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Merge pull request #163 from RemoteSensingTools/truncation
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Correct δBGE truncation
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cfranken authored Sep 4, 2023
2 parents 93a314c + 4ac71ef commit 56065cc
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 6 deletions.
142 changes: 136 additions & 6 deletions src/Scattering/truncate_phase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,16 +11,15 @@ Returns the truncated aerosol optical properties as [`AerosolOptics`](@ref)
- `mod` a [`δBGE`](@ref) struct that defines the truncation order (new length of greek parameters) and exclusion angle
- `aero` a [`AerosolOptics`](@ref) set of aerosol optical properties that is to be truncated
function truncate_phase(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics{FT}; reportFit=false) where {FT}
function truncate_phase_lowconf(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics{FT}; reportFit=false) where {FT}
@unpack greek_coefs, ω̃, k = aero
@unpack α, β, γ, δ, ϵ, ζ = greek_coefs
@unpack l_max, Δ_angle = mod

# Obtain Gauss-Legendre quadrature points and weights for phase function:
μ, w_μ = gausslegendre(length(β));
μ = convert.(FT,μ)
w_μ = convert.(FT,w_μ)

# Reconstruct phase matrix elements:
scattering_matrix, P, P² = reconstruct_phase(greek_coefs, μ; returnLeg=true)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ function truncate_phase(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics{FT}; reportFit=false) wh
# W₁₂ = Diagonal(w_μ[iμ]);
# W₃₄ = Diagonal(w_μ[iμ]);
# Julia backslash operator for least squares (just like Matlab);
cl = ((W₁₁ * A) \ (W₁₁ * y₁₁)) # B in δ-BGE (β)
cl = ((W₁₁ * A) \ (W₁₁ * y₁₁)) # B in δ-BGR (β)
γᵗ = similar(cl); γᵗ[1:2] .=0
ϵᵗ = similar(cl); ϵᵗ[1:2] .=0
γᵗ[3:end] = ((W₁₂ * B) \ (W₁₂ * y₁₂)) # G in δ-BGE (γ)
Expand All @@ -70,14 +69,13 @@ function truncate_phase(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics{FT}; reportFit=false) wh
c₀ = FT(cl[1]) # ( w_μ' * (P[:,1:l_max] * cl) ) / 2

# Compute truncated greek coefficients:
βᵗ = cl / c₀ # Eq. 38a, B in δ-BGE (β)
βᵗ = cl / c₀ # Eq. 38a, B in δ-BGR (β)
δᵗ = (δ[1:l_max] .- (β[1:l_max] .- cl)) / c₀ # Eq. 38b, derived from β
αᵗ = (α[1:l_max] .- (β[1:l_max] .- cl)) / c₀ # Eq. 38c, derived from β
ζᵗ = (ζ[1:l_max] .- (β[1:l_max] .- cl)) / c₀ # Eq. 38d, derived from β

# Adjust scattering and extinction cross section!
greek_coefs = GreekCoefs(αᵗ, βᵗ, γᵗ, δᵗ, ϵᵗ, ζᵗ )
#@show typeof(greek_coefs)

# C_sca = (ω̃ * k);
# C_scaᵗ = C_sca * c₀;
Expand All @@ -87,3 +85,135 @@ function truncate_phase(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics{FT}; reportFit=false) wh
return AerosolOptics(greek_coefs=greek_coefs, ω̃=ω̃, k=k, fᵗ=(FT(1) - c₀))

$(FUNCTIONNAME)(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics))
Returns the truncated aerosol optical properties as [`AerosolOptics`](@ref)
- `mod` a [`δBGE`](@ref) struct that defines the truncation order (new length of greek parameters) and exclusion angle
- `aero` a [`AerosolOptics`](@ref) set of aerosol optical properties that is to be truncated
function truncate_phase(mod::δBGE, aero::AerosolOptics{FT}; reportFit=false) where {FT}
@unpack greek_coefs, ω̃, k = aero
@unpack α, β, γ, δ, ϵ, ζ = greek_coefs
@unpack l_max, Δ_angle = mod

l_tr = l_max
# Obtain Gauss-Legendre quadrature points and weights for phase function:
μ, w_μ = gausslegendre(length(β));

# Reconstruct phase matrix elements:
scattering_matrix, P, P² = reconstruct_phase(greek_coefs, μ; returnLeg=true)

@unpack f₁₁, f₁₂, f₂₂, f₃₃, f₃₄, f₄₄ = scattering_matrix

# Find elements that exclude the peak (if wanted!)
= findall(x -> x < cosd(Δ_angle), μ)

# Prefactor for P2:
fac = zeros(FT,l_tr);
for l = 2:l_tr - 1
fac[l + 1] = sqrt(FT(1) / ( ( l - FT(1)) * l * (l + FT(1)) * (l + FT(2)) ));

