A Task-based parallelization framework.
is a framework that makes it easy to write defered, data parallel computations that are executed concurrently across a local machine. It can scale up to millions of tasks per Graph and can be useful for a number of different applications:
- Data processing.
- All-Reduce operations.
- Distributed machine learning algorithms.
- General parallel computing.
Tange defines a Deferred
struct which represents a computation. Deferred
objects are accessed with three simple functions:
- Lift takes a concrete value and lifts it into a Deferred objectapply
- Apply applies a function to a Deferred, producing a new Deferred object.join
- Join combines two Deferred objects with a joiner function, producing a new Deferred.
use tange::deferred::Deferred;
use tange::scheduler::GreedyScheduler;
// Create two Deferred object
let hello = Deferred::lift("Hello".to_owned(), None);
let world = Deferred::lift("World".to_owned(), None);
// Add an exclamation mark to "World"
let world_exclaim = world.apply(|w| format!("{}!", w));
// Join the words!
let hello_world = hello.join(&world_exclaim, |h, w| format!("{} {}", h, w));
assert_eq!(hello_world.run(&GreedyScheduler::new()), Some("Hello World!".into()));
Let's count all the words across a directory.
extern crate tange;
use tange::scheduler::GreedyScheduler;
use tange::deferred::{Deferred,batch_apply,tree_reduce};
use std::io::{BufReader,BufRead};
use std::env::args;
use std::io;
use std::fs::{File, read_dir};
use std::path::Path;
fn read_files(dir: &Path, buffer: &mut Vec<Deferred<String>>) -> io::Result<()> {
if dir.is_dir() {
for entry in read_dir(dir)? {
let entry = entry?;
let path = entry.path();
if path.is_dir() {
read_files(&path, buffer)?;
} else {
let p = path.to_string_lossy().into_owned();
buffer.push(Deferred::lift(p, None));
fn main() {
let mut defs = Vec::new();
for path in args().skip(1) {
read_files(&Path::new(&path), &mut defs).expect("Error reading directory!");
if defs.len() == 0 {
panic!("No files to count!");
// Read a file and count the number of words, split by white space
let counts = batch_apply(&defs, |_idx, fname| {
let mut count = 0usize;
if let Ok(f) = File::open(&fname) {
let mut br = BufReader::new(f);
for maybe_line in br.lines() {
if let Ok(line) = maybe_line {
for p in line.split_whitespace() {
if p.len() > 0 {
count += 1;
} else {
eprintln!("Error reading {}, skipping rest of file...", fname);
// Sum the counts
let total = tree_reduce(&counts, |left, right| left + right)
.expect("Can't reduce if there are no files in the directory!");
let count = total.run(&GreedyScheduler::new()).unwrap();
println!("Found {} words", count);