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Coca Cola Can 3D Rotation
+A single-page website showcasing an advertisement for 3D rotating Coca Cola can using CSS and HTML.
+This project uses CSS transforms and animations to create a 3D rotating effect on a Coca Cola can. The can rotates on hover, giving a realistic 3D effect.
+3D rotation of Coca Cola can on hover
+Responsive design for various screen sizes>
+Simple and clean HTML structure
+CSS-only animation for a seamless user experience
+Technologies Used
+No JavaScript used
+How to Use
+Clone this repository or download the zip file.
+Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the 3D rotating Coca Cola can.
+Hover over the can to see the 3D rotation effect.
+Browser Support
+This project has been tested on the following browsers:
+Google Chrome (latest version
+Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
+Safari (latest version)
+Microsoft Edge (latest version
+Coca Cola logo and branding used for demonstration purposes only.
+Inspired by various online tutorials and examples of 3D CSS transformations.
+Umesh Joshi (Ralph)
+You can replace (Ralph) with your actual name. Also, make sure to update the styles.css file and index.html file paths if they are different in your project.