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File metadata and controls

206 lines (141 loc) · 6.82 KB

API interface


  • Construction method

    levrt.Cr(image, schema, host, entry, cmd, env, files, links, ports, services)

  • Interface description::

    Define a docker image object and return. All subsequent tasks are executed in this image.

  • Parameter list

    Parameter name Type Is it mandatory Illustration default Example
    image str Yes Image name None levkit/nmap_python:v1.0
    schema str No The definition name of the data to be stored, the format is<namespace>/<name>@<major>.<minor>. None talentsec/[email protected]
    host boolean No Host network mode False
    entry method No Entry function call None
    cmd list[str] No Command line parameters [] ["--option", "-f"]
    env list[str] No Environment variable [] ["PATH=/bin", "DB_URI=..."]
    files dict[ str, File ] No Mount file, key: target absolute path, value:file content or local file path, {} {"/etc/config.json": json.dumps(...).encode(),"/data/blob": pathlib.Path("./local_path...")}
    links dict[ str, str ] No Host link alias {} {"proxy":}
    ports list[int] No Wait for the tcp port to be available [] [8000]
    services dict[str, Cr] No Dependent services, started before the main container runs and destroyed when the main container ends {} {"redis", Cr("redis:latest")}
  • Method

    class Cr:
        async def start(self) -> Task:
            Start a container and return the corresponding task.
        async def done(self) -> Document:
            Start a container, wait for the run to complete. It will return a document of its result data.
        def __await__(self):
            return self.done().__await__()


  • Construction method


  • method

    class Task:
        async def signal(self, signal="SIGINT"):
            Send Unix signals to the main container.
        async def done(self) -> Document:
            Wait for the main container to finish running.
        def __await__(self):
            return self.done().__await__()


  • Construction method


  • attribute

    • coll:

      mongodb collection

    • __filters:

      dict , _id field of stored data

  • method

    class Document:
        async def get(self, query=None, projection=None):
            Use __filters to get the corresponding document,
            Basically equivalent to the mongodb query statement: db.collection.findOne(query, projection)
            Get the dataset in document


  • Construction method


  • role

    Store data.

  • method

    # Store data.
    def set(self, data=None, **kwargs)
  • Example:

    import levrt
    from levrt import lev
    def scan(target: str):
        def entry():
            issues=["Some issues"]
            # Store data.
            lev.set(target=target, issues=issues)
        return Cr("...", "ts/[email protected]", entry=entry())
    async def main():
        doc = await scan("")
        assert {"target": "", "issues": ["Some issues"]} == await doc.get()
        assert doc.coll.collaction_name == "ts/[email protected]"
        # stored in ts/[email protected]
        with lev / "example":
            example = await scan("")
            # stored in example|ts/[email protected]
        with lev / "httpbin" / "org":
            httpbin = await scan("")
            # stored in httpbin|org|ts/[email protected]


  • Construction method


  • role

    Multithreaded execution task

  • method

    class Concurrent:
        def __init__(self, limit=None)
        def start(self, coroutine) -> asyncio.Task
  • Example

    async def current():
        urls = [...]
        # Multiple scan tasks will run at the same time, but at most 5.
        async with Concurrent(limit=5) as c:
            for url in urls:


  • Construction method annot.meta(exports, desc, params,cats,tags,ext)

  • role

    Used for descriptions of patterns/workflow functions, or exported modules.

  • Parameter description

    Parameter name Type Is it mandatory Illustration default Example
    export list No Current module exports None [raw, alive, port_os]
    desc str No Description ‘’ ”detect surviving hosts in LAN“
    params list No Parameter list [] [annot.Param("ip", "target ip to scan", holder="")]
    cats list | dict No Module or workflow category (refer to 14. FAQ appendix for details) None {
    Attck: [Attck.Reconnaissance],
    BlackArch: [BlackArch.Scanner]
    tags list[str] No Tool mode or workflow tags for searching [] [ 'nmap', 'scan' ]
  • Example

    Reference: 6. Build the security tool nmap code