diff --git a/workshop/gamemodes/cinema_modded/gamemode/modules/theater/services/sh_youtube.lua b/workshop/gamemodes/cinema_modded/gamemode/modules/theater/services/sh_youtube.lua
index 88aeff9..9923734 100644
--- a/workshop/gamemodes/cinema_modded/gamemode/modules/theater/services/sh_youtube.lua
+++ b/workshop/gamemodes/cinema_modded/gamemode/modules/theater/services/sh_youtube.lua
@@ -4,9 +4,58 @@ SERVICE.Name = "YouTube"
SERVICE.IsTimed = true
+SERVICE.ExtentedVideoInfo = true
local METADATA_URL = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s"
+ Credits to veitikka (https://github.com/veitikka) for fixing YouTube service and writing the
+ Workaround with a Metadata parser.
+-- Lua search patterns to find metadata from the html
+local patterns = {
+ ["title"] = "",
+ ["title_fallback"] = "
+ ["duration"] = "",
+ ["live"] = "",
+ ["live_enddate"] = "",
+ ["age_restriction"] = ""
+-- Function to parse video metadata straight from the html instead of using the API
+local function ParseMetaDataFromHTML( html )
+ --MetaData table to return when we're done
+ local metadata, html = {}, html
+ -- Fetch title, with fallbacks if needed
+ metadata.title = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["title"]), "content")
+ or util.ParseElementContent(html:match(patterns["title_fallback"]))
+ -- Parse HTML entities in the title into symbols
+ metadata.title = url.htmlentities_decode(metadata.title)
+ metadata.familyfriendly = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["age_restriction"]), "content") or ""
+ -- See if the video is an ongoing live broadcast
+ -- Set duration to 0 if it is, otherwise use the actual duration
+ local isLiveBroadcast = tobool(util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["live"]), "content"))
+ local broadcastEndDate = html:match(patterns["live_enddate"])
+ if isLiveBroadcast and not broadcastEndDate then
+ -- Mark as live video
+ metadata.duration = 0
+ else
+ local durationISO8601 = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["duration"]), "content")
+ if isstring(durationISO8601) then
+ metadata.duration = math.max(1, util.ISO_8601ToSeconds(durationISO8601))
+ end
+ end
+ return metadata
function SERVICE:Match( url )
return url.host and url.host:match("youtu.?be[.com]?")
@@ -26,6 +75,27 @@ if (CLIENT) then
+ function SERVICE:GetMetadata( data, callback )
+ http.Fetch(METADATA_URL:format(data), function(body, length, headers, code)
+ if not body or code ~= 200 then
+ callback({ err = ("Not expected response received from YouTube (Code: %d)"):format(code) })
+ return
+ end
+ local status, metadata = pcall(ParseMetaDataFromHTML, body)
+ if not status then
+ callback({ err = "Failed to parse MetaData from YouTube" })
+ return
+ end
+ callback(metadata)
+ end, function(error)
+ callback({ err = ("YouTube Error: %s"):format(error) })
+ end, {})
+ end
function SERVICE:GetURLInfo( url )
@@ -62,70 +132,17 @@ function SERVICE:GetURLInfo( url )
return info.Data and info or false
- Credits to veitikka (https://github.com/veitikka) for fixing YouTube service and writing the
- Workaround with a Metadata parser.
--- Lua search patterns to find metadata from the html
-local patterns = {
- ["title"] = "",
- ["title_fallback"] = ".-",
- ["thumb"] = "",
- ["thumb_fallback"] = "",
- ["duration"] = "",
- ["live"] = "",
- ["live_enddate"] = "",
- ["age_restriction"] = ""
--- Function to parse video metadata straight from the html instead of using the API
-local function ParseMetaDataFromHTML( html )
- --MetaData table to return when we're done
- local metadata, html = {}, html
- -- Fetch title and thumbnail, with fallbacks if needed
- metadata.title = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["title"]), "content")
- or util.ParseElementContent(html:match(patterns["title_fallback"]))
- -- Parse HTML entities in the title into symbols
- metadata.title = url.htmlentities_decode(metadata.title)
- metadata.thumbnail = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["thumb"]), "content")
- or util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["thumb_fallback"]), "href")
- metadata.familyfriendly = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["age_restriction"]), "content") or ""
- -- See if the video is an ongoing live broadcast
- -- Set duration to 0 if it is, otherwise use the actual duration
- local isLiveBroadcast = tobool(util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["live"]), "content"))
- local broadcastEndDate = html:match(patterns["live_enddate"])
- if isLiveBroadcast and not broadcastEndDate then
- -- Mark as live video
- metadata.duration = 0
- else
- local durationISO8601 = util.ParseElementAttribute(html:match(patterns["duration"]), "content")
- if isstring(durationISO8601) then
- metadata.duration = math.max(1, util.ISO_8601ToSeconds(durationISO8601))
- end
- end
- return metadata
function SERVICE:GetVideoInfo( data, onSuccess, onFailure )
- local onReceive = function( body, length, headers, code )
- local status, metadata = pcall(ParseMetaDataFromHTML, body)
- if not status then
- return onFailure( "Theater_RequestFailed" )
+ theater.FetchVideoMedata( data:GetOwner(), data, function(metadata)
+ if metadata.err then
+ return onFailure(metadata.err)
local info = {}
info.title = metadata.title
- info.thumbnail = metadata.thumbnail
+ info.thumbnail = ("https://img.youtube.com/vi/(%s)/hqdefault.jpg"):format(data)
if metadata.duration == 0 then
info.type = "youtubelive"
@@ -141,11 +158,7 @@ function SERVICE:GetVideoInfo( data, onSuccess, onFailure )
if onSuccess then
pcall(onSuccess, info)
- end
- local url = METADATA_URL:format( data )
- self:Fetch( url, onReceive, onFailure )
+ end)