PyWorkflow currently has two sets of tests: API endpoints and unit tests. The API tests are written in Postman and can be run individually, by importing the collection and environment into your Postman application, or via the command line by installing Newman and running:
cd Postman
newman run PyWorkflow-runner.postman_collection.json --environment Local-env.postman_environment.json
Unit tests for the PyWorkflow package are run using Python's built-in unittest
cd pyworkflow/pyworkflow
pipenv run python3 -m unittest tests/*.py
To see coverage, you can use the coverage
package. This is included in the Pipfile
but must be installed with pipenv install -dev
. Then, while still in the pyworkflow
directory, you can run
coverage run -m unittest tests/*.py
coverage report
(to see a report via the CLI)coverage html && open /htmlcov/index.html
(to view interactive coverage)