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-# Introduction
-![Postman Tests](https://github.com/matthew-t-smith/visual-programming/workflows/Postman%20Tests/badge.svg)
-![Code Coverage](./docs/media/coverage.svg)
+# PyWorkflow
+| | |
+| Docker | TBD |
+| Back-end | ![Postman Tests](https://github.com/matthew-t-smith/visual-programming/workflows/Postman%20Tests/badge.svg) |
+| Front-end | TBD |
+| PyWorkflow | ![Code Coverage](./docs/media/pyworkflow_coverage.svg) |
+| CLI | TBD |
+| Jest | TBD |
+PyWorkflow is a visual programming application for building data science
+pipelines and workflows. It is inspired by [KNIME](https://www.knime.com)
+and aims to bring the desktop-based experience to a web-based environment.
+PyWorkflow takes a Python-first approach and leverages the power of *pandas*
+DataFrames to bring data-science to the masses.
![Pyworkflow UI](./docs/media/pyworkflow-ui.png)
-So far the app comprises a Django app and a SPA React app (bootstrapped with
-create-react-app). For React to request data from Django, the `proxy` field is
-set in `front-end/package.json`, telling the dev server to fetch non-static
-data from `localhost:8000` **where the Django app must be running**.
-## Django
-### Install Dependencies
-1. Install `pipenv` from home directory
- - **Homebrew**:
- - `brew install pipenv`
- - **pip**:
- - `pip install pipenv`
- - or depending on your versioning setup:
- - `pip3 install pipenv`
- - You can install at the User level using **pip** via: `pip install --user pipenv`
-2. `cd` to top level of project (contains `Pipfile` and `Pipefile.lock`)
-3. Install dependencies
- - `pipenv install`
-4. Activate and exit the shell
- - `pipenv shell`
- - `exit`
-5. Or, run single commands
- - `pipenv run python [COMMAND]`
-### Installing new packages
-- Simply install via: `pipenv install [package-name]`
-### Create dotenv file with app secret
-- `echo "SECRET_KEY='TEMPORARY SECRET KEY'" > vp/.environment`
-### Start dev server from app root
-- `cd vp`
-- `pipenv run python manage.py runserver`
-## React
-### Install Prerequisites
-- `cd front-end`
-- `npm install`
-### Start dev server
-- `npm start`
-## CLI
-1. Run pipenv shell.
-2. Create a workflow using UI and save it.
-3. Run it as: pyworkflow execute workflow-file
-Also accepts reading input from std (i.e < file.csv) and writing to sdt out (i.e > output.csv)
-## Tests
-PyWorkflow currently has two sets of tests: API endpoints and unit tests.
-The API tests are written in Postman and can be run individually, by importing
-the collection and environment into your Postman application, or via the command
-line by [installing Newman](https://www.npmjs.com/package/newman) and running:
-- `cd Postman`
-- `newman run PyWorkflow-runner.postman_collection.json --environment Local-env.postman_environment.json`
-Unit tests for the PyWorkflow package are run using Python's built-in `unittest`
-- `cd pyworkflow/pyworkflow`
-- `pipenv run python3 -m unittest tests/*.py`
-To see coverage, you can use the `coverage` package. This is included in the Pipfile
-but must be installed with `pipenv install -dev`. Then, while still in the pyworkflow
-directory, you can run
-- `coverage run -m unittest tests/*.py`
-- `coverage report` (to see a report via the CLI)
-- `coverage html && open /htmlcov/index.html` (to view interactive coverage)
+# Introduction
+PyWorkflow was developed with a few key principles in mind:
+1) Easily deployed. PyWorkflow can be deployed locally or remotely with pre-built
+Docker containers.
+2) Highly extensible. PyWorkflow has a few key nodes built-in to perform common
+operations, but it is built with custom nodes in mind. Any user can write a
+custom node of their own to perform *pandas* operations, or other data science
+3) Advanced features for everyone. PyWorkflow is meant to cater to users with
+no programming experience, all the way to someone who writes Python code daily.
+An easy-to-use command line interface allows for batch workflow execution and
+scheduled runs with a tool like `cron`.
+To meet these principles, the user interface is built on
+to enable drag-and-drop nodes and edge creation. These packaged nodes provide
+basic *pandas* functionality and easy customization options for users to create
+workflows tailored to their specific needs. For users looking to create custom
+nodes, please [reference the documentation on how to write your own class](docs/custom_nodes.md).
+On the back-end, a computational graph stores the nodes, edges, and
+configuration options using the [NetworkX package](https://networkx.github.io).
+All data operations are saved in JSON format which allows for easy readability
+and transfer of data to other environments.
