phpIPAM is an open-source web IP address management application. Its goal is to provide light and simple IP address management application. It is ajax-based using jQuery libraries, it uses php scripts and javascript and some HTML5/CSS3 features, so some modern browser is preferred to be able to display javascript quickly and correctly.
- Features & Tools
- Requirements & Installation
- API guide
- Update
- Demo page (Login:
Admin / ipamadmin
- MASTER: Current development release
- 1.4: Productional branch for 1.4.x release
- 1.3: Productional branch for 1.3.x release
- 1.2: Productional branch for 1.2.x release (obsolete)
- Other branches: Feature testing
Just run php functions/scripts/reset-admin-password.php
in the cli and enter your new password
The Default credentials for a new instance of phpIPAM are the same as the credentials for
the demo page: Admin / ipamadmin
See misc/Roadmap
Special thanks are going also to the Hosterdam team ( for the VPS server that is used for development of phpIPAM and for demo site.
And also to all users that filed a bug report / feature report and helped with feature testing!
phpIPAM is released under the GPL v3 license, see misc/gpl-3.0.txt.