type
- Added tests to context
- Fixed bug where incoming payload was not parsed by correct bodyParser
- cleanup with develop and master => now only develop active
- added missing license headers
- fixed some spelling errors
- 2012-09-05 Better default http cache-control header handling (no-caching by default).
- 2012-08-27 Support for better testing whether routes are handled by framework (NinjaRoutesTest).