This project has the code that is on: the esp32s3s the jetson server database dashboard server and client
Getting started: plug in jetson to power, monitor, keyboard, mouse open terminal "sudo service hostapd start" enter username/passwd "sudo service dnsmasq start" can check with "sudo service hostapd status"
check for availability of jetstego network
cd /Documents/github/hardware/jetson nvm use v17 nvm ls (to see v17 is being used) node db_webservice/db_web_server.js (should start database service, listening on port 3001)
plug in sensor, data should start coming in
on jetson, cd /Documents/github/hardware/jetson-dashboard nvm use v17 nvm ls to confirm v17 npm start
on laptop, join jetstego, navigate to
Overall goal: develop a ESP32 based people counter with PIR, cameras and thermal cameras