The Zed Tiger character used as the mascot and/or logo for the Zedom8or project is a paid commissioned work by Heather Hitchman...
...I, David Quinn Ebert, assert that the use of the personally-commissioned works of Heather Hitchman in this freely-available software product are purely for non-commercial decorative purposes. Any and all donations and/or other incomes derived from the wholly-voluntary decisions of the users of this product are asserted to in no way be related to the use of these works in this product. However, I assert that in the event Heather Hitchman does so request, I will expediently remove all works of her creation from this project, or, provide any other reasonable remedy she should see fit. Such other remedies may include, but may not be limited to, additional payment for previously-completed works under the guise of use in commercial venues (and/or other related damages).