A plugin which allows you to implement voice chat into your game.
We are aiming to have the following features:
- Drop in and use it right away, no insane complex rocket calculations to configure it. 🚀
- Opus codec support
- Mute support for individual speakers or global
- Echo cancellation
- Sensible default settings
- Simplified examples under /examples/
- Optional ability to stream and play arbitrary streams to clients (stretch goal)
Is it a module or a gdextension:
- It will be both
- Must have documentation
- Ideally works on all platforms godot supports
Simple to use nodes:
- VoIPAudioStreamPlayer2D - 3D positional
- VoIPAudioStreamPlayer2D - 2D positional
- VoIPAudioStreamPlayer - non positional
Advanced nodes - which can be used for custom cases (like sending arbitrary non mic input)
- VoIPCapture extends AudioEffectCapture - microphone input
- VoIPAudioStream extends AudioStream
- Use separate networking thread or audio thread, or both.
- We will look at using PacketPeer for handling our networking so that the implementation of the network is split from the plugin.
- Godot has done the heavy lifting here so we should just re-use
- Should provide a very short 5 line explanation of how to use it
- Should have a docs page for the complex portions