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Contributing to interactive_media_ads

Please start by taking a look at the general guide to contributing to the flutter/packages repo:

Package Structure

The structure of this plugin is similar to a federated plugin, except the code for each package (platform interface, platform implementations, and app-facing interface) are maintained in this single plugin. The sections below will provide an overview of how this plugin implements each portion.

If you are familiar with changing federated plugin in the flutter/packages repo, the process is similar except that all changes are made in this plugin. Therefore, it is not necessary to run the script that makes dependencies path based.

Quick Overview

This plugin uses the native IMA SDKs for Android and iOS. The API for the SDK of both platforms are relatively similar, so this plugin attempts to maintain an interface that is similar to the native SDKs.

The app-facing interface uses delegation to interact with the underlying platform implementations. Therefore, the platform interface is similar to the app-facing interface with the differences being explained in the sections below. Many app-facing interface classes will contain a platform field that is used to forward handling to the platform implementation:

// App-facing class used by apps
class AdsLoader {
  final PlatformAdsLoader platform;
  Future<void> requestAds(AdsRequest request) {
    return platform.requestAds(request);

// Platform interface class implemented by each platform
abstract base class PlatformAdsLoader {
  Future<void> requestAds(AdsRequest request);

The platform variable should also be used to provide access to platform specific methods or platform specific creation parameters:

final AdsLoader loader = AdsLoader();
(loader.platform as AndroidAdsLoader).callAndroidSpecificMethod();

The other classes/enums included in the app-facing interface are typically exported from the platform interface. A data class being a good example of a class that is exported.

Platform Interface

Code location: lib/src/platform_interface/.

This declares an interface that each platform must implement to be supported by the app-facing interface.

The design of the platform interface should prioritize:

  • Minimizing the chances of needing a breaking change when adding a new feature.
  • Allowing platform implementations to easily add platform specific features.
  • Being straight-forward to write unit tests.

Each platform creates a subclass of the central InteractiveMediaAdsPlatform class. A platform implementation is set by setting InteractiveMediaAdsPlatform.instance to an instance of a platform implementation of InteractiveMediaAdsPlatform.

Platform Interface Class Types

Below are some of the types of classes in the interface.

Delegate Platform Class

These are classes where the app-facing interface needs to delegate handling to the platform implementation. These classes are typically prefixed with Platform.

If the corresponding app-facing class can be instantiated by the app (e.g. AdsLoader), the InteractiveMediaAdsPlatform.instance field should be used in a factory to instantiate the correct platform implementation. See PlatformAdsLoader as an example. This class should should also take a creation params class as the only constructor parameter.

If the corresponding app-facing class can't be instantiated by the app (e.g. AdsManager), the class should only have a single protected constructor. See PlatformAdsManager.

If the corresponding app-facing class needs to be a Widget (e.g. AdDisplayContainer), this should follow the same pattern as being instantiable by the app except it should contain a single method: Widget build(BuildContext). See PlatformAdDisplayContainer.


Every method should contain no more than one parameter. This allows the platform interface and platform implementations to add new features without requiring a breaking change.

Data Classes

These classes contain only fields and no methods. Each data class should be made @immutable.

Platform Implementations

Code location:

  • Android: lib/src/android/
  • iOS: lib/src/ios/

The platform implementations create a subclass of InteractiveMediaAdsPlatform and implement the platform classes that are returned by this.

SDK Wrappers

The platform implementations use Dart wrappers of their native SDKs. The SDKs are wrapped using using the pigeon package. However, the code that handles generating the wrappers for iOS is still in the process of review, so this plugin must use a git dependency in the pubspec.

The wrappers for the SDK of each platform can be updated and modified by changing the pigeon files:

  • Android: pigeons/interactive_media_ads_android.dart
  • iOS: pigeons/interactive_media_ads_ios.dart

The generated files are located:

  • Android:
    • lib/src/android/interactive_media_ads.g.dart
    • android/src/main/kotlin/dev/flutter/packages/interactive_media_ads/InteractiveMediaAdsLibrary.g.kt
  • iOS
    • lib/src/ios/interactive_media_ads.g.dart
    • ios/interactive_media_ads/Sources/interactive_media_ads/InteractiveMediaAdsLibrary.g.swift

To update a wrapper for a platform, follow the steps:

1. Ensure the project has been built at least once
  • Android: Run flutter build apk --debug in example/.
  • iOS: Run flutter build ios --simulator in example/
2. Make changes to the respective pigeon file that matches the native SDK
  • Android:
    • Android SDK
    • Pigeon file to update: pigeons/interactive_media_ads_android.dart
  • iOS:
    • iOS SDK
    • Pigeon file to update: pigeons/interactive_media_ads_ios.dart

Once the file is updated, run pigeon to update generated code with the changes.

3. Update the generated APIs in native code

Running the flutter build step from step 1 again should provide build errors and indicate what needs to be done. Alternatively, it can be easier to update native code with the platform's specific IDE:

  • Android: Open example/android/ in a separate Android Studio project.
  • iOS: Open example/ios/ in Xcode.
4. Write API tests

Assuming a non-static method or constructor was added to the native wrapper, a native test will need to be added.

  • Android native tests location: android/src/test/kotlin/dev/flutter/packages/interactive_media_ads/
  • iOS native tests location example/ios/RunnerTests/

Dart Unit Testing

Tests for the platform implementations use mockito to generate mock objects of the native Dart wrappers. To generate the mock objects in test/, run mockito.

App-facing Interface

Code location: lib/src/

The app-facing interface shares the same structure as the platform interface and uses delegation to forward handling to the platform implementation. Note a few differences from the platform interface:

  • Constructors and methods can contain more than one parameter.
  • Platform classes can be instantiated with a platform implementation or creation params of the corresponding platform interface class. See AdsLoader.fromPlatform and AdsLoader.fromPlatformCreationParams.

Recommended Process for Adding a New Feature

1. Create a new feature request issue in the flutter/flutter repo.


2. In that issue add the specific native classes/methods that this feature requires for each platform:

Add a note if this feature only exist for a single platform.

3. Add a design where the feature can be added to the platform interface and app-facing interface.

If this is only supported on a single platform, add where it can be added in the platform implementation.

4. Work can be started on the feature request or you can wait for feedback from a Flutter contributor.