- Moved server side code to server directory. It is possible to better deal with globs from package.json
- Fixed multiplier sign while copying result data
- Extracted common webpack configuration
- Renamed modules to follow dash style
- Split calculation modules into smaller parts
- Introduced React and Redux on client
- Fixed href on language links
- Refactored backend code
- Added translations
- Added postinstall script to package.json. Now it's possible to deploy using gitHub 🎉
- Removed logs route. It won't work because of missing write access rights on Heroku
- Removed file logging from Winston configuration
- Added deploy script to circleCi
- Added link to changelog
- Added server file logging
- Added error notification on client
- Workaround for 'circuit braker'
- Fixed waste calculation bug
- Added version number on the footer
- Added basic stats
- Added notifications
- Fixed tracking