# Create subsets (for Ax=y weighted least-squares fits):
y₁₁ = view(f₁₁, iμ)
y₁₂ = view(f₁₂, iμ)
y₃₄ = view(f₃₄, iμ)

#= for β
Ax=b, where
Aᵢⱼ = ∑ₖ w_μₖ Pᵢ(μₖ)Pⱼ(μₖ)/f₁₁²(μₖ), xᵢ=cᵢ (as in Sanghavi & Stephens 2015), and
bᵢ = ∑ₖ w_μₖ Pᵢ(μₖ)/f₁₁(μₖ)
A = zeros(l_tr, l_tr)
x = zeros(l_tr)
b = zeros(l_tr)

for i = 1:l_tr
b[i] = sum(w_μ.*P[:,i]./f₁₁)
A[i,i] = sum(w_μ.*(P[:,i]./f₁₁).^2)
for j = i+1:l_tr
A[i,j] = sum(w_μ.*P[:,i].*P[:,j]./(f₁₁.^2))
A[j,i] = A[i,j]
cl = A\b # Julia backslash operator for SVD (just like Matlab);
# B in δ-BGR (β)
if reportFit
println("Errors in δ-BGE fits:")
mod_y = convert.(FT, A * cl)
@show StatsBase.rmsd(mod_y, y₁₁; normalize=true)

#= for γ
Ax=b, where
Aᵢⱼ = ∑ₖ w_μₖ facᵢP²ᵢ(μₖ)facⱼP²ⱼ(μₖ)/f₁₂²(μₖ), xᵢ=gᵢ (as in Sanghavi & Stephens 2015), and
bᵢ = ∑ₖ w_μₖ facᵢP²ᵢ(μₖ)/f₁₂(μₖ)
A = zeros(l_tr, l_tr)
x = zeros(l_tr)
b = zeros(l_tr)

for i = 3:l_tr
b[i] = fac[i]*sum(w_μ.*P²[:,i]./f₁₂)
A[i,i] = (fac[i])^2*sum(w_μ.*(P²[:,i]./f₁₂).^2)
for j = i+1:l_tr
A[i,j] = fac[i]*fac[j]*sum(w_μ.*P²[:,i].*P²[:,j]./(f₁₂.^2))
A[j,i] = A[i,j]
γᵗ = similar(cl); γᵗ[1:2] .=0
γᵗ[3:end] = A[3:end,3:end] \ b[3:end] # G in δ-BGE (γ)

if reportFit
println("Errors in δ-BGE fits:")
mod_γ = convert.(FT, B * γᵗ[3:end])
@show StatsBase.rmsd(mod_γ, y₁₂; normalize=true)

#= for ϵ
Ax=b, where
Aᵢⱼ = ∑ₖ w_μₖ facᵢP²ᵢ(μₖ)facⱼP²ⱼ(μₖ)/f₁₂²(μₖ), xᵢ=eᵢ (as in Sanghavi & Stephens 2015), and
bᵢ = ∑ₖ w_μₖ facᵢP²ᵢ(μₖ)/f₃₄(μₖ)
A = zeros(l_tr, l_tr)
x = zeros(l_tr)
b = zeros(l_tr)

for i = 3:l_tr
b[i] = fac[i]*sum(w_μ.*P²[:,i]./f₃₄)
A[i,i] = (fac[i])^2*sum(w_μ.*(P²[:,i]./f₃₄).^2)
for j = i+1:l_tr
A[i,j] = fac[i]*fac[j]*sum(w_μ.*P²[:,i].*P²[:,j]./(f₃₄.^2))
A[j,i] = A[i,j]

ϵᵗ = similar(cl); ϵᵗ[1:2] .=0
ϵᵗ[3:end] = A[3:end,3:end] \ b[3:end] # E in δ-BGE (ϵ)

if reportFit
println("Errors in δ-BGE fits:")
mod_ϵ = convert.(FT, B * ϵᵗ[3:end])
@show StatsBase.rmsd(mod_ϵ, y₃₄; normalize=true)

# Integrate truncated function for later renormalization (here: fraction that IS still scattered):
c₀ = FT(cl[1]) # ( w_μ' * (P[:,1:l_max] * cl) ) / 2

# Compute truncated greek coefficients:
βᵗ = cl / c₀ # Eq. 38a, B in δ-BGR (β)
δᵗ = (δ[1:l_tr] .- (β[1:l_tr] .- cl)) / c₀ # Eq. 38b, derived from β
αᵗ = (α[1:l_tr] .- (β[1:l_tr] .- cl)) / c₀ # Eq. 38c, derived from β
ζᵗ = (ζ[1:l_tr] .- (β[1:l_tr] .- cl)) / c₀ # Eq. 38d, derived from β

# Adjust scattering and extinction cross section!
greek_coefs = GreekCoefs(αᵗ, βᵗ, γᵗ, δᵗ, ϵᵗ, ζᵗ )

# C_sca = (ω̃ * k);
# C_scaᵗ = C_sca * c₀;
# C_ext = k - (C_sca - C_scaᵗ);
#@show typeof(ω̃), typeof(k),typeof(c₀)
# return AerosolOptics(greek_coefs = greek_coefs, ω̃=C_scaᵗ / C_ext, k=C_ext, fᵗ = 1-c₀)
return AerosolOptics(greek_coefs=greek_coefs, ω̃=ω̃, k=k, fᵗ=(FT(1) - c₀))

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