Affecs the cost of developing the MPS to meet changing requirements.
Unable to proceed. See comment for reason.
It's very unclear what this means. Avoid.
Problems with builds and build automation
Inadequate test coverage of a feature
Will cause failure of the entire project
Will cause failure to meet customer requirements. Assign resources.
Project migration from Ravenbrook internal Perforce infrastructure to public git repo
This work is or would be of high risk of introducing defects.
affects the external interface to the MPS
This work is or would be of low risk of introducing defects.
Affects the cost of maintaining the MPS to meet current requirements.
Affects the cost of managing the MPS project
The issue needs analysis before it can be resolved.
Little impact; only do if low cost
Will cause failures / of benefit. Worth assigning resources.
Relates to Windows platform
Relates to macOS platform
Something needs doing, even if closed.
Affects the speed or space efficiency of the MPS in production
To do with process or procedure