+# Getting Started
+The back-end consists of the PyWorkflow package, to perform all graph-based
+operations, file storage/retrieval, and execution. These methods are triggered
+either via API calls from the Django web-server, or from the CLI application.
+The front-end is a SPA React app (bootstrapped with create-react-app). For React
+to request data from Django, the `proxy` field is set in `front-end/package.json`,
+telling the dev server to fetch non-static data from `localhost:8000` **where
+the Django app must be running**.
+## Docker
+The easiest way to get started is by deploying both Docker containers on your
+local machine. For help installing Docker, [reference the documentation for your
+specific system](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/).
+The Docker container for PyWorkflow is built from 2 images: the `front-end` and
+the `back-end`. The `docker-compose.yml` defines how to combine and run the two.
+In order to build each image individually, from the root of the application:
+- `docker build front-end --tag FE_IMAGE[:TAG]`
+- `docker build back-end --tag BE_IMAGE[:TAG]`
+ ex. - `docker build back-end --tag backendtest:2.0`
+Each individual image can be run by changing to the `front-end` or `back-end` directory and running:
+- `docker run -p 3000:3000 --name FE_CONTAINER_NAME FE_IMAGE[:TAG]`
+- `docker run -p 8000:8000 --name BE_CONTAINER_NAME BE_IMAGE[:TAG]`
+ ex. - `docker run -p 8000:8000 --name pyworkflow-be backendtest:2.0`
+Note: there [is a known issue with `react-scripts` v3.4.1](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/8688)
+that may cause the front-end container to exit with code 0. If this happens,
+you can add `-e CI=true` to the `docker-run` command above for the front-end.
+To compose and run the entire application container, from the root of the application:
+- `docker-compose up`
+You can then kill the container gracefully with:
+- `docker-compose down`
+NOTE: For development, change ./front-end/package.json from "proxy": "http://back-end:8000" to "http://localhost:8000" to work.
+## Serve locally
+Alternatively, the front- and back-ends can be compiled separately and run on
+your local machine.
+### Server (Django)
+1. Install `pipenv`
+- **Homebrew**
+brew install pipenv
+- **pip**
+pip install pipenv OR pip3 install pipenv
+2. Install dependencies
+Go to the `back-end` directory with `Pipfile` and `Pipfile.lock`.
+cd back-end
+pipenv install
+3. Setup your local environment
+- Create environment file with app secret
+echo "SECRET_KEY='TEMPORARY SECRET KEY'" > vp/.environment
+4. Start dev server from app root
+cd vp
+pipenv run python3 manage.py runserver
+If you have trouble running commands individually, you can also enter the
+virtual environment created by `pipenv` by running `pipenv shell`.
+### Client (react-diagrams)
+In a separate terminal window, perform the following steps to start the
+1. Install Prerequisites
+cd front-end
+npm install
+2. Start dev server
+npm start
+# CLI
+PyWorkflow also provides a command-line interface to execute pre-built workflows
+without the client or server running. The CLI is packaged in the `back-end`
+directory and can be accessed through a deployed Docker container, or locally
+through the `pipenv shell`.
+The CLI syntax for PyWorkflow is:
+pyworkflow execute workflow-file...
+For help reading from stdin, writing to stdout, batch-processing, and more
+[check out the CLI docs](docs/cli.md) for more information.
+# Tests
+PyWorkflow has several automated tests that are run on each push to the GitHub
+repository through GitHub Actions. The status of each can be seen in the various
+badges at the top of this README.
+PyWorkflow currently has unit tests for both the back-end (the PyWorkflow
+package) and the front-end (react-diagrams). There are also API tests
+using Postman to test the integration between the front- and back-ends. For more
+information on these tests, and how to run them, [read the documentation for more
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+# Command-line Interface
+PyWorkflow is first-and-foremost a visual programming application, designed to
+help data scientists and many others build workflows to view, manipulate, and
+output their data into new formats. Therefore, all workflows must first be
+created via the user-interface and saved for later execution.
+However, it may not always be ideal to have the client and server deployed
+locally or on a remote server just to run your workflows. Power-users want the
+ability to running multiple workflows at once, schedule workflow runs, and
+dynamically pass data from workflows via stdin/stdout in traditional shell
+scripts. This is where the inclusion of PyWorkflow's CLI really shines.
+## Command-line syntax
+pyworkflow execute workflow-file...
+### Commands
+#### Execute
+Accepts one or more workflow files as arguments to execute. PyWorkflow will load
+the file(s) specified and output status messages to `stdout`. If a workflow
+fails to run because of an exception, these will be logged to `stderr`.
