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Variable name Variable description
chick_ring_number Unique alpha numeric code on the aluminimum ring (band) fitted to the leg of the individual nestling. Each individual chick is listed in only one row in this datebase.
hatch_year Year the nestling hatched
hatch_nest_breed_ID "Unique numeric code corresponding to the clutch of eggs from which this row's chick hatched. Each time a single clutch of eggs was laid in a given nest box, that clutch was assigned a breeding ID. "
hatch_Area Letter code corresponding to the area (a.k.a. 'compartment') of the study site in which the chick hatched
hatch_Box Alpha numeric code corresponding to the individual nest box in which the chick was hatched. The code consists of the area code followed by the number of the nest box within that area.
hatch_mom_Ring Unique alpha numeric code on the aluminimum ring (band) fitted to the leg of the adult female attending to the nest in which the chick hatched. This female can be assumed to have laid the eggs in this nest and thus to be the mother of this chick.
hatch_nest_dad_Ring Unique alpha numeric code on the aluminimum ring (band) fitted to the leg of the adult male attending to the nest in which the chick hatched.
Extra-pair_paternity "Code indicating whether a molecular genetic paternity test identified the male attending the nest as the sire of the chick. ""1"" indicates a chick sired by a different ('extra-pair') male. ""2"" indicates a chick sired by the male attending the nest. "
Extra-pair_dad_ring "For chicks identified as not sired by the adult male attending the nest, the identity (unique alpha numeric code on the aluminimum ring fitted to the leg) of the sire. Note that for many 'extra-pair' sired chicks, the identity of the sire was unknown (because the sire had not been captured and genotyped by us). "
genetic_dad_ring_(WP_or_EP) Ring number for the sire of the chick (whether the sire was extra-pair or within-pair)
hatch_nest_LD The date of the first egg was laid ('lay date') in the clutch from which the chick hatched. 1 = April 1.
hatch_nest_CS The size of the clutch (number of eggs) from which the chick hatched.
hatch_nest_OH The date the eggs began to hatch in the clutch from which the chick hatched. 1 = April 1.
d0_hatch_nest_brood_size The number of live chicks in the nest of hatching immediately after eggs have hatched (can be fewer than clutch size if one or more eggs did not hatch)
d14_hatch_nest_brood_size "In the nest where the chick hatched, the number of live chicks in the nest at day 14 after hatching"
rear_nest_breed_ID "Unique numeric code corresponding to the brood of chick with which this row's chick was reared. Each time a single clutch of eggs were laid in a given nest box, that clutch was assigned a breeding ID. "
rear_area Letter code corresponding to the area (a.k.a. 'compartment') of the study site in which the chick was reared
rear_Box Alpha numeric code corresponding to the individual nest box in which the chick was reared. The code consists of the area code followed by the number of the nest box within that area.
rear_mom_Ring Unique alpha numeric code on the aluminimum ring (band) fitted to the leg of the adult female attending to the nest in which the chick was reared.
rear_dad_Ring Unique alpha numeric code on the aluminimum ring (band) fitted to the leg of the adult male attending to the nest in which the chick was reared.
rear_nest_trt "Nest experimental manipulation treatment code for the nest in which the chick was reared. '5' indicates a net increase in the number of chicks (brood size increased), '6' indicates a net decrease in the number of chicks (brood size decreased), '7' indicates no manipulation (no chicks added or removed). "
home_or_away Indicates whether the chick was reared in the nest in which it hatched or had been moved by an experimenter to another nest. 1 = home (reared in nest of hatching); 2 = away (reared in transplanted nest)
rear_nest_LD The date of the first egg was laid ('lay date') in the nest in which the chick was reared. 1 = April 1.
rear_nest_CS The size of the clutch (number of eggs) in the nest in which the chick was reared
rear_nest_OH The date the eggs began to hatch in the nest in which the chick was reared. 1 = April 1.
rear_d0_rear_nest_brood_size The number of live chicks in the nest of rearing immediately after eggs have hatched (before chicks were moved among nests for the experiment)
rear_Cs_out Number of chicks removed by experimenters from nest in which the chick was reared
rear_Cs_in Number of chicks added by experimenters to nest in which the chick was reared
net_rearing_manipulation Net change in chick number in nest where chick reared
rear_Cs_at_start_of_rearing Number of chicks in nest of rearing immediately following experimental chick removals and additions
d14_rear_nest_brood_size "In the nest where the chick was reared, the number of live chicks in the nest at day 14 after hatching"
number_chicks_fledged_from_rear_nest "In the nest where the chick was reared, the number of chicks that survived to leave the nest"
Date_of_day14 date (1 = April 1) of 14th day after hatching
day_14_tarsus_length Length of chick tarsometatarus in mm at day 14 after hatching
day_14_weight mass of chick in grams at day 14 after hatching
day14_measurer Code corresponding to the identity of the person who measured the chick at day 14.
chick_sex_molec Sex of the chick based on molecular genetic analysis. 1 = female; 2 = male. Not all chicks were sexed.
chick_survival_to_first_breed_season Indicates whether the chick was documented as attempting to breed on the study site in any subsequent year