SwiftyNarou is a Swift wrapper around the Narou API. In addition to supporting all of the API's function calls, SwiftyNarou also enables the user to retrieve novel contents by providing an ncode. Inspired by narou4j by nshiba (https://github.com/nshiba/narou4j).
Add pod 'SwiftyNarou'
to your Podfile and run pod install
To use, import SwiftyNarou
As of version 1.1.0, you must specify the .JSON as the file format because only the JSON parser has been implemented.
let request = NarouRequest(
bigGenre: .fantasy,
... (more request params)
responseFormat: NarouResponseFormat(
fileFormat: .JSON, // this is mandatory for now.
fields: [.ncode, .title, .author, ...] // select columns to return (highly recommended)
limit: 10, // recommended
... (more output formatting)
Narou.fetchNarouApi(request) { data, error in
if err != nil, let count:Int, res: [NarouResponse] = data {
// do something
, does not dispatch to the main queue, so any completion logic must include a dispatch.
let request = NarouRequest(
bigGenre: .fantasy,
... (more request params)
responseFormat: NarouResponseFormat(
fileFormat: .JSON, // this is mandatory for now.
fields: [.ncode, .title, .author, ...] // select columns to return (highly recommended)
limit: 10, // recommended
... (more output formatting)
Narou.fetchNarouApiRaw(request) { data, error in
if err != nil, let res: [NarouResponse] = data {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// do something
let ncode = "n12345"
Narou.fetchNovelIndex(ncode) { data, error in
if err != nil, let novelIndex = data {
// do something
let ncode = "n12345"
Narou.fetchSectionContent(ncode) { data, error in
if err != nil, let novelIndex = data {
// do something