+**Single-file example**
+pyworkflow execute ./workflows/my_workflow.json
+**Batch processing**
+Many shells offer different wildcards that can be used to work with multiple
+files on the command line, or in scripts. A useful one is the `*` wildcard that
+matches matches anything. Used in the following example, it has the effect of
+passing all files located within the `workflows` directory to the `execute`
+pyworkflow execute ./workflows/*
+## Using `stdin`/`stdout` to modify workflows
+Two powerful tools when writing shell scripts are redirection and pipes, which
+allow you to dynamically pass data from one command to another. Using these
+tools, you can pass different data in to and out of workflows that define what
+standard behavior should occur.
+PyWorkflow comes with a Read CSV input node and Write CSV output node. When data
+is provided via `stdin` on the command-line, it will modify the workflow
+behavior to redirect the Read CSV node to that data. Similarly, if a destination
+is specified for `stdout`, the Write CSV node output will be redirected there.
+Input data can be passed to PyWorkflow in a few ways.
+1) Redirection
+# Data from sample_file.csv is passed to a Read CSV node
+pyworkflow execute my_workflow.json < sample_file.csv
+2) Pipes
+# Two CSV files are combined and passed in to a Read CSV node
+cat sample_file.csv more_data.csv | pyworkflow execute my_workflow.json
+# Data from a 'csv_exporter' tool is passed to a Read CSV node
+csv_exporter generate | pyworkflow execute my_workflow.json
+Output data can be passed from PyWorkflow in a few ways.
+1) Redirection
+# Output from a Write CSV node is stored in a new file 'output.csv'
+pyworkflow execute my_workflow.json > output.csv
+2) Pipes
+# Output from a Write CSV node is searched for the phrase 'foobar'
+pyworkflow execute my_workflow.json | grep "foobar"
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+# Custom Nodes
+The power of PyWorkflow comes from its support for custom nodes. New data
+science and other Python packages are being constantly developed. With custom
+nodes, you can write workflows tailored to your specific needs and packages
+needed for your specific field.
+Custom nodes were designed to be easily written and greatly expandable. You
+don't need to worry about React, Django, or any specifics of PyWorkflow to get
+started. All you need is:
+1) Create a `.py` file that subclass the main Node class.
+2) Add any parameters you need for your node might need for execution.
+3) Write an `execute()` method using your package of choice.
+4) That's it!
+The rest is handled for you, from flow variable overrides, to input data from
+other nodes in the workflow.
+# Getting started
+A custom node will look something like the following.
+from pyworkflow.node import Node, NodeException
+from pyworkflow.parameters import *
+import pandas as pd
+class MyCustomNode(Node):
+ name = "My Node Name"
+ num_in = 1
+ num_out = 1
+ "input": StringParameter(
+ "My Input Parameter",
+ default="",
+ docstring="A place to provide input"
+ )
+ }
+ def execute(self, predecessor_data, flow_vars):
+ try:
+ # Do custom node operations here
+ my_json_data = {"message": flow_vars["input"].get_value()}
+ return my_json_data
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise NodeException('my_node', str(e))
+Let's break it down to see how you can take this example and make your own
+custom node!
+## Imports
+All custom nodes require a few classes defined by the PyWorkflow package. In the
+example above, we import `Node`, `NodeException`, and all (`*`) classes from
+the `parameters.py` file. If you take a look at `pyworkflow/node.py`, you'll see
+there's several subclasses defined in addition to `Node`. These classes are
+described in their docstring comments and include:
+- FlowNode: for flow variable parameter overrides
+- IONode: for reading/writing data
+- ManipulationNode: for altering data
+- VizNode: for visualizing data with graphs, charts, etc.
+In the example above, we subclass the main `Node` class, but you can also
+import/subclass one of the others mentioned above depending on your use case.
+The final line, `import pandas as pd` is important as all PyWorkflow nodes use
+a pandas DataFrame as the atom of data representation. If your custom node
+reads or writes data, it must start or end with a pandas DataFrame.
+## Class attributes
+You'll see there are three class-level attributes defined in the example above.
+This information is used by both the front- and back-ends to properly display
+and validate your custom node. The attributes are:
+- `name`: The display name you want your node to have in the UI.
+- `num_in`: The number of 'in' ports your node accepts.
+- `num_out`: The number of 'out' ports your node accepts.
+## Parameter options
+The next part of the example is the `OPTIONS` dictionary that defines any number
+of parameters your custom node might need for execution. You can find out more
+about the different parameter types in `pyworkflow/parameters.py`, but for a
+general overview, there is:
+- `FileParameter`: accepts a file-upload in the configuration form
+- `StringParameter`: accepts any string input, displayed as ``
+- `TextParameter`: accepts any string input, but displayed as an HTML `